Saturday 30 August 2014

a england briar rose (burne-jones dream)

every day is a good day for an a england holo, and today i'm presenting briar rose from the burne-jones dream collection.

after briarwood and fated prince, i am showing another gorgeous scattered a england holo, briar rose, better kown as sleeping beauty.

the shade is somewhere between red and purple, filled with tiny holo particles that give it a misty, gorgeous look. with the outstanding formula and application, this is definitely another a england's gems.

natural light:

i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).

Monday 25 August 2014

chanel eastern light (reflets d'eté de chanel)

eastern light se prvobitno pojavio kao deo chanel kolekcije hong kong za zimu 2013, koju je bilo gotovo nemoguće naći. srećom, postao je i deo ovogodišnje letnje reflets d'eté de chanel kolekcije i moj je jedini izbor.
eastern light was at first featured as a part of a limited chanel hong kong collection for winter 2013, with western light, that was almost impossible to find. luckily, it resurfaced in this year's summer collection,  reflets d'eté de chanel, and it is my only purchase.

u poslednje vreme sam stvarno poludela za belim lakovima. postoji nešto u njima što, ako je formula kako treba, daje nekako čist izgled. nije čudno da mi je eastern light zapao za oko i već sam ga dva puta nosila.

formula nije najbolja, ali je ipak prilično samoizjednačujuća. kada prođete kroz nezgodni prvi sloj, drugi će prilično izjednačiti sve, i uz solidan nadlak ostajete bez vidljivih poteza četkicom.

nijansa je najbelja koju možete zamisliti, a opet nekako uspeva da ne bude krečast. stvarno mi je pun pogodak ovog leta.

prirodna svetlost:
i seriously got into whites lately. there is something about a white polish, of course, if it's well executed, that gives king of a clean look. so, no wonder eastern light really caught my eye. i wore it twice already.

formula isn't the smoothest, but is quite self leveling. when you get past the streaky first coat, the second one evens things out, and with addition of a top coat, you should end up being streak-free.

the shade is the purest white you can imagine, and it manages steering away from the kind of a plastic look. i'm really enjoying wearing it.

natural light:

Saturday 23 August 2014

opi fantasy (ds22)

današnji izbor je fantasy is opi-jeve designer series kolekcije za jesen 2008.
the polish of the day is fantasy from opi's designer series collection of fall 2008.

opi-jeva designer series kolekcija ima dosta dragulja, i fantasy je među njima. u pitanju je prelepa duboka, kraljevska plava sa sitnim srebrnim česticama koje mu daju rasejanu holo završnicu. formula je bez zamerke.

prirodna svetlost:
opi's designer series has a lot of real gems, and fantasy is among them. it is a deep, royal blue with fine silvery particles that give the scattered holo effect. formula is easy to work with, definitely a recommendation from me.

natural light:

Monday 18 August 2014

zoya chyna (pixie dust)

posle beatrix, liberty i vespa, vreme je za još jedan prelepi zoya pixie dust lak. u pitanju je chyna iz kolekcije za zimu 2013.
after beatrix, liberty and vespa, it's time for another gorgeous zoya's pixie dust shade, this time it's chyna from the winter 2013 collection.

skoro da sam preskočila ovaj lak i uzela sam ga tek u drugoj turi. mislila sam da, pošto je crven, nema šanse da će me oduševiti i grdno sam se prevarila!

lak je zaista prelep. bazna boja je bogata, tamno crvena koja se suši u teksturnu završnicu, sa svetlocrvenim šljokicama i sjajem koji prosto iskače iz baze. može da prođe kao jednoslojac, ali sam po navici namazala dva. formula i aplikacija su odlični, i suši se prilično brzo.

prirodna svetlost:
i almost skipped this one and got it in the second round. i thought, well, it's red, it's not like i'm going to be amazed by it. oh, how was i wrong!

this polish is super stunning. base colour is rich, dark red that dries into the textured finish, with light red glitter and sparkle that just pops out of it. it can be pulled off as a one coater, but i did two out of habit. formula and application are great, and drying time really fast!

natural light:

Friday 15 August 2014

china glaze turned up turquoise (ink)

ovi neverovatno vrući dani savršeno idu uz china glaze turned up turquoise iz njihove ink kolekcije za leto 2008, čiji je deo i klasik, flying dragon.
these excruciatingly hot days are perfect for wearing china glaze's turned up turquoise from their ink collection for summer 2008, that also gave us a classic in flying dragon.

odustajem od duge misije da uhvatim tačnu količinu tirkiznosti ovog laka, kao i mnoge druge napaćene duše pre mene. prikazaću dva najrazličitija rezultata, pri čemu je prvi bliži realnosti ali i dalje ne sasvim veran.

dok je mint postao moja prilično nova opsesija, tirkizni lakovi su bili na vrhu moje liste baš dugo. tut je živahan i morski a uz to neon i mat. taj efekat mi se toliko sviđa da za ovih više od godinu dana što ga imam, još se nisam zainteresovala da mu dodam nadlak.

moje iskustvo s neoncima nije veliko, ali moram reći da je formula kod ovog sasvim pristojma. prve dve slike su stare oko godinu dana, dok su ostale novije.

prirodna svetlost:
i give up on the long mission to capture the exact amount of turquoiseness of this shade, like many more poor souls before me. you can see selected two results, with the first one being more accurate, but still not right on the spot.

while my mint fascination started just recently, i am obsessed with turquoise for a long time now. and this one is vibrant and aqua-like while being neon and matte. i love it like this so much, that even though i own it at least for a year now, i still wasn't tempted to see how it looks with a top coat.

my experience with neons is not really vast, but i have to say that the formula of this one is not problematic at all. first two pictures are from a year ago, the rest are recent.

natural light:

Friday 8 August 2014

picture polish darcy (opulence)

danas prikazujem pelepi lak darcy iz picture polish opulence kolekcije.
today i'm showing the gorgeous darcy from picture polish opulence collection.

bila sam dete kada je izašla bbc verzija gordost i predrasude iz 1995te , ali me je potpuno očarala. sama ideja da mogu da postoje elizabeth bennet i fitzwilliam darcy a da to visu jennifer ehle i colin firth za mene je ravna bogohuljenju.

kada sam videla picture polish izbacuje trio koji kombinuje klasičnog (uz lizzie) i modernog (uz bridget) darcy-ja, morala sam da ga nabavim.

da, svesna sam da crni lak sa rasejanim holo efektom nije najjoriginalnija stvar na svetu, (zoya storm i deborah shine tech 18 poređenje je ovde), ali pošto mi je ova vrsta lakova najzgodnija za izlaske, uvek su mi dobra investicija. ve znam da li sam spomenula da se lak zove darcy?! potpuno je crn, sa odličnom pigmentacijom i formulom.

prirodna svetlost:
i was a kid when the bbc's pride and prejudice 1995. version appeared, but i was completely in love with it. even suggesting that there can be another elizabeth bennet and fitzwilliam darcy other than jennifer ehle and colin firth seems like blasphemy.

so, when i saw  that picture polish launched a trio combining the classical (with lizzie) and modern (with bridget) darcy, i knew i have to get it.

yes, black scattered polish isn't the most unique thing in the world (my zoya storm vs deborah shine tech 18 can be found here), but since these polishes are one of my go-tos for clubbing, i knew it is a good investment. oh, and did i mention it is called darcy?! it is completely black, amazingly pigmented with excellent application.

natural light:

Sunday 3 August 2014

ysl bleu celadon (bleus lumiere)

kao velika obožavateljka plavaca i ysl brenda, oduševilo me je što je njihova kolekcija za leto 2014, blues lumiere, sastavljena od dva plava laka. danas predstavljam bleu celadon.
as a huge fan of blue polishes and ysl, i was very excited that ysl's summer collection for 2013, blues lumiere, is a blue duo. today i'm showing bleu celadon.

ne znam odakle da počnem u pisanju hvalospeva ovom laku. boja je savršena, negde između porcelansko tirkizne i svetloplave, tako nežna i lepa. formula je savršena samoizjednačujuća krema, bez ikakvih mana iako izgleda kao jedan od onih lakova oko kojih se morate pomučiti.

izgleda da je po boji blizak neuhvatljivom chanel nouvelle vague. pošto na slikama na direktnom suncu izgleda mrvicu isprano, dodala sam i slike iz hlada.

direktno sunce:
i don't even know where to start in praising this polish. the color is amazing, somewhere between kind of porcelain turquoise and aqua blue, so soft and pretty. formula is a perfect creme, self leveling with no issues whatsoever, even though it looks like a polish that would be a torture to apply.

apparently, it is really close to the illusive chanel nouvelle vague. since it looks a little washed up in direct sunlight, i added pictures from shade.


Saturday 2 August 2014

new in: june and july 2014

imala sam dobar jun, sa 0 kupljenih  lakova, jer sam znala da ću da se vratim sa milion novih ysl sa poslovnog puta.

jul je počeo tako što se jedan meni drag par preselio u drugu zemlju, i od njih sam dobila svoja prva dva barry m laka, i to magnetna! takođe, na putu sam uzela i tri catrice laka. sve je otišlo dođavola kada smo se ja i ysl spicy kolekcije prvi put videli oči u oči (na žalost, safran sultan je svuda bio rasprodat), zajedno sa letnjim plavim dvojcem. i sve to začinjeno po jednim dior i chanel lakom.

i was really nice in june, with 0 new nailpolishes, because i knew i was going to come back with millions of ysls from my business trip.

july started with some friends moving to another country, and i got my first two barry m polishes from them, and they are the magnetic ones! also, i got three new catrices on my all got out of control when me and ysl spicy  collection finally met (but i couldn't find safran sultan :(), together with the summer blues. and i spiced it all up with a single dior and chanel.

barry m: neptune sea & moon dust - catrice: keep pool& get the blues & mermaid my day

ysl: eau de rose & opulente cannelle & ambre gingembrepoivre noir & feuille d’or & bleu celadon & bleu cyclades

dior sailor & chanel eastern light