Monday 20 August 2012

catrice 865 yellow sub-mandarine

865 yellow sub-mandarine je treći lak iz novog catrice asortimana kog predstavljam, i prvi s kojim nisam u potpunosti zadovoljna.
865 yellow sub-mandarine is the third polish from the new catrice range that i'm showing, and i am sad to say that i am not entirely happy with it.

boja je sama po sebi prelepa. volim ove tamno žute/svetlo narandžaste nijanse (ja ovu boju zovem "mango" jer mislim da je najbolje opisuje). ima i malo srebrnkastog šimera, koji je jedva vidljiv čak i kada sunce direktno pogodi nokar, pa sam morala da razmislim da li da finiš opišem kao krem ili kao šimer, ali sam se ipak odlučila za ovo drugo.

formula je mesto gde se stvari zakomplikuju. prilično je gusta i nije baš lako manipulisati četkicom. posle dva sloja, pokrivenost nije loša ali se vide linije četkice i ima par ćelavih mesta. nažalost, ovo nisam primetila dok sam mazala nokte jer mi je soba prilično mračna. nadlak je malo izjednačio površinu, ali i dalje nisam bila zadovoljna s rezultatom. treći sloj bi verovatno poravio stvar, ali mi se stvarno  nije dalo da stavljam još jedan sloj preko nadlaka, pa onda opet sve to da zacementiram nadlakom.

čudno, ali ovaj lak se baš dobro slika. fotografije na direktnom suncu su apsolutno verne.

prirodna svetlost:
the color itself is beautiful. i love these dark yellow/light orange shades (i call this color "mango", since i feel it fits them the best). there is a little bit of silverish shimmer, which is barely visible even when the sunlight hits the nail, so i had to really think whether to label the finish as a creme or shimmer, but decided to go with the latter. 

the formula is where things start to get is quite thick and not the easiest to work with. after two coats, it gets opaque but everything looks streaky and there are some bold spots that i didn't notice while applying the polish (since my room is always dark). top coat evened out the surface, but i wasn't really satisfied with the result. the third coat would probably look better, but i didn't feel like adding another coat of polish on top of the top coat, and than to have to seal it with the top coat again.

strangely enough, it photographs excellently. the direct sunlight photos are exactly how the polish looks like.

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (opi start to finish) + dva sloja laka + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS).
presuda: obožavam boju, ne volim formulu!
i used base (opi start to finish) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS).
verdict: love the color, hate the formula!


  1. Divna je boja i lepo ti stoji. Šteta što je formula problematična :(

    1. ma, sa ovakvim nijansama je uvek muka :D sledeći put, kap opi thinner-a i biće ok!

  2. Lepa boja, steta za formulu. Nekim lakovima to oprastam, a nekima ne.

  3. Prelep je, jako neobična nijansa.

  4. Boja je stvarno interesantna, ali sve zute su izgleda osudjene na propast sto se tice formule. Mnogo dobro izgleda
