Tuesday 30 September 2014

essence power girl (superheroes)

ne volim izgovore, ali su mi posao i putovanja stvarno pojeli svo slobodno vreme. sada se vraćam starom ritmu, i najbolji način da to započnem je sa lepotanom.

power girl je iz essence superheroes kolekcije iz prethodne zime. već sam prikazala drugi lak, the incredibles, ovde.

i'm not really big on excuses, but my work and travels really ate up all of my time. now i'm back on track, and it is only appropriate to start with a real beauty.

power girl is from essence's superheroes collection back in winter 2013. i already showed my other polish, the incredible, here.

ova kolekcija je bila posvećena lakovima sa specijalnim završnicama, i power girl je reklamiran kao lak sa efektom naftne mrlje. u suštini, duohrom koji se preliva iz plave u ljubičastu.

duohromi su mi slaba tačka, i zaista nemam ništa poput ovog laka. na žalost, essence kozmetika mi više nije dostupna, ali je caja bila ljubazna da mi ga nabavi.

ovaj lepotanko ima stvarno jak duohrom efekat, i boje su prelepe. na žalost, slike pod direktnim svetlom prikazuju samo plavu, sam nagoveštajem ljubičaste na ivicama, ali slike u zatvorenom ipak donekle dočaravaju efekat. tragovi četkice su vidljivi, što je i očekivano kod ovakvih lakova, pa mi to ni ne smeta.

direktna svetlost.
this collection was all about special effect polishes, and power girl was advertised as a polish with an oil slick effect. basically, a duochrome that shifts from purple to blue.

i am a sucker for duochromes, and i really have nothing like this one. unfortunately, essence cosmetics is not available to me anymore, so i am grateful to cayca that she picked this one up for me.

this baby has a really strong duochrome effect, and the colours are gorgeous. unfortunately, my pictures in the direct light show only the blue, with a hint of purple on the edges, but the indoor pictures are showing the effect much better. formula is a bit brushstrokey, which is expected for these finishes, but it doesn't really bother me.

direct sunlight:

Wednesday 3 September 2014

picture polish lizzie (opulence)

mislim da je potpuno jasno da kada sam uzela lak darcy iz dodatka picture polish opulence kolekciji, da ću uzeti i lizzie. a kada kažem lizzie, naravno da mislim na jeniffer ehle!
i think that it was only logical, when i got darcy from picture polish addition to the opulence collection, to get lizzie also. and when i say lizzie, i mean jeniffer ehle, of course!

među svim prelepim holo lakovima ovog sveta, nisam očekivala da će me jedan skoro pastelno-lila nijanse toliko očarati. a jeste. možda je to zbog imena, a možda i zbog generalno nežnog i elegantnog izgleda.

zaista ne mogu da procenim da li je holo efekat linearan ili rasejan. dok su čestice svakako rasejane, ukombinovane su tako da daju skoro linearan izgled. formula je odlična, kao i obično za picture polish lakove.

prirodna svetlost:
among all the holos in the world, i really wouldn't think that a pastel-like lilac would captivate me. but, it did. maybe because of the name, maybe because of the overall soft and elegant feeling it leaves.

i really can't say if this is a scattered or linear holo. while the particles are definitely scattered, they are somehow combined to give an almost linear effect. the formula is great, as usual for picture polish.

natural light:

Monday 1 September 2014