Tuesday 27 January 2015

picture polish cyan (collaboration shade by chit chat nails)

posle nekoliko lakova iz naftalina, vreme je za nešto potpuno novo. u pitanju je još jedna picture polish blogerska saradnja, u nijansi cyan.
after a couple of oldies, it's time for something brand new. it is another picture polish collaboration shade called cyan.

pretpostavljam da je do sad svako u lakoholičarskom univerzumu upoznat  sa picture polish konceptom da sarađuju sa blogerkama i stvore zaista jedinstvene lakove. moj današnji izbor, cyan, je nastao u saradnji s chit chat nails blogom.

boja je predivna i živa, u pitanju je svetlo plavo/tirkizno visokopigmentovan jelly, sa rasejanim holo česticama. bazna boja je nešto svetlija od fool's gold. potpuno sam zaljubljena u ovaj prelepi lak,

prirodna svetlost:
i guess that by now everyone in the polish universe is familiar with picture polish's concept to collaborate with bloggers and create some truly unique polishes. my choice for today, cyan, was created with the help of the chit chat nails blog.

the colour is so gorgeous and fresh. it is is a light blue/turquoise highly pigmented jelly, with scattered holo particles. the base colour is just slightly lighter than for fool's gold. i am simply in love with it.

natural light:

Saturday 24 January 2015

catrice i wear my sunglasses at night (440)

nastavljam sa starim svočevima koji su čekali svoj momenat da ugledaju svetlost dana, i danas je red došao za catrice oldtajmera, i wear my sunglasses at night.
i am continuing with the old swatches that have been waiting for their time, and today i'm showing a catrice oldie, i wear my sunglasses at night.

ovaj lak je jedan od prvenaca mog lakoholizma, i uz to i moje prvo razočarenje. samo gledajući bočicu, neiskusna kakva sam bila, očekivala sam da bude više poput deborah shine tech 18 (kog zaista moram ponovo da  uslikam). vremenom sam naučila da ga volim zbog onoga što jeste, a to je crni lak sa puno raznobojnih ljuspica.

moj najveći problem sa ovim lakom je da mu se formula vrlo brzo pogoršala. napravila sam grešku da ga nisam odmah slikala, jer je postao istovremeno gust i tečan, i sušio se bez sjaja. slike nisu tako dobre, ali pošto je davno potrošen, a nekako nikad nisam uspela da napravim bolje, šta je tu je.

prirodna svetlost:
i got this one in my nail polish beginnings, and i remember it being my first letdown. from the look from the bottle, unexperienced as is was back then, i expected it to be more like deborah shine tech 18 (that i seriously need to reswatch soon). with time, i learned to appreciate it for what it is, a black polish full with multicolored glass flecks.

my biggest problem with this polish though, is that the formula became funny really quickly. i made a mistake of not swatching it properly immediately. it became at the same time too thick and runny and drying to a dull finish. the swatches are not that good, but since this polish is long gone and i never managed to make them better, this will have to do.

natural light:

Monday 19 January 2015

a england princess sabra (the legend)

danas ponovo pokazujem lak koji sam slikala baš baš davno, ali nekako je uvek drugi lak imao prednost da zasija na blogu. konačno je dan za princess sabra, iz fenomenalne a england the legend kolekcije.
today, i am again going with a polish that i swatched ages ago but never got around to posting about it. the polish in question is princess sabra, from a england's fantastic the legend collection.

ovaj lak definitivno nema duplikat u mojoj džinovskoj kolekciji. u pitanju je neobična nijansa, negde između maslinasto zelene i zlatne, sa ne preterano jakim holo efektom.

svakako je jedinstvena nijansa koja verovatno nije po svačijem ukusu ali se meni sviđa. istovremeno je i neobičan i nežan, ne previše zlatan i intenzivan. uz, naravno, prepoznatljivu a england savršenu formulu.

prirodna svetlost:
for this polish, i can definitely say i have nothing like it in my gigantic collection. it is a strange shade, somewhere between olive green and gold, with not to crazy holo effect.

it is definitely a unique shade that i guess doesn't appeal to everyone, but i really like it. it is strange and delicate at the same time, not to gold and flashy. and, of course with the signature a england amazing formula.

natural light:

Friday 16 January 2015

dance legend tetraodon (caviar)

dance legend mi je vrlo brzo postao jedan od omiljenih brendova. danas prikazujem tetraodon iz caviar kolecije. inspirisana je ribama, i malo ispod možete videti tetraodon.
dance legend quickly became one of my favourite brands. today i'm showing tetraodon from the caviar collection. it is fish inspired, and a little bit down, you can see tetraodon.

meni je ova kolekcija preslatka. ideja je ista: gusta jelly baza, u ovom slučaju srednje zelena, sa istim crnim šestougaonim i belim kvadratnim mikro šljokicama.

uživo izgleda vrlo interesantno. iako su u pitanju šljokice, je jede nadlak, izgleda baš simpatično i mislim da ću uzeti još neki lak iz ove kolekcije.

prirodna svetlost:
this collecion is really cute. the idea is the same; a saturated jelly base, in this case, medium green, with the same black hexagonal and white square micro glitter.

it looks really interesting in real life. even though it is glittery, it doesn't eat up the top coat. it looks really cute and i'm thinking of picking up another one from the collection.

natural light:

Wednesday 14 January 2015

opi pamplona purple (espana)

odavno mi ove slike stoje u folderu sa neobjavljenim svočevima, pa je bilo krajnje vreme da ih prikažem u pitanju je prelepa pamplona purple, iz  opi espana kolekcije daleke jeseni 2009te.
i have these swatches in my unpublished folder for a while, so it was about time to show them. it is the beautiful pamplona purple for opi's espana collection back in autumn 2009.

nemam puno toga da kažem o ovom laku. u pitanju je prelepa ljubičasta s crvenim podtonom, jedna od onih nijansi koju svako treba da ima u kolekciji.

formula je bogata i besprekorna, tako da ga definitivno preporučujem. s druge strane, definitivno neću dozvoliti da mi nokti ovoliko porastu!

prirodna svetlost:
there i not really much to say about this polish. it is a beautiful, red toned purple, one of these shades is a must have in everyone's collection.

formula is rich and flawless, so i definitely recommend this one. on the other side, i definitely will try to never grow my nails this long!

natural light:

Sunday 11 January 2015

ysl parme graffiti (core)

moj današnji izbor je prelepi ysl lak iz njihove osnovne kolekcije, parme grafitti.
my choice for today is a gorgeous ysl polish from their core line, parme graffiti.

moja ljubav prema ysl lakovima je poznata stvar, pa je parme grafitti bio logičan izbor kada sam rešila da kupim lila lak.

ponovo je u pitanju savršena ysl krema, gotovo pastelna. jedna od onih boja za koje sam prvo mislila da su previše ženstvene za mene ali se na kraju ispostavilo da mi se sviđaju.

prirodna svetlost:
my love for ysl polishes is a well known thing, so parme graffiti was my only choice when i finally decided to get a lilac polish.

and it is a standard ysl perfection. a beautiful lilac creme, almost pastely. on of these colours i thought are too girly for me, but somehow turned out i liked them.

naural light:

Monday 5 January 2015

china glaze but of corpse (apocalypse of color)

it seems like forever since i bought a china glaze polish, but from the first available picture, i knew that but of corpse has to be a part of my collection. this gem is from this year's haloween collection, apocalypse of color.

i've never seen anything quite like this polish. the base colour is light green, with gold shimmer and black, grain-like glitter. it has a textured, matte finish that fits so well that i didn't even want to try to add a top coat. it even dries surprisingly fastly.

the formula is a bit difficult, since it is slightly thicker than your usual polish, but it's not that hard to work with. i am so obsessed with it, that i will probably buy it's reddish counterpart, i love your guts. i just love those naimes!

natural light

Saturday 3 January 2015

picture polish bridget (opulence)

iako nisam započela novu godinu sa crvenim lakom, rešila sam da moj prvi post bude takav. picture polish bridget iz opulence kolekcije je odličan izbor za to.
even though i didn't start the year with a red polish, i decided that my first post will be a red. and what could be better than picture polish bridget from the opulence collection.

već sam prikazala darcy i lizzie, pa ja pravi trenutak da zaokružim priču sa modernim delom ove gordost i predrasude/bridget jones kombinacije.

bridget je lak koji mi je stvarno falio u koleciji. nije tako lako naći pravi crveni rasejani holo lak, obično povuku na rozikasto ili bordo. na sreću, ovaj je prava, zasićena, pelepa crvena odlične formule.

prirodna svetlost:
i already showed darcy and lizzie,  so it is about time to bring out the modern part of this pride and prejudice/bridget jones mash up.

bridget is a polish i really searched for. the real red scattered holo polishes are not that usual, they often lean more on the pinkish or burgundy side. and this one is a real, saturated, gorgeous red with an amazing formula.

natural light: