Saturday 28 September 2013

dior spring ball 343 (sparkling shine )

već sam nosila (i oduševila se) diablotine i delice iz dior-ove sparkling shine kolekcije kad sam se odlučila da im dodam i spring ball, tako da sam preskočila samo princess.

ovo su prve slike sa moje nove lokacije, dok sam bila u potrazi za mestom za fotografisanje.
i already wore (and loved) dior's diablotine and delice from the sparkling shine collection when i decided to add spring ball to the party, missing out only on princess.

these are my first pics from my new location, while i was still searching for a perfect spot.

dvoumila sam se oko ovog laka jer obično ne nosim ovakve boje, ali nijansa je ista kao kod mojih najženstvenijih cvetnih letnjih pantalona pa sam pomislila da bi bili dobra kombinacija, i bila sam u pravu.

zaista se ne osećam prijatno sa ovim nijansama bilo na noktima ili u garderobi, ovo je veliki iskorak od mog standarda, ali dior me je potpuno očarao ovim šećernim bojama. spring ball je negde između koralne i breskvaste nijanse, pun srebrnkastog sitnog šimera. suptilniji je nego što sam očekivala, tako da se nisam osećala čudno dok sam ga nosila. kao što možete videti, ovo leto koje kod mene i dalje traje me je učinilo potpuno tamnoputom, a sigurna sam da bi mi ovaj lak bolje "legao" da imam svoj zimski bledi ten.

formula i aplikacija su bili prilično dobri, malo je gušći ali zbog pimera klizi kao puter. slike su napravljene u senci jer su mi tako slike bile vernije prirodi. poslednja je pod direktnim suncem pa je boja malo isprana.
i was a bit skeptical if this polish really is my cup of tea, but the shade was the same as my girlyest flowery summer trousers i own, and thought they would be a good match. i have to say it was a good choice.

i really don't feel comfortable wearing those colours both on nails or having them in my closet, it's way out my comfort zone, but dior did something to me with those sugary shades that made me so enchanted by them.  spring ball is somewhere between coral and peach shimmery cuteness. it is subtler than i expected, so i didn't feel that weird having it on my nails. as you can see, this neverending summer made me quite tanned, and i'm pretty sure i will like it more if i ever get back to my pale, winter skintone.

formula ad application were pretty good, it is on the thicker side  but the shimmer really makes it flow. the pictures were made in shade, because i found the color to be more faithfull this way. the last one is under direct sun so you can see that it's a bit washed up.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

essence sparkling champagner (cracking base base)

vreme je da predstavim jednog iz grupe mojih najstarijih lakova koji je odavno potrošen, iz prve essence cracking linije, bazna boja sparkling champagner.

it's time to show one of my oldest polishes that's been already emptied a while ago, from essence's first cracking line, a base color sparkling champagner.

ovo je bio period kada sam otkrila da postoje i druge boje sem crne, ali nisam imala pojma šta mi se sviđa inudi. tada sam uzela obe baze i sparkling silver se zadržao na listi mojih nosivih boja, dok stvarno ne znam šta mi je bilo u glavi kad sam uzela sparkling champagner!

ovo je školski primer prljavo bisernog frosty laka. boja stvarno podseća na šampanjac. potezi četkicom su vrlo vidljivi, što se i očekuje kod ovakve završnice.  sem prvog puta i kada sam napravila ove slike, nisam ga nosila samog jer je meni ovo tipična boja za starije godpođe. nosila sam ga uglavnom kako su ga u essence i zamislili, kao bazu za crni crackle,  a kombinaciju sa sunđerom ste mogli da vidite ovde.

prirodna svetlost:
it was that time when i discovered that there are more colors other than black, but had no idea what i liked. i got both bases, and sparkling silver turned out to be in the color area i still wear, but with champagner i had no idea what i was thinking :)

it is a textbook example of a dirty pearly frosty polish. the colour really reminds of champagne. you can see brush strokes a lot, because of the finish. other than first time and when i took those pictures, i never wore it on it's own, since it is, at least for me, a typical older lady polish. i wore it a lot as it was expected, as a base for black crackle, a sponge crackle combo can be seen here.

natural light:

Saturday 21 September 2013

ysl mauve naif

vreme je za još jedno ysl savršenstvo, ovaj put prikazujem 16 mauve naif.
it's time for another ysl beauty, this time i'm showing 16 mauve naif.

mislim da nije tajna da sam postala opsednuta ysl lakovima, a mauve naif je od početka bio na vrhu moje liste želja.

nijansa nije preterano jedinstvena, ali ja nisam imala ništa slično. volim ljubičaste kreme, ali nisam imala ni jednog iz tamnije porodice ljubičastih. ova nijansa je prelepa ljubičasta sa jakim plavim podtonom (na mojim slikama je za nijansu plavlji nego uživo). formula je očekivano fantastična, neverovatno laka za nanošenje i sa fantastičnom četkicom. ima visok sjaj, tako da sam rešila da preskočim nadlak.

prirodna svetlost:
it's far from secret that i'm obsessing with ysl polishes, and mauve naif was on top of my wish list from the beginning.

it's not the most unique shade in the world, but it's unique in my collection. i like my creme purples, but i didn't have any in the darker purple family. this one is gorgeous, purple with a strong blue undertone (in my pictures, the blue is just a little bit stronger than in real life). formula is fantastic, as expected, so easy to apply with a perfect brush and with amazing gloss on its own that i decided to skip the top coat.

natural light:

Tuesday 17 September 2013

china glaze - flying dragon (neon)

china glaze flying dragon je jedan od lakova koje nisam mogla da dočekam da dobijem. u tom periodu, ovog lepotana je bilo nemoguće naći u beogradu tako da, kad sam dobila informaciju da se pojavio (pre oko godinu dana) a ja van srbije, poslala sam jadnog md da ga kupi!
china glaze flying dragon is one of the polishes i was so anxious to get. at some point, this baby was so difficult to find in belgrade that when i got the info it was seen (this was about a year ago), and i wasn't in serbia, i sent my poor boyfriend to get it!

devojke ili vole ovaj lak ili se razočaraju, a ja sam i dalje u grupi jedan. postoje dve verzije, prva i starija je iz ink kolekcije iz 2008me i ona je tamnije ljubičasta. ova je novija, i ako neko zna kojoj kolekciji pripada, molim vas, napišite u komentaru!

ova verzija je svetla, gotovo magenta ljubičasta, sa plavim i roze zrnastim šljokicama. suše se polumat, što mi se prilično sviđa. formula je pomalo problematična (verovatno su ga zato zovu mat:)), ali, pošto sam ga već nosila, znala sam da su mi tri tanka sloja idealna.

sve u svemu, više mi se sviđa bez nadlaka.

prirodna svetlost, bez nadlaka: 
people either love it or get disappointed with it, and i'm still in group one. apparently, there are two versions, the first one is from the ink collection from 2008 and it's darker shade of purple. this one is newer, and if anyone knows which collection it belongs to, please, let me know!

this one is light, magenta-leaning purple, with blue ad pink particle-like shimmer. it dries semi-matte, which i rather like. the formula is a bit problematic (probably that's why the call it matte :)), but i already wore it so i knew that three thin coats are the way to go, at least for me.

bottom line, i prefer it without top coat.

natural light, no top coat

Saturday 14 September 2013

comparison: purple creme (pamplona, no spain, breakthrough, violine)

ovo poređenje sam odavno napravila, ali nije stizalo na red.

bilo je dosta priče o tome koliko je  ysl violine surealiste sličan opikama pamplona purple i no spain no gain , a ubacila sam i essence breakthrough u kombinaciju jer je to jedina druga ljubičasta krema koju imam (uz ysl mauve naif, ali on ima dosta jači plavi podton). 
i've had this comparison in my folder for a while, but always forgot to post it.

there was a lot of talk about how similar is ysl violine surrealiste to opi's pamplona purple and no spain no gain, and i decided to put in essence breakthrough in the mix, since it is the only other purple creme i have (other than ysl mauve naif, but that one has much stronger blue undertone). 
opi pamplona purple - essence breakthrough - ysl violine surrealiste - opi no spain no gain

Wednesday 11 September 2013

zoya beatrix (pixie dust summer)

beatrix is from the summer edition of zoya's pixie dust polishes. as usual, their description couldn't be more accurate: "tangerine metal sparkle in the exclusive zoya pixie dust textured, matte, foil twinkle formula".

i love everything about this polish, especially how the gold shimmer sparkles in this amazing vibrant orange base. i wore it three times this summer, the last time i took it to a 5 day festival, wore it the whole time, including the tent setting and all the unglamorous but fun stuff camping can give. all of that, without chipping! one of my dearest friends also loved it, so we were sporting matching manicures :)

formula and applications are typically without issues, drying time is about 20 minutes. 


Friday 6 September 2013

catrice run forest run! 340

konačno predstavljam jedan od mojih omiljenih lakova, catrice run forest run!

uvek kačim zvanične slike bočica, ali za ovaj nisam uspela da nađem. problem je što su ljudi u catrice promenili prvu, staru verziju verziju forest-a a zadržali ime, kao što možete videti na slici koju sam pozajmila sa parokeets bloga, pa promo slike nove bočice ne mogu da se nađu.
i will finally present one of my favourites, catrice's run forest run!

 i always post the official picture of the bottle, but i couldn't find one. the thing is, people at catrice changed the first and old version of forest but left the name, as you can see from the pic i borrowed from parokeets blog. so, now i can only find promo bottle pics from the old version.

ovaj lak, zajedno sa pool party at night, su bili moji prvi catrice lakovi i ostali su na mojoj listi omiljenih. mislim da nije teško shvatiti zašto volim forest: ovo je prelepa, svetla "trava" zelena krema sa odličom formulom. šteta da su ga povukli.

stvarno sam morala da jako mućkam bočicu da bih prikrila koliko je prazna, a planiram da potrošim svaku kap u njoj. baš sam slaba na ovaj lak, možda i zbog toga što sam baš dugo tražila zeleni lak da je izgledalo kao ostvarenje sna kad sam ga pronašla. u stara vremena, kad me lakovi nisu zanimali, mislila sam da lakovi poput ovog ne postoje, da je svet ispunjen samo crvenim i roze bojama a toliko sam želela zeleni lak :)
actually, this polish, together with pool party at night, were my first catrice polishes, and remain among my favorites. and i don't think i really need to explain why i love this one: this is the perfect, light "grass" green creme, with amazing formula. too bad it's discontinued.

i really had to shake this bottle to cover up how empty it is, but i intend to use every single drop of it. i have such a soft spot in my heart for this polish, maybe because i spent so much time finding a green polish that it seemed like a dream come true when i saw this one. back in the days, when i wasn't that into polishes, i actually thought that shades like forest didn't exist, that the world was filled with only reds ad pinks and i badly wanted a green one!

Monday 2 September 2013

new in: august 2013

razmišljala sam se da li da napravim ovaj post jer nisam puno kupovala u avgustu (picture polish i a england su naručeni od drugarice još negde u aprilu ali su tek sad našli put do mene), dok je collistar poklon jedne divne lakoholičarke, ali pošto ću (najverovatnije) kupovati još manje, rešila sam da objavim.

i was thinking if i should do this post, since i didn't buy that much (picture polish and a england were ordered from a friend way back in april, but just now found their way to me), and collistar was a gift from one amazing polish addict but i'll (probably) be buying even less in the months to come, so i decided to do it.

picture polish

a england: bridal veil & princess sabra

butter london jack the lad, china glaze: flock together toung&chic,  collistar 72 graphite lacca