Tuesday 31 July 2012

aura - techno

aura techno je neverovatno proziran tirkizni lak koji je bio deo novogodišnje kolekcije. uzela sam ga negde u decembru, kad sam ga i namazala prvi i jedini put. sećam se da mi ni tri sloja nisu bila dovoljna za potpunu pokrivenost. pošto ga od tad nisam mazala, juče sam bila u raspoloženju za jedan mali eksperiment. nažalost, nekako sam uspela da izbrišem slike sa dva sloja laka (pokušaću da povratim slike sa kartice), ali je to u svakom slučaju bio jadan prizor! došla sam do čak četiri sloja ali se i dalje vidi nokat!
prirodna svetlost:
aura techno is an insanely shear turquoise polish with a glass flecked finish that i bought as a part of a new year collection back in december. i remember putting three coats and it still wasn't enough to be opaque. since i haven't tried this polish after that, yesterday i was in a mood for a little experiment. unfortunately, i somehow erased the pictures after two coats (i will try to retreive them later on today), but it was a bit sad to look at my nails like that, so i went as far as 4 coats, and still, there is a quite VNL.
natural light:

Monday 30 July 2012

my collection: aura

aura je kompanija iz srbije koja ima više različitih kolekcija. ja imam dva laka iz "inches" (punk i techno, koje sam morala da uzmem, ako ništa drugo, zbog imena) i jednog iz "nail beauty" (klasik, on the edge).
aura is serbian brand that has many different collections. i have two polishes from the inches one (punk and techno, i had to had them, if nothing because of the names) and one from the nail beauty collection (on the edge).
1 techno
2 punk
3 on the edge

Sunday 29 July 2012

catrice ACid DC (810)

danas predstavljam još jedan catrice novitet, acid dc.
the polish i'm showing you today is another catrice newbie, acid dc.

catrice 810 ACid DC ima skoro toksičnu zelenu boju. odličan je za leto (mada sam ga ja nosila i zimi).

šimer je očigledniji u bočici nego na noktima, što je meni u redu jer mislim da bi previše šimera uništilo njegov skoro neonski izgled.

ovo je jedini catrice lak kog imam, a na kome piše "koristiti bazu", tako da verovatno očekuju da ostavlja boju na noktima, mada sam ga ja nosila nekoliko puta (naravno, uz bazu) i nisam imala problema. formula i četkica su odlični i celokupni izgled je, bar meni, sjajan i letnji!

prirodna svetlost:
catrice 810 ACid DC is a acid green, toxic-like polish and it's perfect for the summer!

 the shimmer is much more visible in the bottle and not so much on the nails, which is a good thing because too much shimmer would ruin the almost-neon feel of the polish.

 this is the only catrice polish that i have, that has "use base coat" written on it, so they expect staining, but i wore this polish at least 5 times and never had problems. formula and brush are easy to work with, it looks glossy and fun!
natural light:

Saturday 28 July 2012

my collection: catrice

catrice je definitivno moj omiljeni drugstore brand, što je verovatno i očigledno s obzirom na to koliko ih imam :)
catrice is by far my favorite drugstore brand. this will probably be clearer when you see how many of them i own :)

1 840 genius in the bottle
2 340 run forest run
3 740 king of greens
4 660 i'm a star

5 860 browno mars
6 460 in the bronx
7 070 same seine but different

8 350 hip queens wear blue jeans
9 580 blues brothers vol II
10 410 pool party at night

11 430 purplelized
12 380 forget me not!
13 420 dirty berry
14 800 heavy metallilac

15 620 captain sparrow's boat
16 600 after eight
17 440 i wear my sunglasses at night

18 810 acid dc
19 700 birdy reloaded
20 560 rusty but sexy
21 550 marylin&me

Friday 27 July 2012

dior lagoon (summer mix)

dior 198 lagoon je deo prelepe letnje dior-ove kolekcije summer mix 2012.
dior 198 lagoon is a part of the beautiful dior summer collection, summer mix 2012.

za sva četiri laka piše da imaju sorbet finiš i da su jelly, ali je ovaj lak malo drugačiji od ostalih i krem je.

dior ovu boju opisuje "curacao" blue. za mene je ona prava plava sa trunkom tila. potpuna pokrivenost se dobija sa dva sloja, formula je savršena, četkica je po mom ukusu, tj široka :) zaljubila sam se u ovaj lak, i svakako ću uzeti i acapulco.

prirodna svetlost:
all the four polishes are branded as a "sorbet-like color" with "brilliance gloss", but lagoon is pretty mucha creme..

dior describes this color as "curacao blue". i see it as a true blue with a hint of teal. it takes two coats for full coverage, formula is amazing, and the brush is perfect for my taste. i'm completely in love with this polish, and i'll certainly get acapulco too.

natural light:

my collection: dior & chanel

moja kolekcija high end lakova je mizerna, ali radim na tome!
my collection of high end polishes is pretty poor, but i'm working on that!

chanel 525 quartz
dior 908 tuxedo
dior 198 lagoon
dior 916 csarina gold

Thursday 26 July 2012

10. theme friday: neon

prošao je i 10ti tematski petak na ana.rs (tema- neon), od sutra pa do sledećeg petka nas čeka moja omiljena plava!
10th theme friday (neon!) on ana.rs is finished, from tomorrow till next friday we will enjoy the beauty of blue polishes (my fav color)!

 moj izbor je bio china glaze - sun worshiper opisan ovde.
my choice was china glaze - sun worshiper, as desribed here.

depend 2027 raspbery (holographic)

raspberry je još jedan prelepi lak iz depend hologhraphic kolekcije.
raspberry is another gorgeous polish from depend's holographic collection.

raspberry je prelepi holo lak! kad nema svetlosti, izgleda kao obični malinasti lak sa šimerom, ali uz samo tračak svetla pretvara se u jedno pravo malo savršenstvo!

holo čestice su plave i narandžaste, ali su ove druge zadužene za wow efekat.

prirodna svetlost:
raspberry is a beautiful holo. when there is no light, or from a far, it looks like a simple raspberry polish with shimmer, but with just a little bit of light it turns into a prettiest thing ever. 

holo particles are blue and orange, but the orange ones are responsible for the wow effect of this polish.

natural light:

Wednesday 25 July 2012

my collection: depend

ovo je moja kolekcija depend lakova. na svu sreću, svi sem jednog su topperi i holo lakovi :D dobra stvar kod bočica od 5 ml je da ih možete potrošiti u nekom normalnom vremenskom periodu!
this is my collection of depend polishes. luckily, they are mostly toppers and holos! the good thing about this 5 ml bottle is that you can actually empty it in a reasonable amount of time!

1 045
2 252
3 5003 cracked effect
4 2032 holographic denim blue
5 2035 holographic laurel green
6 2027 holographic raspberry

ako se sećate, 5026 cracked je izmešten!
if you remeber, 5026 cracked has moved!

Tuesday 24 July 2012

essence 72 time for romance over essie midnite cami

essence time for romance je jedan od mojih omiljenih topera, ako to uopšte mogu da kažem jer ih volim sve :) posebno mi je efektan ako se maže preko tamno plavih ili crnih lakova.
essence time for romance is one of my favorite toppers, if i dare say, because i love them all! this one seems especially effective to me, if i layer it over dark blue or black polishes.

kada sam počela da pišem ovaj post, shvatila sam da nikad ne krenem sa idejom kako bih mogla da stavim neki topper, pa da biram lak koji bi išao uz njega, nego ih uvek koristim da malo "začinim" stvari sa lakom kog već imam na sebi dan ili dva.
prirodna svetlost:
now that i think of it, it seems that i never start with the idea of wearing a certain topper and then choosing the base color that will go with it, but i always use them to spice things up a bit on a polish after one or two days.

natural light:

Monday 23 July 2012

my collection: essence

essence kolekcija:

pre nego što sam krenula da slikam, bila sam ubeđena da sam veliki deo essence lakova potrošila (što u neku ruku i jeste istina), a kad uzeh aparat, iznenadila sam se koliko njih i dalje ima u mojoj kolekciji.

ova slika je trebalo da pokaže kako ih je pre bilo više (zaokvirene sam potrošila), kad ono...
my collection of essence nail polishes:

before i started taking pictures of my essence polishes, i was pretty sure that i managed to use up many of them, but as i took the camera, i was surprised at how many of them are still a part of my collection.

this "before" picture was originally ment to illustrate that i had a lot more bottles of couple of months ago (squared bottles are emptied), but it turned out that i somehow managed to outnumber my old self.

trenutno stanje:
present collection:

1 91 glamourous life
2 31 hypnotic poison
3 72 time for romance
4 46 wake up!

5 38 choose me
6 54 trust in fashion
7 78 blue addicted
8 87 passion for fashion

9 chilled orange (soul sista LE)
10 mojito green (soul sista LE)
11 james' favourite brown (soul sista LE)
12 4 (fruity LE)
13 troy (nail art twins)

14 carribean sea (show your feet)
15 gold old buffy (vampire love LE)

16 the huntsman (snow white LE)
17 evil queen (snow white LE)
18 prince charming (snow white LE)
19 grumpy (snow white LE)

20 sparkling silver (cracking base)
21 sparkling champagner (cracking base)
22 crack me! black (cracking top coat)
23 hello holo (special effect topper)
24 waking up in vegas (special effect topper)

Sunday 22 July 2012

essie midnight cami (cuddle with color)

essie midnite cami  iz kolekcije cuddle with color je moj prvi essie lak .
essie midnite cami from cuddle with color collection is my first essie ever. 

dobila sam ga na poklon od jedne drage lakoholičarke, koja očigledno zna koje boje volim, pošto je izabrala ovu prelepu duboku teget nijansu!

četkica je slična china glaze, tj. tanka. ja više volim šire četkice, ali pošto je formula solidna, nije mi pravila veći problem. šimer nije preterano izražen, vidi se samo na jakoj svetlosti.

prirodna svetlost:
i got it as a gift from one of my wonderful nail polish addict friends. she obviously knows me color preferences well, since she chose the color that is desribed as "a shimmering deep twilight blue".

the brush is similar to the china glaze's, or should i say, thin :) i prefer wider brushes, but the formula is good so i had little problems. shimmer is quite discreet and visible only in strong light.

natural light: 

Saturday 21 July 2012

essence chic reloaded (colour&go 122)

essence 122 chic reloaded je prvi lak koji sam uzela otkako je essence promenio bočice. boja je savršena i neobična, a ako ste dovoljno pažljivi, formula je dovoljno dobra da vam treba samo jedan sloj. negde sam pročitala da bi ovo trebalo da bude nova verzija where's the party, ali taj lak nije ni blizu lep kao ovaj!
essence 122 chic reloaded is my first polish in their new bottle. the color itself is rich and amazing, as is the formula, since the polish can be a one-coater, if you are patient enough. i read somewhere that this should be a new take on where's the party, but that polish has nothing on chic reloaded!

priznajem, uvek sam smotana kad prvi put mažem neki brend, a pošto je ovo nova bočica, može se reći da mi je sve bilo novo. četkica je deblja. što meni savršeno odgovara, ali... iako mi je nova ambalaža predivna, čini mi se da je grlo bočice predugačko, i kod svakog nanosa, imala sam problem: ili nisam umočila četkicu dovoljno duboko pa nisam ništa ni pokupila, ili sam to radila preduboko, i onda imala previše laka. nadam se da je ovo samo početna nesigurnost, i da će već sa sledećim mazanjem biti bolje.

zbog toga i imam dva sloja laka, da popravim brljotine iz prvog pokušaja, ali je jedan bio sasvim dovoljan za pokrivenost. ali, boja je presavršena da bih obraćala pažnju na ovakve detalje. :)
prirodna svetlost:
i admit, i am always a bit clumsy when i'm trying a new brand, which was almost the case here, since essence changed the bottle. the brush is quite wider, which suits me, but... even though i love the new bottle, it seems that the bottle neck is a bit too high, so i had problems with the application: either i dipped the brush to deep and got too much polish, or i dipped it less than needed to get the right amount of polish for good application. i guess that this was just a beginner's mistake, and that with time, i will get better.

this is why i had two coats, to even out the mistakes of the first, but the opacity was good enough for just the one. but, the color is so amazing that i'm going to forget these troubles.
natural light:

Friday 20 July 2012

china glaze sun worshiper (poolside)

china glaze sun worshiper je iz njihove neon pool side kolekcije, i moj prvi neon ikad. bilo je malo problema oko nanošenja, ali nije bilo toliko strašno koliko sam se plašila. ne mogu da prestanem da gledam u nokte, ali ne znam da li sam oduševljena ili zgađena :). ovo je moj izbor za tematski petak: neon.
sun worshiper from the china glaze's poolside collection is my first neon ever. the application wasn't the easiest, but it wasn't as hard as i expected. i can't stop looking at my nails, but i have problem deciding if i am amazed or repulsed by them :). also, this is my choice for theme friday, which is: neon!

 počela sam sa bazom (opi start to finish), jednim slojem maybelline mini colorama-french white i dva sloja SW, bez top coata da pokušam da uhvatim blago mat finiš. takođe se vide potezi četkice. nažalost, boju je teško uhvatiti i u prirodi je dosta intenzivnija i više narandžasta nego žuta.

prirodna svetlost:
i started with one base coat (opi start to finish), one layer of maybelline mini colorama-french white and two layers of SW, without a top coat in order to try and capture it's mostly matte finish. the brushstrokes are still quite visible. unfortunately, it is har do capture the real color, it is much more intense and more on the orangy side than yellow.

natural light:

Thursday 19 July 2012

9. theme friday: goth

9th theme friday (goth!) on ana.rs is finished, from tomorrow till next friday we will enjoy the beauty of neon!
prošao je i 9ti tematski petak na ana.rs (tema-goth), od sutra pa do sledećeg petka nas čeka neon!

moj izbor je bio deborah shine tech 18, opisan u ovom postu.
my choice for goth was deborah shine tech 18, shown in this post.

my collection: china glaze

china glaze kolekcije su mi uvek zabavne, i imaju stvarno divne boje, ali moram priznati da im je četkica malo pretanka za moj ukus, pa se uvek mučim s njom. mislim da manje-više imam sve njihove lakove koji mi se sviđaju, pa će sledeće kupovine čekati nove kolekcije.
i love the colors of china glaze polishes, but i must admit i am a little unhappy with the brush. it is too narrow, or maybe i am used to wider brushes so this one is forcing me to pay more attention while applying the polish. i guess a have all the colors that i like, so, i will probably get new ones only when the new collections come out.
1 outta bounds (ski collection)
2 dorothy who (wizard of ohh ahz collection)
3 2nite (omg collection)
4 stone cold (capitol colorus collection)
5 awaken (romantique collection)

6 lubu heels
7 long kiss (sealed with a kiss collection)
8 flying dragon
9 draped in velvet (we adorn you collection)
10 stella (retro diva collection)
11 fyi (omg collection)
12 ingrid (vintage vixen collection )
13 agro (capitol colorous collection)
14 foxy (vintage vixen collection )
15 sun worshipper (poolside collection)

Wednesday 18 July 2012

opi good man-darin is hard to find

opi good man-darin is hard to find je iz hong kong kolekcije. boja je prelepa narandžasta sa mrvicom crvene i kremaste strukture, tako da nije prozračna i lepo se maže.
opi good man-darin is hard to find is from the hong kong collection. it is a beautiful orange with a hint of red. it is creme, so it is opaque enough with two layers.
opi's description:but you’ve found it – in this zesty red-orange!

može se reći da u mojoj kolekciji ima najmanje klasični, ženshih boja, ali te što imam su pažljivo izabrane. mogu uvek da nađem objašnjenje zašto mi treba još neka nijansa plave ili zelene, ali sam zato blagi daltonista kad su crvenkaste nijanse u pitanju. to sve pokazuje koliko volim ovaj lak :D

prirodna svetlost:
the smallest part of my collection are the classical, girly colours. i will always find a way to justify buying yet another blue or green shade, but i am a bit daltonistic when it comes to the reddish ones. i am satisfied if i have only a couple of these, so this shows how much i love this polish, since it got chosen to be the representative for bright, creme family.
natural light:

Tuesday 17 July 2012

my collection: opi

ovo je moja OPI kolekcija. naravno, uvek može da se udomi još koji.
this is my collection (so far) of OPI nailpolishes, with a hope i will add a few more.
1 kendall on the katwalk (nicole by opi)
2 listen to your momager! (nicole by opi)
3 follow me on glitter  (nicole by opi)

4 here today...aragon tomorrow (espana collection)
5 russian navy matte (matte collection)
6 ink (night bright collection)
7 meet me on the star ferry (hong kong collection)
8 unripened (go goth collection) (ostatak kolekcije sam pokazala ovde - the rest of this collection was mentioned here)

 9 a good man-darin is hard to find (hong kong collection)
10 i'm fondue of you (french collection)
11 designer series tapestry
12 designer series illuminate
13 warm & fozzie  (muppets collection)
14 glow up already (burlesque collection)

Monday 16 July 2012

nfu oh 53 over miss sporty hypnotic turquoise

nfu oh lakovi su korejski brend, 5 free, i teško se nalaze u evropi pa sam bila mnogo srećna kada sam pre nekoliko meseci uspela da ulovim jednog, i to sa krpicama. bočica (17 ml) je pravo malo savršenstvo, dizajnirana kao viktorijanska haljina: korset na vrhu, suknja na dnu bočice, sa sve čipkom sa strane.
nfu oh is a 5 free corean brand that  is not easily found in europe, so i was very happy when i got my nfu oh flakies. the bottle (17 ml) is perfect, designed like a victorian dress with corset top and skirt bottom.

nfu oh 53 ima  plavu jelly bazu sa duohrom roze i plavim krpicama. pošto je proziran najbolje je ako se koristi kao topper preko plavih lakova. pošto obično menjam lakove na dva dana, ako se dogodi da iz nekog razloga ne mogu da promenim (a stigla sam jutros iz srbije oko 5 ujutro i odmah otrčala na posao), bila je idealna prilika da začinim miss sporty 34 hypnotic turquoise.
prirodna svetlost:
nfu oh 53 is a blue jelly with duochrome pink and blue flakies. it is shear, so it is best if it's used for layering with blue polishes. since i change my polish every two days, i get bored with my nails if for some reason i am not able to do that, i like to spice things up with a topper. so, this was a great opportunity to layer my miss sporty 34 hypnotic turquoise.

natural sunlight:

Sunday 15 July 2012

miss sporty 60 hypnotic turquoise

miss sporty hypnotic turquoise je savršen letnji lak. tirkizna je u poslednjih par godina postala jedna od mojih omiljenih boja, ali ova nijansa mi se nekako odvaja jer se dobije odlična pokrivenost sa dva sloja.
miss sporty  hypnotic turquoise nailpolish is perfect for the summer. it is a rich, turquoise color that i love, and i love that you need two layers for perfect coverage.

nažalost, ovaj lak je udomljen u moje u prošlom postu opisano groblje lakova (bio mi je omiljeni morski lak prošle godine) i, po mojoj proceni, u bočici je ostalo za još 1-2 mazanja. mislim da ova nijansa ne može više da se nađe.

uspelo mi je da zakačim domali prst aparatom, ali nisam imala vremena da stignem da ga popravim (žurila sam na exit :D), tako da se vidi tačkica.

prirodna svetlost:
unfortunately, this nailpolish is a part of my nailpolish graveyard mentioned in my previoust post (it was my perfect polish for the seaside), and i think that the bottle containes material for only 1-2 applications. i believe that this shade is discontinued :(.
i somehow managed to damage the polish on the ring finger with my camera, and though i wanted to fix it, i was in a hurry (preparations for the exit festival :D), so there is a visible smudge on it.
natural light:

Saturday 14 July 2012

my collection: the place where nail polishes go to die /mesto gde su lakovi otišli da umru

kada me je pre nekoliko godina fizika odvela iz srbije, i ja u nju počela da dolazim na 3 ili 4 nedelje, prvo sam sa sobom nosila po nekoliko lakova na te moje "produžene vikende", ali mi je na kraju bilo lakše da kod dečka instaliram bazu sa 15-20 lakova svih boja, pa da ne moram da se premišljam. na kraju je ispalo da su tu svi lakovi koji su na izdisaju, tj, još par mazanja i gotovo, tako da sam to mesto na polici nazvala mestom gde su "lakovi došli da umru".
ovo su svi na gomili:
when i left serbia a few years ago, and started returning only every 3-4 weeks on "long weekends", the problem of "what polish to bring with me" occured. with time, it turned out to be easier to install a base on a shelf at my boyfriend's plase with 15-20 polishes of various colors. in the end, i somehow realised that this shelf became "a place where poloshes come to die", since it contained all the old polishes i have, that are close to be completely used up.

all the polishes:

Friday 13 July 2012

deborah shine tech 18

deborah shine tech 18 je lak koji već dugo šmekam (definitivno sam slaba na crne lakove). ipak, cena i činjenica da sam se već razočarala sličnim, catrice i wear sunglasses at night, su me nekako odvlačili od kupovine. pre par nedelja su svi shine tech lakovi kod mene sniženi na nešto više od 2 evra pa sam ga konačno sam uzela. negde u to vreme je pao dogovor da je petak 13. goth petak, pa sam ga čuvala za ovu priliku.
deborah shine tech 18 was on my wishlist for a long time, because i am a sucker for a good black polish, but it's price and disappointment with similar polish from catrice, i wear my sunglasses at night, left the polish on my wish list instead of my nails. when all shine tech polishes got 50% off, it was a good opportunity to get it! somewhere around that time, we on ana agreed on goth friday, so i was saving it for today.

u flašici lak izgleda savršeno, krem crna sa holo česticama, ali sam se plašila da se boja neće tako verno preneti. ipak, nisam doživela catrice fijasko, i, sem nešto tanje četkice, nemam šta da zamerim. čestice se dovoljno dobro vide, ali nisu toliko in your face, što lak čini nosivim u svim prilikama.

dnevna svetlost:
polish looks perfect in the bottle, creme blach with holo particles. i was worried that they will not be visible enough (catrice fiasco), but i was surprised with how good the polish looks. particles are not so in your face, which makes it even more wearable. the brush was a little bit narrow for my taste, but nothing i couldn't work with.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

depend blue denim (2032 holographic)

depend.se je švedska firma čiji se lakovi mogu naći u dm-u (bar ovde gde ja živim). već sam koristila njihove crackle lakove, jer mi odgovara mala mililitraža (5 ml). sada se pojavila i holo serija, pa sam kao prvog uzela 2032 blue denim, ali se sigurno vraćam po još.
depend.se is relatively new swedish company. in my country, you can find their nailpolishes in dm stores. i already have a couple of their crackle polishes, because the bottle is small, 5 ml, so i know i will eventually empty it :) their holo series is new, i got 2032 blue denim to try it out, but will be back for more!

prirodna svetlost:
natural light: