Saturday 28 November 2015

dance legend constant reminder (hammering)

moj jedini izbor iz dance legend hammering kolekcije je constant reminder.
my only choice from dance legend hammering collection is constant reminder.

ono što mi se sviđa kod dance legend je to što tiho postavljaju trendove, i to uvek rade odlično i nikad im se ne potkrade loše izvedena kolekcija.

constant reminder je zanimljivi srebrnkasto zeleni metalik lak. ima čudan i jedinstven finiš, poput napuklog metala. na slikama imam samo jedan sloj, bez baze i nadlaka.

prvi put sam ga nosila sa bazom, i tek onda pročitala da je efekat intenzivniji ako se nanese na gole nokte. poslednje dve slike su sa bazom. ako je preskočite, neće biti problema sa bojenjem noktiju.

prirodna svetlost:
what i love about dance legend is that they quietly set the trends, and they are always on point, no messy ideas gone bad.

constant reminder is a interesting silvery green metallic polish. it has a really strange, unique finish of a hammered metal. i have only one coat, without a base or top.

i initially wore a base coat, but then read that the effect is more visible if the polish is applied on bare nails. the last two pictures are with the base coat. if you wear it without, it doesn't stain.

natural light:

Tuesday 24 November 2015

depend 227 (spring 2011)

danas pokazujem moj poslednji depend lak, broj 227 iz njihove kolecje za proleće 2011.
today i am showing my last depend polish, number 227, from their collection for spring 2011.

stvarno volim ovaj lak i dosta sam ga nosila. nijansa je svetla smaragdna zelena, puna srebrnkastih ljuspica. jedan je od onih lakoca kojima je teško uhvatiti boju, što je i razlog zašto mi je ovoliko vremena trebalo da ga pokažem na blogu.

formula je prilično dobra, bez vidljivih poteza četkicom, i stvarno nemam na šta da se požalim (sem činjenice da ima samo 5 ml).

prirodna svetlost:
i really love this polish and wore it a lot. it is a really gorgeous shade of light emerald green, packed with silvery glass flecks. it is one of those polishes that are hard to capture, which is the reason it took me so long to show it on the blog. this time i did a pretty god job.

formula is really good, without brushstrokes, nothing to complain about here (other than the fact that it has only 5 ml).

natural light:

Saturday 21 November 2015

a england virgin queen (elizabeth and mary)

vreme je za još jednoog a england lepotana, ovaj put je to virgin queen iz elizabeth and mary  kolekcije.
it's time for another a england beauty, this time it's virgin queen from elizabeth and mary collection.

virgin queen je jedan od lakova koje mi je skoro nemoguće da opišem. nijansa je u isto vreme i blatjava, i srebrna, zlatna, bronzana, čak i maslinasta.

takođe je istovremeno i blago metalik i duohrom, ali definitivno dominira rasejani holo efekat. formula je, kao i uvek, savršena.

prirodna svetlost:
virgin queen is one of the hardest polishes to describe. the colour is is at the same time taupe, silver, gold, bronze, even olive. pewter is maybe the one that sums it up the best.

at the same time, it is slightly metallic and duochrome, but definitely a scattered holo. formula is, as always, impeccable.

natural light:

Tuesday 17 November 2015

zoya mimi (sparkle)

sparkle je jedna od (meni) najboljih zoya kolekcija, koja se pojavila leta 2010 i mimi je jedna od njenih zvezda.
sparkle is a really awesome zoya's collection back in the summer of 2010, and mimi is one of it's stars.

mimi je opisana kao kraljevska ljubičasta sa metalik završnicom, ali je to samo pojednostavljeni način da se opiše ovaj divni lak.

ne samo da je nijansa ljubičaste duboka i bogata, nego joj i šimer daje dodatni sjaj. formula je isto dobra, bez vidljivih tragova čekice.

prirodna svetlost:
mimi is described as a royal purple metallic polish, but this is just an oversimplified way to explain this awesome polish.

not only that the purple shade is so rich and deep, the shimmer in it gives it a lot of depth. the formula is also good, no brushstrokes whatsoever.

natural light:

Sunday 15 November 2015

catrice get the blues (ultimate nail lacquer 55)

moj današnji izbor je  catrice get the blues iz ultimate nail lacquer kolekcije.
my pick for today is catrice get the blues from their ultimate nail lacquer line.

mrzim kad se dobar brend potpuno pokvari. catrice mi je do pre par godina bio omiljeni drogerijski brend, a sada više ni ne gledam koje lakove izbacuju zbog nezgodne četkice i ne uvek najsrećnije formule.

get the blues je interesantan lak. imam slabu tačku za duohrom lakove, a ovaj je baš zanimljiv. dominantna nijansa je negde između prašnjavo sive i plave, koja se preliva u više petrolej ili plavu pod ekstremnijim uglovima i svetlom. kada prođete kroz ne baš lagano mazanje, utisak je dobar.

formula je prilično prozirna, i posle tri sloja sam viđala tzv. "ćelava" mesta.

prirodna svetlost:
i hate when a good nail polish brand manages to downgrade. that's the case with catrice for me, they used to be my favourite drugstore brand, but now i don't even pay attention to their line because of the horrible brush and not always good formula.

get the blues is overall a cool polish. i am a sucker for duochromes, and this one is really interesting. the main colour is a mix between a dusty grey and blue, becoming tealish or more blue in extreme angles. once you manage to get it on the nails, it looks really pretty.

it is quite sheer, though. even with three coats, you can find a bald patch.

natural light;

Tuesday 10 November 2015

picture polish freya's cats (collaboration shade with nihrida)

obožavam picture polish lakove iz saradnje s blogerkama, i danas predstavljam freya's cats po ideji nihrida-e.
i love picture polish collaboration shade, and today is the time for freya's cats made together with nihrida.

nikad mi nije dosta plavih holo lakova, i nisam mogla da preskočim freya's cats.

plava nijansa je ovde skoro električna,  i iako je jelly, ima dobru pokrivenost sa sva sloja. holo efekat je rasejan i čestice su guste i daju odlian efekat.

prirodna svetlost:
i can't have enough of blue holos, so i couldn't resist freya's cats.

the blue in this one is almost electric, and even though it's jelly, it has good coverage with two coats. the holo particles are of the scattered type, dense and give a really good effect.

natural light:

Saturday 7 November 2015

ysl gris deco (core 23)

danas predstavljam jednog ysl lepotana, gris deco.
today, i am showing you ysl beauty, gris deco.

gris deco je jedan od mojih omiljenih ysl lakova, prosto očaravajuć!

nijansa je svetlo siva, koja izgleda delikatno i čisto. ima sasvim malo šimera, ne toliko vidljivog na noktu, samo da učini formulu jednostavnijom. i jeste odlična, baš onakva na kakvu me je ysl navikao.

prirodna svetlost:
 gris deco is one of my favourite ysl polishes. it is just stunning!

the colour is a pale grey, that looks so delicate and clean. it has a little bit of shimmer in it, not too visible on the nail, just making the formula going smoothly. and it is smooth, just as ysl spoiled me on.

natural light:

Thursday 5 November 2015

opi obscure (go goth)

obscure je jedan od četiri laka iz opi-jeve go goth kolekcije za haloween 2010.
obsure was one of four polishes from opi's go goth collection for haloween 2010.

već dugo se ubeđujem da predstavim ovaj lak, ali sam odlučila da to već jednom obavim.

dok su ostala tri laka iz ove kolekcije lepotani, ovaj je bio razočarenje. uz to, nisam i neki obožavatelj opi mini lakova, ali nekad ne mogu da im odolim.

obscure u teoriji zvuči odlično, svetlo crni mat lak, ali formula ostavlja dosta brazdi. obično sam ga nsoila kao bazu za šljokice, tako da bih zamaskirala taj problem.

i've been reluctant to post this one for a long time now, but just decided to get it over with.

while i like other three polishes from this collection, this one was disappointing. also, i am not the biggest fan of opi minis, but sometimes i just can't resist them.

obscure sounds good in theory, soft black matte. but the formula is really streaky. i usually used it as a base for glitter topper, so that problem was masked.


Tuesday 3 November 2015

china glaze glistening snow (holiday joy)

holiday joy je bila zaista prelepa china glaze kolekcija iz 2012te. posle blue bells ring i winter holly, red je došao i na glistening snow.
holiday joy was a really awesome china glaze collection from back in 2012, and after blue bells ring and winter holly, i'm showing glistening snow.

mislim da su u china glaze "otkrili" teksturne lakove pre noge što su oni postali moderni, ali verovatno nisu bili toga svesni.

glistening snow ima šmirglastu strukturu zbog srebrnih i holo mikro čestica koje ga sastavljaju. holo efekat je nažalost jedva vidljiv na mojim slikama, i mnogo je lepši uživo.

formula je pristojna, dobila sam punu pokrivenost s dva sloja i ispostavilo se da mi ne treba folija da ga skinem.

prirodna svetlost:
i think that china glaze people invented textured polishes before they were a thing, but probably weren't aware of it.

glistening snow has this gritty texture, because it is made of silver and holo glitter. holo effect is, unfortunately, really drowned in my pictures and is much prettier in real life.

formula is decent, i got nice coverage with two layers and it turned out i didn't need aluminum foil to remove it.

natural light: