Friday 31 January 2014

a england excalibur revamped (the mythicals)

ovaj mesec završavam predstavljanjem prelepog laka excalibur (nova verzija) iz a england the mythicals kolekcije.
i will finish this month with the swatches of the gorgeous excalibur (the new version) from the a england's the mythicals collection.

volim da nosim lakove sa folijastom završnicom u jesen i zimu, i iako je vreme kod mene više prolećno, bez prave zime, ostajem verna ovakvim lakovima.

inspiracija za ime mi je jasna, sudeći po zvaničnom opisu: "čelično siva nijansa ispunjena šimerom različitih veličina, koji stvara fuziku srebrnog i zlatnog - nijansa koja se poklapa sa herojevom oštricom".

boja je teška za opisivanje, pošto je istovremeno i srebrna i zlatna, sa zrnastim, nepravilnim zlatnim ljuspicama. izgleda kao staro zlato, prekriveno patinom. po meni je prelepo, bogat, gladak i sa odličnom pokrivenošću.

slike su napravljene na direktnom svetlu i u senci.
i love wearing polishes with foil finish in the winter and autumn, so, even though the weather here is more of the spring kind, i'm staying loyal to these shades.

i can see the reason behind the name from the official description: "a steely grey hue filled with multi-dimensional shimmer, creating a unique fusion of silver and gold - a shade to match a hero's blade".

the colour is so hard to describe,  because it's both silver and gold, with grainy, irregular golden flakes. it has that old gold covered with patina feel. it's gorgeous, rich, with no brushstrokes and excellent opacity.

pictures were made under the direct sunlight and in shade.

Monday 27 January 2014

ysl bleu cobalt

bleu cobalt je jedan od noviteta u mojoj konstantno rastućoj ysl porodici, i jedan od lakova koje sam dugo želela.
bleu cobalt is one of the newest additions in my evergrowing ysl family, and the one i really wanted for a long time. 

ovaj lepotan je u stvari bio poklon za novu godinu-dolazak kući od md, zajedno sa bronze aztec. potpuno sam se oduševila što je ispalo da on u stvari zaista sluša moja neprestana trabunjanja o lakovima, a da ni ne spominjem da je izabrao odlične lakove, potpuno po mom ukusu!

da se vratim na sam lak. obožavam nijanse tipa "bogate, mastiljave plave", pogotovo kad su ukombinovane sa fantastičnim šimerom poput ovog. nikada ne izgleda poptuno crno i baš ima dubinu, iako je ipak za nijansu pretaman da bi bio pravi kobalt. bio mi je na listi baš dugo, ali pošto već imam dior tuxedo i essie midnight cami, htela sam da sačekam da potrošim essie pre kupovine, tako da je dobro da ga je md izabrao :D

formula i četkica su savršeni, kao i uvek, i to je ono što me najviše oduševljava kod ysl tako da će se kolekcija povećavati.

prirodna svetlost:
this beauty was actually a kind of a new year-coming home present (together with bronze aztec) from my bf.  i was completely amazed how it turned out that he actually listens to my nail polish babbling, not to mention that he chose true beauties, totally in touch with my taste!

but, on with the polish. i adore the shades of the "rich, inky blue" types, especially when they are paired with amazing shimmer as this one. it never looks just black-dark, and has a real depth about it, although it's a bit too dark to be called cobalt. it was on my wish list for a while, but since i already have dior tuxedo, and essie midnight cami, i wanted to wait until the essie one is emptied, but i'm glad my bf chose it :)

formula and brush are perfect, as usual, and that's what i find to be the thing that amazes me the most about ysl, so i'll keep updating my collection.

natural light:

Saturday 25 January 2014

china glaze white on white (core)

posle male pauze (bila sam u inostranstvu), predstavljam china glaze white on white, iz njihove osnovne kolekcije.
after a bit of a break (i was abroad), i am showing china glaze's white on white from their core collection.

beli lakovi umeju da budu prilično korisni. kad sam se preselila, ponela sam nekoliko šljokičavih topera sa sobom, ali sam dobila neku vrstu opsesije da ih nosim preko bele baze, koju nisam imala.

dosta dragih lakoholičarki je spominjalo white on white (mislim da je sve počelo sa baby's dolche vita), tako da nisam ni razmišljala o alternativama. iako ću ga nositi uglavnom kao bazu za šljoke, morala sam prvo da ga probam samog!

kad su beli lakovi u pitanju, formula ume da bude nezgodna, ali je ovde dosta pristojna. nisam imala ozbiljnijih problema s aplikacijom, i iako ostavlja tragove četkice tokom mazanja, sve se brzo samo izjednači, tako da je konačni rezultat odličan.

prirodna svetlost:
white polishes can be really useful. i brought a few glittery polishes when i moved, but i had some kind of a fixation that i only want to see them layered over white base, that i didn't have.

a lot of my polish loving friends were recommending white on white (it all started with baby's dolche vita), so i didn't even think of the alternatives. even though i will use it mostly for layering, i had to try it on it's own first!

when it comes to the white polishes, they can be quite tricky, but i think that this one is pretty decent. i had no serious problems with application, and while it may look a bit streaky in the process, it is quite self leveling so the end result is quite good.

natural light:

Saturday 18 January 2014

dior galaxie 992 (mystic metallics)

dior-ova jesenja kolekcija se sastoji iz dva "mystic metallics" laka, destin (koji nije moja šoljica čaja) i zvezde današnjeg posta, galaxie; uz dodatak dior magnetnog prvenca, mystic magnetic.
dior's autumn collection consists out of two "mystic metallics" polishes, destin (not my cup of tea) and today's star, galaxie; together with their first attempt at magnetic polishes, mystic magnetic.

galaxie je savršen lak za hladne zimske dane, koji mi potpuno neočekivano nedostaju ove godine koju provodim u toplijoj klimi. podseća me na ušuškane zimske večeri, u nečijem zadimljenom stanu sa drugarima i kuvanim vinom. ah, udari me nostalgija!

nijansa je prelepa, bogata burgundy-šljivasta, sa divnim, gustim šimerom koji ga čini gotovo metalik lakom. nanošenje, formula i pokrivenost su baš onakvi kakve volim, tako da nemam na šta da se požalim!

slike su napravljene na veštačkoj beloj svetlosti:
galaxie is the perfect polish for cold, winter days that i seem to (unexpectedly) miss this year that i'm spending in a warmer climate. it reminds me of cosy winter nights, spent indoors with friends,  mulled wine and smoke. ah, i'm getting homesick!

the colour is so rich, burgundy-ish plum, with gorgeous dense shimmer that makes the polish borderline metallic. application, consistency and brush are just as i like it, so nothing to complain about there.

pictures made with artificial white light:

Wednesday 15 January 2014

butter london jack the lad (holiday 2012)

butter london  jack the lad, iz holiday kolekcije za 2012, je bio moj izbor za doček nove godine.
butter london's jack the lad, from the holiday collection for 2012, was my choice for the new year's eve.

najčešće devojke biraju crvene nijanse za početak nove godine, dok mene zelene najviše uvode u praznično raspoloženje.

ovaj lak je pravi lepotan. nosila sam ga dva puta pre ovog događaja, i nikad nije prošao nezapaženo. opisali su ga kao "neproziran, mahovinasto zeleni lak sa zlatnim, tirkiznim i zelenim mikrošljokicama". po meni, ovaj lak je savršen, oduševljena sam kombinacijom bazne boje i staklastih šljokica.

plašila sam se da neće imati dovoljnu pokrivenost s dva sloja, pa sam dodala i treći, ipak je to bila nova godina i to, ali nije bilo potrebno.

slike su napravljene na veštačkoj svetlosti:
usually, girls like to start the year with a red polish. for me, the green ones are those that put me to holiday mood!

this polish is a true beauty. i wore it two times before this occasion, and it never went unnoticed. it is described as "opaque, moss green shimmer with gold, turquoise, and green microglitter". for me, it really is a stunner. i love the base color and the glass fleck combination.

i was scared that it wouldn't be opaque enough with two layers and added the third one, since it was the new year's eve and all, but it wasn't necessary.

pictures made in artificial light:

Sunday 12 January 2014

catrice genius in the bottle 840

ovu godinu počinjem sa prelepim catrice lakom, genius in the bottle.
i'm starting this year with the beautiful catrice, genius in the bottle!

neću da kukam o tome koliko dugo mi je trebalo da objavim novi post. dosta radim, a i život u novoj, skoro egzotičnoj zemlji znači da barem virtualni život mora da ispašta, ali probaću da se bolje organizujem.

da se vratim na lak. ovaj lepotan je jedan od prvih, ako ne i najboljih duplikata za chanel peridot. veliki sam obožavalac duohrom završnice, pogotovo ako su boje u pitanju zlatna ka maslinastoj. ovo je poslednja catrice serija sa četkicom koju volim, tako da, plus i za to.

imam par slika na direktnom suncu, ali nisam preterano zadovoljna jer mi prsti izgledaju crvenkasto, dok "lightbox" slike pokazuju samo maslinasti deo spektra.
i'm not going to whine about how long it took me to write a new post. i am super busy at work, and living in a new, bit exotic country means that i have little time for my virtual life, but i'll try to organize better.

on to the polish. this baby is one of the first, if not the best, dupes for chanel peridot. i am big fan of duochromes, especially if the shades in question are olive green and gold. this was one of the last catrice polishes with a good brush, so it gets a plus there.

i have a couple of direct sunlight pictures, that i'm not too happy with since my fingers look a bit red, and my "lightbox" pictures show only the olive part of the specter.

Friday 3 January 2014

new in: november & december 2013

u poslednja dva meseca, moja kupovina se svela na internet, ali sam uspela da ulovim dosta lepota.

in the last two months, my shopping was, as expected, only online, but i managed to get quite a lot of beauties.

picture polish lagoon -  dance legend cosmic rainbow - a england: rose bower -  fated prince - excalibur revamped


dance legend termo shine (with glitter) 182 - picture polish imperial - a england order of the garter & beauty never fails - picture polish serenity -  essie naughty nautical