Wednesday 18 July 2012

opi good man-darin is hard to find

opi good man-darin is hard to find je iz hong kong kolekcije. boja je prelepa narandžasta sa mrvicom crvene i kremaste strukture, tako da nije prozračna i lepo se maže.
opi good man-darin is hard to find is from the hong kong collection. it is a beautiful orange with a hint of red. it is creme, so it is opaque enough with two layers.
opi's description:but you’ve found it – in this zesty red-orange!

može se reći da u mojoj kolekciji ima najmanje klasični, ženshih boja, ali te što imam su pažljivo izabrane. mogu uvek da nađem objašnjenje zašto mi treba još neka nijansa plave ili zelene, ali sam zato blagi daltonista kad su crvenkaste nijanse u pitanju. to sve pokazuje koliko volim ovaj lak :D

prirodna svetlost:
the smallest part of my collection are the classical, girly colours. i will always find a way to justify buying yet another blue or green shade, but i am a bit daltonistic when it comes to the reddish ones. i am satisfied if i have only a couple of these, so this shows how much i love this polish, since it got chosen to be the representative for bright, creme family.
natural light:

veštačko svetlo:
artificial light:

kao i obično, koristila sam bazu (opi start to finish), dva sloja i top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS).
ovaj lak će mi biti jedan od glavnih ovog leta! (ako se ovo kod mene može nazvati letom, jer je bilo 11°C kad sam jutros krenula na posao. u sred jula.)
i used base (opi start to finish) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS).
this polish could be one of my summer favorites (if this can be called summer, since it was 11°C when i left for work this morning).

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