Friday 26 April 2013

china glaze - winter holly (holiday joy collection)

dok smo još mislili da holiday joy kolekcija od china glaze nikad neće stići u srbiju, winter holly je bio taj za kojim sam najviše patila. drago mi je da je konačno sunčano, pa da mogu da pokažem ovaj lak u svoj njegovoj lepoti.
while we had the information that china glaze's holiday joy will never come to serbia, winter holly was the one i was really pining for! so, i'm happy that it's finally sunny so that i can look at it in its full beauty!

mogu da vidim zašto je ovaj lak odličan za zimske praznike, baš ima nekakav praznični izgled. sitne zelene šljokice su gusto raspoređene u bezbojnoj bazi, sa zlatnim holo šljokicama kao dodatkom koji ga čini divno svetlucavim!

iako je pokrivenost prilično slaba posle prvog sloja, sa drugim se odlično nadogradi. namazala sam malo deblji drugi sloj, i bila sam sigurna da imam savršenu pokrivenost, ali na slikama se malo vidi linija nokta, koja je gotovo neprimetna uživo. za duže nokte ipak preporučujem ili treći sloj, ili nekog dugog zelembaća kao bazu,

kada se osiši, ima nekako mat teksturni finiš (poput liquid sand), kao što se može videti na slikama na kraju stranice. pošto sam htela sjajnu završnicu, dodala sam jedan sloj nadlaka, pa posle par sati još jedan.

prirodna svetlost:
i can see why this one is perfect for winter holidays, it really has a sort of festive look about it. the tiny forest green glitter is really densely suspended in a clear base, with some gold holographic glitter that really makes it sparkle.

even though the first coat is a bit thin, it builds up nicely. i added a bit thicker second coat and thought i had a perfect coverage, but you can see some visible nail line in the pics, although it's minimal in real life. so, for longer nails, i reccomend either three coats or maybe a green polish as a base.

on its own, it has a matte, textury finish (liquid sand-type), as you can see from the pics at the end of the post. i really wanted to have it glossy, so i added one layer of top coat, and after a couple of hours, a second.

natural light:

Tuesday 23 April 2013

dior delice 433 (sparkling shine)

da, nisam mogla da odolim tako da sam uzela i delice iz Dior Addict Gloss Le Vernis kolekcije. diablotine me je već oduševio, pa nisam mogla da odolim da uzmem poslednju bočicu delice u parfimeriji. ovde pada kiša već tri dana, ali nisam više mogla da čekam da ga probam, pa iako su boje na slikama verne, moguće da ću ih zameniti kada ga budem nosila na sunčanom danu.
yup, i succumbed and got delice from Dior Addict Gloss Le Vernis collection. i was so impressed by diablotine, and just couldn't miss the opportunity to get the last one at my regular drugstore. it's been raining for the last three days but i couldn't wait to try it. even though the colors are faithful, i may exchange these photos once i make them on a more sunny day.

delice je moj prvi skok u koralce. dok diablotine naginje ka crvenom delu koralnog spektra, delice ide ka narandžastom. boja je vrlo živahna, sa roze, breskvastim i srebrnim šimerom. mislim da je ovo savršen lak za sunčane letnje dane.

formula je stvarno odlična, bez ikakvih problema pri mazanju i zamalo je jednoslojac. ponovo, kao kod diablotine, sam po sebi nema neki visoki sjaj, tako da preporučujem nadlak.

prirodna svetlost:
delice is my first jump into the coral shades. while diablotine leans toward the red part of the coral spectrum, delice goes to the orange. it's a very vibrant color, with pink, peach and silver shimmer. it's a perfect shade for those sunny summer days.

formula was top notch,  no problems with the application and it's practically a one-coater. again, as in the case of diablotine, it doesn't have a high shine on its on, so the top coat is recommended.

natural light:

Sunday 21 April 2013

sponge crackle: essence crack me! black over essence sparkling champagner

sinoć sam proučavala folder sa neobjavljenim slikama, i otkrila da nikad nisam napravila ovaj sponge crackle post, u kom sam koristila essence crack me! black preko  sparkling champagner. slike su iz decembra.
i was going through my unpublished pictures and found out that i never made a post about this sponge crackle manicure, using essence crack me! black over sparkling champagner, that i made back in december.

htela sam da isprobam ovu tehniku od kad sam je videla na colorsofmynails blogu. na kraju sam napravila i istu kombinaciju boja kao ona, ali to nije bilo u planu. namazala sam essence sparkling champagner, ali je moj btgnts bio pri kraju a ja uporna da potrošim i poslednju kap, i kao rezultat sam dobila poneki mehurić. pošto mi se nije menjao lak, rešila sam da zamaskiram štetu ovim interesantnom tehnikom, gde crackle lak nanosite sunđerom. sviđa mi se rezultat, i sigurno ću ponoviti sa drugom kombinacijom boja.

prirodna svetlost:
i've been meaning to do this technique ever since i saw it in colorsofmynails blog. it seems that i did the similar color combo as her, but this wasn't really the plan: i intended to wear sparkling champagner, but my btgn top sealer was at it's finish but i was persistent to use even the last drop, and as a result, i got a few bubbles after drying. i wasn't in the mood to change the polish, so i decided to mask it with this interesting approach, where you apply crackle polish with a sponge. i like the result, and i will definitely do it again with different color combos.

natural light:

Friday 19 April 2013

chanel - coco blue (les jeans)

bila sam potpuno sigurna da sam pisala o bar jednom laku iz divnog chanel-ovog trija plavaca (iz les jeans kolekcije za fashion night out 2011), ali očigledno da nisam, pa u duhu svetloplavog petka, nosim coco blue.
i was completely sure i posted pictures of at least one of the chanel's polishes from THE blue trio (les jeans collection for fashion's fight out 2011), but it seems that i haven't. so, in the spirit of a light blue friday, i'm wearing coco blue.

čudno (ili ne), ali ovo je moj prvi lak u bebi plavoj nijansi. nikad nisam volela ove boje, bile su mi girly u rangu sa barbi roze. verovatno je zato ovo bio i poslednji lak iz tria kog sam uzela, ali sam srećna što sam se na kraju ipak odlučila na to.

coco blue je hladna nebo-plava krema sa poznatim chanel-ovim suptilnim bisernim šimerom. u bočici, šimer je očigledan ali je na noktima jedva vidiljiv, i po mom mišljenju, funkcija mu je više da napravi formulu lakšu za mazanje jer ove bojice umeju da budu komplikovane. pod direktnim svetlom, boja je vrlo živahna. dok sam pregledala slike, pomislila sam da mi i nisu baš verne i da su mnogo jarke, pa sam stala na prozor i uverila se da lak na noktima zaista izgleda kao na slikama, dok je u zatvorenoj prostoriji efekat ublaženiji. ovo je jedna od onih boja za sva godišnja doba, i prilično sam je zavolela.

iz nekog razloga, bila sam apsolutno ubeđena da je neka od devojaka rekla da je formula loša. situacija je daleko od takve, dobra je, ne fantastična ali bez ikakvih problema pri mazanju.

prirodna svetlost:
surprisingly or not, this is my first sort of baby blue polish. i never was a fan of this particular shade, it was always too girly for me, somewhere in the lines with barbie pink. also, it was the last one of the trio that i got, but i'm happy that i did. 

coco blue is a cool- toned sky blue creme, with some of the chanel's famous pearly subtle shimmer. in the bottle, the shimmer is a bit in-your-face, but it is barely visible on the nails. in my opinion, it has the function to make the formula smoother and easier to apply. the color is really vibrant under the direct light. while i was going through the pictures, i thought, ok, this is too glowy, but then looked at my nails again and saw that they are faithfull. the effect is a bit muted when you are indoors. it is one of those colors for all seasons, and i've grown to really like it.

for some reason, i was completely sure i that i read somewhere that the formula is terrible, but it is good. not amazing and brilliant, but without any issues in applications.

natural light:

Thursday 18 April 2013

48. theme friday: magnetics

prođe i magnetni tematski petak, kog sam preskočila je nemam ni jednog! zato je cajka kraljica ove nedelje sa četiri različita laka!

od sutra imamo svetloplave nijanse, ja posedujem jednog ali vrednog i jedva čekam da ga pokažem!
the magnetic theme friday is over, and i skipped it since i don't own any. but, cayka is the queen of this collage, with four differenet manicures!

tomorrow starts the week of the light blue shades. i have only one polish that falls into that category, and i can't wait to show it!

Tuesday 16 April 2013

ysl - jade imperial 34

skoro sam kupila svoja prva dva ysl laka, i verujem da nije iznenađenje da sam se odlučila za jade imperial. originalno je deo njihove prolećne kolekcije, zajedno sa bronze pyrite, ali se sad još više nerviram što nisam i njega uzela, jer je jade imperiale postao deo standardne postavke.
i recently bought my first two ysl polishes, and i'm sure it's no wonder that i opted for jade imperial. it's part of their spring collection, together with bronze pyrite, and since i just realized it's now a part of a permanent collection, i'm even more angry that i didn't get bronze pyrite.

svi znamo da obožavam zelembaće, ali ovakav tip nijanse nisam imala u kolekciji. nijansa je poput žada, prašljava, muljava zelena krema.

zaljubljena sam u sve vezano za ovaj lak. formula i četkica su se popeli na prvo mesto na mojoj listi. za sve vas što ne volite široke četkice, verovatno neće biti ovoliko oduševljenja, ali za mene je čisto savršenstvo. formula je isto odlična, jednoslojac je i ima visok sjaj i bez nadlaka. na slikama nemam nadlak, i kao posledicu, blago vidljive prirodne brazde na noktu. kad se namaže nadlak, sve je ok, kao što možete videti na poslednjoj slici. ona je napravljena kad sam ga mazala prvi put, ali sam, na žalost, imala ostatke prethodnog laka, čega nisam bila svesna dok nisam pogledala slike :D

prirodna svetlost:
i am a big fan of greens, but this sort of shade was not a part of my collection. it's actually a jade, muted, dusty green creme. 

i'm in love with everything about this polish. the formula and the brush are now in the first place on my list. for all of you that don't like wide brushes, it would probably be a problem, but for me it's pure perfection. the formula is amazing also, it is a one coater and has a great shine on its own. i don't have a top coat, and  as a result, natural lines on my nails are a bit visible, but this isn't the case with a top coat, as you can see in the last picture. this is, actually, the second time i wore it, but the first time i had remains of a previous polish, that i wasn't aware of until i took the pics :D

natural light:

Sunday 14 April 2013

opi - stay the night (mariah carey collection)

mislim da je pravo vreme za još jedan opi liquid san lak, i posle can't let go, red je došao na stay the night.
i think it's time for another opi's liquid sand polish, and after can't let go, i decided on stay the night.

za mene je kombinacija crne i crvene uvek odlična. crna kremasta baza počinje da se suši sa nešto više sjaja nego can't let go, tako da je, i nakon što se osuši u teksturastu mat strukturu, za nijansu sjajniji. sviđa mi se kako crvenkasto-roze šljokice proviruju iz baze!

na dnu su slike sa dodatim nadlakom, i iako mi je i tako lep, interesantniji mi je bez.

prirodna svetlost:
opi's description: "make it last in this matte black with red glints".

the black and red combo is, at least to me, always a winner. the creme black base starts drying in a more glossy style than can't let go, so in the and, after drying to a texture matte finish, it is a bit shinier. i love the way the red-pink shimmer sneaks up from the base!

at the bottom of the page you can see the polish with the top coat. even though i find it interesting, i prefer it without.

natural light:

Friday 12 April 2013

nyx girls: sea of cortez ngp 200

skoro sam stajala ispred police sa nyx lakovima po prvi put, i pošto ih nisam očekivala, a ni znala da li ću se vratiti u radnju, nisam mogla da napravim istraživanje. uzela sam tri laka, i dva od njih odmah zamenila za druge. razlog: shvatila sam da kada otkrijem neki brend, uvek se hvatam za boje koje već imam. lak kog nisam zamenila je predivni sea of cortez (nemam informaciju kojoj kolekciji pripada).
i recently stood in front of a nyx counter for the first time, and since i didn't have the time to do the research because i didn't know if i'll be back in the shop, i took three polishes and immediately returned and exchanged two of them :D. the reason: i finally realized, when i discover a brand, i always go for the same colors i already own. but, one that i didn't exchange is magnificent sea of cortez (i can't find an info about the collection).

u stvari, on me je odmah podsetio na essence-ov choose me, jedan od mojih miljenika prema kome se ophodim kao prema svetom gralu. mazala sam ga samo dvaput, u strahu da ga ne potrošim jer je povučen.

sea of cortez je više nego savršen. baza vuče na žele stranu, plavo-petrolej tona, puna zlatnih flekica i zelenog šimera. komplikovano, zar ne? za duže nokte, preporučujem tri sloja, za slučajeve kao što je moj dovoljna su i dva. formula i četkica su dobri, i pošto je ovo moj prvi suret sa nyx girls lakovima, utisak je odličan!

sviđa mi se način na koji se boja menja u zavisnosti od osvetljenja. plava preovladava na prirodnoj svetlosti, dok zelena vodi na veštačkoj!

prirodna svetlost:
the thing is, i was immediately reminded of essence choose me, one of my favourites that i treat like a holy grail. i wore it only twice because i'm scared i'll run out, since it's discontinued.

sea of cortez is beyond amazing. the base is leaning toward jelly side, with the teal-blue color packed with gold flakes and green shimmer. complicated, isn't it? for longer nails, i suggest three coats, otherwise, like in my case, two is enough. formula and brush are good, it's my first contact with nyx girls polishes, and impression is great!

i love the way the color changes with lighting. it leans toward blue in natural light, while green shimmer leads the way in artificial!

natural light:

Thursday 11 April 2013

44.- 47. theme fridays

pošto me nije bilo neko vreme, ostala sam dužna četiri kolaža.

44. tematski petak je bio posvećen essence toperima, učestvovala sam dva puta, prvi put sa cool breeze preko essie midnight cami, a drugi sa juliom preko a england dorian gray.
since i was away and busy, i failed to make four collages, and i'm making up for it now.

44th theme friday was dedicated to essence toppers. i participated twice, the first combo was cool breeze over essie midnight cami, the second was julia over a england dorian gray.

45. tematski petak je bio posvećen splatter manikiru. na žalost, previše sam smotana da bih učestvovala.
45th theme friday was dedicated to splatter. unfortunately, i'm to clumsy to even consider doing it.

46. tematski petak je bio posvećen pastelnim bojama. čudno, ali ja u mojoj velikoj kolekciji nemam ni jednog pastelca!
46th theme friday was dedicated to pastel colors. strangely, there are no pastel polishes in my vast collection.

47. tematski petak je bio posvećen bakarnim i bronzanim nijansama. kao što rekoh u postu o opi take the stage, s kojim sam učstvovala, ova nijansa očigledno nije draga devojkama, tako da nas je učestvovalo samo četiri.
47th theme friday was dedicated to bronze and copper shades. as i said in the post about opi take the stage, that i wore for this ocassion, it's obvious that it's not a shade that many girls like to wear, since only the four of us participated.

sutra nas čekaju magnetni lakovi. i ovaj petak preskačem jer nemam ni jednog.
tomorrow's theme are magnetic polishes. i'm skipping this one, since i don't have any magnetic polishes.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

opi take the stage (burlesque collection)

moj prvi lak nakon pauze je take the stage. ispalo je sasvim slučajno da je i moj prethodni opi post bio iz burlesque kolekcije za praznike 2010. našla sam ga u korpici za 500 din na sajmu kozmetike, tako da se nadam da sad mogu da precrtam deutch ya want me, baby sa liste želja..
my first polish after a few weeks break is take the stage. this happened randomly, but my last opi post was also from the burlesque collection for 2010 holidays. it was in the less than 5€ basket in belgrade cosmetics fair, and now i only hope that this means i can cross deutch ya want me, baby from wl.

  opijev opis "narandžasti šimer stvoren za reflektore" (slobodan prevod :))

možda ste već primetili da baš volim ove zagorela pomoranža-bakarne šimere, iako je najveći deo komentara posle postova o njima kako vam ovakve nijanse baš i ne leže. da budem potpuno iskrena, nisam ubeđena da ove boje na meni stoje spektakularno, ali ih ipak obožavam.

ovaj lepotan ima neki unutrašnji sjaj, i kada je izložen direktnom suncu, zlatni mikrošimer baš dolazi do izražaja. formula je malo ređa nego obično, ali ništa što bi bilo problematično.

koristila sam bazu (opi start to finish) + dva sloja laka + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer fast dry).

prirodna svetlost, malo je bilo oblaka, ali malo i sunca:
opi's description: "an orange spotlight shimmer"

you may have noticed, but i am a big fan of those burnt orange, coppery shimmers, even though the majority of the comments after those posts is about how they're not really the reader's cup of tea. to be perfectly honest, i'm not sure that these polishes look particularly good on me, but i love them nonetheless

this baby has an amazing glow to it, and when it's under the direct light, the golden microshimmer looks really sparkly. the formula is a bit thin, though, but noting unmanageable.

i used base (opi start to finish) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer fast dry).

natural light, it was both cloudy and sunny when i took the pics:

Saturday 6 April 2013

new in: march 2013

za početak, moram da kažem da ne samo da sam bila neverovatno zauzeta prošlih nedelja, već sam dosta i putovala. iako sam potpuno zaljubljena u moj netbook za putovanja, nije baš od pomoći za sređivanje slika i blogovanje. nadam se da ću od ponedeljka da nastavim po svom standardnom rasporedu .

a sada, prošlomesečni noviteti. moram da priznam da imam još dva, jedan je bio predivan poklon a drugi pomalo impulsivna kupovina, ali nisam imala vremena da ih uslikam pa ću ih prikazati uz aprilske novitete.
i have to say that i was not only extremely busy in the past few weeks, but also traveling a lot. and, while i'm completely in love with my traveling netbook, it's not really helpful with editing photos for the blog, but i guess i'll continue with my usual posting schedule from monday.

on with the new polishes in the last month. i have to say that there are two more, one was a gift and the other a bit of an impusle purchase, but i didn't have the time to photograph them, so i'll present them in the april's list
essence miss universe - dior diablotine - depend 227

 opi mini mariah carey liquid sand:  get your number - can't let go - the impossible - stay the night

opis: my private jet - glacier bay blues -  austin-tatious turquoise - austin-tatious turquoise - your royal shine-ness - simmer and shimmer