Tuesday 28 August 2012

catrice 890 how i matt your mother

probala sam još jedan lak sa novim "brush metal effect", catrice 890 how i matt your mother.
i tried out one more catrice polish with the new "brush metal effect", and this time this is catrice 890 how i matt your mother.

onovo jedna komplikovana boja, nazovimo je tamno sivkasto-plava :D lak je skoro jednoslojac, ali sam ponegde imala ćelava mesta pa sam rešila da namažem i drugi sloj. pošto ima polumat finiš, formula je dosta gusta. finiš je drugačiji od onog kod steel my soul, i izgleda nekako gumeno, ali mi je odlično!

prirodna svetlost:
the color is yet again difficult to explain, let's call it a dark greyish blue. it could be one coater, but i had bald spots on a few nails so decided to add a second coat. it dries semi-matte, so the formula is yer again thick. the finish is a bit different from steel my soul, it dries a bit rubbery and i love it!

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (opi start to finish) + dva sloja laka + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS).
i used base (opi start to finish) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS)


  1. I meni djeluje više kao rubber nego mat. Svakako je lijep :)

  2. Fantasticno ti stoji!

  3. Predivna boja! I meni je najlepsi originalni finis, mada je jako lep i sa TS-om.. Ako nekoga zanima neki slican lak, mislim da Aura ima skoro istu nijansu, jedan od Inches lakova, a takodje ima polumat finis.

  4. Love this colour, it’s really unusual.
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