Thursday 31 October 2013

china glaze ingrid (vintage vixen)

konačno ću pokazati neke malo novije slike, i izbor je pao na ingrid iz fantastične china glaze kolekcije vintage vixen za jesen 2010.
i'm finally showing you a bit more recent swatches, and my choice is ingrid from china glaze's perfect vintage vixen collection for autumn 2010.

samo pogledajte kakvi su sve dragulji u ovoj kolekciji. ja imam još samo foxy, ali kada bih morala da počinjem kolekciju od nule, počela bih sa vintage vixen.

ingrid je prosto savršena. bazna boja je prelepa svetla braon koja naginje ka taupe, skoro poput istopljene čokolade sa idealnom količinom zlatnog šimera. dok gledam ove slike, prosto imam želju da je opet mažem!

baš volim ovaj lak, sve u vezi njega je savršeno, uključujući formulu i nanošenje, i najbolji je dupe za dior exquis kog takođe imam i volim.

prirodna svetlost:
just look at all of the gems in this collection. only  other i have foxy, but if i had to start my collection from scratch, i would start from vintage vixen.

ingrid is just perfect. base color is amazing light brown leaning to taupe, almost like molten chocolate with just the right amount of golden shimmer. i'm looking at this pictures and i want to wear it again!

 i really love this polish, everything is perfect about it, including formula and application, and it's the best dupe for dior exquis that i also own and love.

natural light:

Monday 28 October 2013

ysl bleu majorelle (18)

bleu majorelle was the first polish to get my attention from the revamped ysl polish line, which is probably not that surprising, since it really is a perfect blue!

it got it's name after jardin majorelle, a garden in morocco, named after french painter of the same surname that created it. yves saint laurent was so enchanted by them, that his ashes are scattered there. you can find out more about the garden here.

this shade of blue is a perfect match to the garden interior, and is so vibrant it's almost electric. it's probably the most unusual and edgy color in ysl core line. i love everything about it, from perfect, creamy formula to brush.

natural light:

Wednesday 16 October 2013

opi the impossible (mariah carey)

ne mogu da verujem da još nisam pokazala the impossible iz prošlogodišnje mariah carey kolekcije, pošto sam davno objavila can't let go i stay the night.
i can't believe that i still haven't shown the pictures of the impossible from last year's mariah carey collection, since i wrote about can't let go and stay the night a while ago.

ova kolekcija je bila prva kojom su uveli teksturnu završnicu. ovaj lak su opisali kao mat fuksiju sa zvezdastim konfetama.

za mene, ovo je više crvena nego fuksija, sa jelly formulom dok ne krene da se suši. ima rozikaste šestougaone šljokice i šimer. nažalost, ja imam mini koji je bez zvezdastih šljokica, koje su samo u velikim bočicama. iako sam se plašila nanošenja teksturaca mini četkicom, nije bilo apsolutno nikakvih problema, sa prosečnim vremenom sušenja od 20 min.

skoro sam opisala moju indiferentnost prema crvenim lakovima. situacija se malčice menja kada završnica nije kremasta, tj. dodajte mi šljoke i odmah sam srećnija!

prirodna svetlost, bez nadlaka:
this colection was the opi's introduction to the textured finish. their description of this one: "this matte fuchsia with star confetti will never give up".

to me, this is more red than fuchsia, with jelly-like formula before it dries. it has pink hexagonal glitter and shimmer. unfortunately, i have a mini, which doesn't have star glitter like the large bottles. even though i was scared of application of textured polishes with a mini brush, there was no problems whatsoever. average drying time was about 20 minutes.

i mentioned recently my indifference when it comes to red polishes. the situation is just a little bit different when the finish is not creme, just add me some glitter and i'm happier!

natrual light, no top coat

Saturday 12 October 2013

essence trust in fashion (colour&go 54)

za mene, essence trust in fashion (colour & go 54, iz proleća 2011) je bio savršenstvo u bočici, i baš je šreta da je povučen.
for me, essence's trust in fashion (colour & go 54, from spring 2011) was a perfection in a bottle, and it's such a pity it's discontinued.

toliko mi je žao da nemam više ni kapljicu ovog laka. on je definitivno bio prvi kojim sam bila opsednuta, i iskapila sam tre bočice! baš mi nedostaje ova nijansa, i ako imate predloge za slične, veoma ćete me obradovati!

boja je prelepa, duboka tamnozelena sa jakim plavim podtonom, definitivno moja nijansa koje mi nikad neće biti dosta! formula je bila malo gušća, ali ništa previše komplikovano.

prirodna svetlost:
i am so sad that i don't have a drop of this polish left. it was the first one that i was actually obsessed with, and i finished three bottles! i miss this one a lot, and if you have suggestions for dupes, it'll make me very happy!

the colour is amazing, deep dark green with a strong blue undertone, definitely a shade that makes my heart beat faster! formula was a bit thick, but nothing too difficult to work with.

natural light:

Wednesday 9 October 2013

miss sporty red tango

vreme je za još jedan moj potrošeni lak, ovaj put je na redu miss sporty red tango.
it's time for another one of my empty polishes, this time it's miss sporty red tango.

kada sam gledala merin post o drugom crvenom laku, ponovo sam osetila indiferentnost koju imam prema crvenim lakovima, a isto je i sa red tango. nije da ne volim da vidim crveno na mojim noktima, i nije da imam potrebu da ih odmah skinem (što bi mi, recimo, roze lakovi probudili), već ne osećam apsolutno ništa.

da budem iskrena, red tango je idealan primer pravog crvenog laka. nije ni preterano narandžast ni plavičast ni bordo, već crven. uzela sam ga kad sam osetila potrebu da posedujem crveni lak. meni se sviđa miss sporty četkica, i ovaj lak definitivno mogu da preporučim po pitanju formule i aplikacije.

prirodna svetlost:
looking at marry's photos of another red polish, once again i felt indifferent when it comes to red polishes. the same is with red tango. it's not like i don't like to see them on my nails and i have the urge to remove it immediately (as the pinks would make me feel), it just doesn't bring out any feelings in me.

truth be told, red tango is an example of a true red polish. not overly orange or purple or whatever, just red. i got it just because i felt the need to have a true red. i actually like miss sporty brush, and i can definitely recommend this one with regards the formula and application.

natural light:

Wednesday 2 October 2013

catrice hip queens wear blue jeans (350)

pošto će u narednim mesecima biti dosta catrice postova (od 24 laka koje sam ponela sa sobom, 8 su catrice), rešila sam da počnem sa hip queens wear blue jeans, kog sam slikala pre odlaska.
since there will be a lot catrice posts in the upcoming months (out of 24 polishes that i brought with me, 8 are catrice), i decided to start with pics of hip queens wear blue jeans that i took a while ago.

ovaj lak više nije u mojoj kolekciji, poklonila sam ga sestri od md. baš sam imala čudan odnos sa njim, ne znam da li ste ikad imali takvu situaciju sa nekim lakom: mislila sam da će biti drugačiji. čak sad, dok gledam slike, vidim da je lepotan, ali u mojoj glavi je on trebao da bude kao tamnija verzija no snow petrol, i pošto nije, razočarao me.

ipak, priznajem da je lep. obično volim ove zagastite, tamne džins nijanse, ali sam se nadala da će svetliji plavi šimer biti upečatljiviji, a ne da se tek nazire. ovo je stari catrice lak, tako da su formula, četkica i aplikacija u redu.

prirodna svetlost:
i don't have this polish anymore, i gave it to my bf's sister. i had a weird relationship with it, i don't know if you ever had a similar experience with a polish: i thought it would be different. even now, while i'm looking at the photos, i see that it is a beauty, but in my head, it should've been like a denim version of no snow petrol, and since it wasn't, i was disappointed.

it is pretty, though. i usually love these dark smokey denim shades, but i hoped that the light blue shimmer would be more pronounced, since it is barely visible.  it is an old catrice, so formula, brush and application were ok.

natural light: