Thursday 27 February 2014

dior saint tropez (croisette)

dior-ov saint tropez se prvo pojavio kao vrlo, vrlo limitirano izdanje 2011. za otvaranje njihovog butika u gradu po kom je dobio ime. pošto je lak privukao mnogo pažnje, rešili su da ga ponovo izbace kao deo croissete dua, zajedno sa riviera-om, za leto 2012, mada ponovo kao limitiran.
dior's saint tropez appeared as a really, really limited edition polish for the opening of the dior's store in the city it got it's name from in 2011. because it turned out to be so popular, it was released again in the croisette collection for the summer of 2012, together with riviera, but again as a le polish.

skoro da sam digla ruke da ću ga nabaviti, pre skoro godinu dana, jedna od lakoholičarki s foruma mi je uspela da ga ulovi (c, hvala još jednom!)

po mom mišljenju, vrlo je jasno zašto je ovaj lak toliko popularan. boja je tirkizna, konkretno, tiffany plava sa kapljicom zelene, uz dior-ov poznati, jedva vidljivi mikrošimer. iako sam samo prošla kroz st tropez, jasno mi je odakle inspiracija.

formula je takođe odlična, ravnomerna sa lakim nanošenjem. iako ima dosta morski plavih lakova, ovaj ipak ima "to nešto" po čemu se izdvaja, i dobila sam baš dosta komplimenata za njega. čini mi se da izgleda bolje na kraćim noktima.

prirodna svetlost:

i almost gave up on getting it, but, as usual, one of the girls from my nail polish forum managed to get it for me almost a year ago (c. thanks again!)

if you ask me, it is really obvious why this polish is so popular. the colour is turquoise (in this case, tiffany blue with a drop of green), with the dior's famous, barely noticeable microshimmer. i've just passed through st tropez, but i can see the inspiration here.

the formula is also great, self-leveling and easy to apply. even though there are so many aqua blue polishes, this one has that special spark, and i really got a lot of compliments for this one, and i think it looks better on shorter nails. 

natural light:

Friday 21 February 2014

a england dancing with nureyev (ballerina)

sa dancing with nureyev sam kompletirala ballerina kolekciju od a england, koja se sastoji od nežnih, ali vrlo efektnih linearnih holo lakova.
with getting dancing with nureyev, i completed a england's ballerina collection that consists of soft, but highly effective linear holo polishes.

nureyev je bio partner od margot fonteyn, što znam čak i ja a nije da sam neki ekspert za balet. ova dva laka su stvarno nekako povezana, što mi se čini simboličnim, a izgleda da i adina iz a england misli isto, jer je opisala ovaj lak kao "plavo-ljubičastu nijansu koja se divno uklapa sa svojom prizmatičnom prirodom u posebnom partnerstvu".

ova kolekcija me zaista zadivljuje. kao i encore margot, i ovaj lak ima jak holo efekat koji je očigledan i u zatvorenom prostoru. lepo se fotografiše, i baš sam zadovoljna vernošću slika u obe situacije. formula je fantastična, kao i obično. da pređemo na slike:

prirodna svetlost:
nureyev was margot fonteyn's partner, and i know this even though i am not a big ballet follower. these two polishes are really matching in a way, which is really symbolic, and it seems like adina from a england feels the same, sice she describes the polish as "a violet-blue shade that merges beautifully with its prismatic nature, a most sublime partnership".

 i am really impressed by this collection. just like encore margot, this one has a strong holo effect so you are aware of it even indoors. it photographs nicely, i am happy with how faithful it looks in both occasions. the formula is astonishing, as usual. on to the pictures:

natural light:

Tuesday 18 February 2014

essence choose me! (colour& go 38)

choose me! je bio moj omiljeni essence lak. jedini razlog zašto sam uzela nyx sea of cortez je jer sam konačno mogla opušteno da mažem choose me bez straha da ću ga potrošiti.
choose me! was my favourite essence polish. the only reason i got nyx sea of cortez is because i finally could wear this one without the fear of emptying it!

ispostavilo se da mu je nyx sea of cortez skoro identičan (u stvari, oba su "kopije" zoya charla) tako da, sve što sam napisala za nyx važi i ovde. slike su iz dve različite prilike, jer sam prvi put zaboravila slike u zatvorenom. u stvari, ovaj poslednji put, lak mi je bio već gotov tako da sam na desnoj ruci imala nyx, a razlika se nije mogla primetiti!

ne mogu da nosim ovaj lak a da ne pomislim na more i sirene. baza je plavkasto/petrolej žele, sa zlatnim ljuspicama i zelenim šimerom. iako je prelep, malo me nervira što ovim lakovima treba tri sloka, pa čak i tad, linija nokta ume da se providi. ipak, toliko mi je drag ovaj tip laka da ću uzeti i charlu kad se nyx približi svom kraju.

prirodna svetlost:
it turned out that nyx sea of cortez is it's exact dupe (or, i should say, both of them are dupes for zoya's charla), so all that i wrote about nyx, applies here. i'm posting pictures from two different occasions, since the first time i didn't make indoors pics. actually, that time i was already short on the polish, so i wore nyx on my right hand, and the difference was unnoticeable!

you can't wear this polish without thinking of mermaids! the base colour is bluish/tealish jelly with golden flakies and green shimmer. while it is pretty gorgeous, it's annoying that both of these polishes need three coats, and even with that, nail line can be visible. nevertheless, i plan to get charla too, once nyx approaches it's end.

natural light:

Saturday 15 February 2014

essie naughty nautical (summer 2013)

another title of this post, where i'm showing essie naughty nautical from their summer 2013 collection, could be "if you have this option, run and buy this polish as fast as you can"!

i'm not really mad about essie. i don't know what really puts me off this brand, but i never look into new collections and drool over them. luckily, i saw swatches of this one, and i immediately fell in love.

essie describes it as "shimmering, brilliant blue-green nail polish". it bears resemblance to my other love, essence mojito green, only this one's slightly bluer and the silver glass-flecked shimmer is larger. it's somewhere between being blue and teal, which makes it hard to capture, and i think you ought to imagine it just slightly greener than the in the images. the shimmer is amazing, always visible but not in your face. 

the formula is amazing, the polish basically applies itself. i can see myself wearing this one quite often, so, if you have the chance, i advise you not to pass on it, since i think it goes well with various skintones.

natural light:

Wednesday 12 February 2014

picture polish pshiiit ( pshiit boutique collaboration shade)

lakovi picture polish kolekcije napravljene u saradnji sa raznim blogerkama imaju tu osobinu da su često toliko neobični da ih moj jadni aparat ne može ni približno dobro da dočara. verujte mi, i pshiit, stvoren od strane camille s (posetite ovaj blog, ima prelepe manikire i fotke) je jedan od njih.
picture polish collaboration shades have that habit of being too gorgeous to be captured faithfully by my sad little camera. trust me, pshiiit, the polish created by camille from, is one of those shades.  this is one gorgeous blog, with amazing manicures and pictures.

za pshiiit nije dovoljno reći da je prelep. nosila sam ga tri puta, i moj aparat odbija da uhvati prelepu zelenu prirodu ovog laka-kameleona, tako da ste uskraćeni za jedno njegovo lice.

bazna je vrlo pigmentovana tirkizna jelly duohrom (u bočici izgleda zelenije), sa zelenim šimerom i ljuspicama. veoma upada u oči (nosila sam ga na jednoj žurci, i kad sam gledala zvanične slike, moji nokti baš upadaju u oči :D ), i stvarno je neopisivo lepši uživo.

prirodna svetlost:
to call pshiiit beautiful would be an understatement. i wore it three times, and my camera refuses to pick up the gorgeous green nature of this chameleon, so you can see just one aspect of it.

the base color is a highly saturated turquoise jelly duochrome (looks greener in the bottle), with green shimmer and flakes. it's vibrant, eye-catching (i went clubbing with it, and when i saw official photos from the event, my nails really stand out :D) and simply gorgeous, pictures don't do it justice.

natural light:

Thursday 6 February 2014

a england encore margot (ballerina)

a england lakovi ne prestaju da me oduševljavaju. najnovija kolekcija, ballerina, se sastoji iz četiri prelepa, elegantna holo laka, a današka zvezda je encore margot.
a england polishes keep amazing me. the newest collection called ballerina is consisted of four beautiful but elegant holos, and today's star is encore margot.

lak je dobio ime po dami margot fonteyn, engleskinji koju smatraju jednom od najboljih klasičnih balerina. nijansa je idealna za dane kada se osećate kao ledena kraljica. ovo je srebrni lak sa izraženim linearnim holo efektom, koji iako je jak, zbog bazne boje lak ipak izgleda nežno i elegantno.

mislim da niko ne pravi holo lakove sa tako fantastičnom formulom kao a england, stvarno klize kao buter.

prirodna svetlost:
named after dame margot fonteyn, classical english ballerina, encore margot is a true ice queen shade. it is a strong, silver linear holo polish that looks metallic. even though the effect is strong, the base color stil makes it elegant and soft.

i don't think that anyone makes holos with such an amazing formula as a england, it really flows like butter.

natural light:

Monday 3 February 2014

zoya midori (ooh la la)

toliko sam srećna što danas predstavljam prelepu midori, iz zoya-ine ooh la la kolekcije za leto 2009.
i am so happy that today i can show you the gorgeous zoya midori, from their ooh la la collection for summer 2009.

uz ovaj lak sam saznala da midori znači zeleno na japanskom, a svi znamo da od svih mojoh lakova, najviše volim zelembaće!

midori je na zoya sajtu opisana kao "nijansa srednje zelene jabuke, sa žutim podtonom i jakim zlatnim šimerom, savršena za izlazak s drugaricama", i, kao i obično,  prilično dobro su je opisali.

rekla bih da je ova živahna jabučica baš ukusna, još u kombinaciji sa zlatnim šimerom koji je čini gotovo iridescentnom. definitivno je jedinstvena nijansa u mojoj inače ogromnoj kolekciji :D iako je završnica i metalik, potezi četkicom se ne vide i formula je sasvim u redu.

prirodna svetlost:
i discovered that midori means green in japanese, and we all know that i love my green polishes more than any other colours!

midori is described at zoya's website as "glowing medium apple green with yellow undertones and strong gold shimmer. a cocktail-green for a night out with the girls." and once again, they described it perfectly.

i find this vibrant apple green to be so delicious, and almost iridescent with the combination with the gold shimmer. it is definitely a unique polish in my otherwise vast collection :D even though it's metallic, there's no visible brush strokes and formula is good.

natural light:

Saturday 1 February 2014

new in: january 2014

u poslednje vreme, radim postove s novitetima na dva meseca, tako da je odmah jasno da sam radno započela novu godinu :D

iskoristila sam dolazak u srbiju da kompletiram ysl jesenju kolekciju, na to dodala poklon od md (bronze aztec i bleu cobalt, kog sam zaboravila da uslikam), a u švajcarskoj konačno ulovila taupe mauresque, što je zbir od 6 ysl noviteta.

cayca mi je poklonila essence powegirl, jer sam prokomentarisala da sam ga želela a već bio rasprodat, a jelena je bila zlatna i ulovila mi jedan od poslednjih opi alkatraza, i na to dodala seforicu ka poklon. hvala vam, devojke! morala sam da dodam i još dve zoye u kolekciju, kao i china glaze white on white, koji mi je i bio neophodan. na kraju je stigla i prednovogodišnja a england porudžbina.

a england: sleeping palace- briar rose - fonteyn -
encore margot

sephora  keep me posted - zoya midori - china glaze white on white  -

opi alcatraz rocks - zoya mimi - essence power girl

ysl: bronze aztec - taupe mauresque - gris underground -
beige gallery - sepia 7e art