Wednesday 15 August 2012

catrice 905 steel my soul

catrice 905 steel my soul je prvi lak koji predstavljam iz njihovog novog asortimana za jesen 2012. već sam spomenula da sam ih uzela nekoliko, ali ne planiram da ih mažem samo za potrebe bloga, nego ću polako, jedan po jedan, uz uživanje :D
catrice 905 steel my soul is the first polish i'm wearing from their new colors for autumn 2012. i did buy a lot of them, and i am not planning to just swatch them but to wear them like i do regularly.

ovaj lak na sebi ima oznaku "brushed metal effect", što je njihov novi tip finiša. suši se polu-mat i ima teksturu. inače volim njihovu četkicu jer je ravna i deblja, ali za ovakvu formulu, koja je malo gušća, ne bi bilo loše da je četkica nešto tanja. boja je sivkasto-ljubičasta i ima dosta zlatnog šimera kom ne treba direktna svetlost da bi bio vidljiv.

baza (opi start to finish) +dva sloja laka, bez nadlaka:
this polish is advertized with a new finish, "brushed metal effect". they dry semi-matte and have a kind of textured finish. i love that their brush is wide and flat, but here i guess it wouldn't hurt if it was a bit narrower, since the polish is thickish i had to put two thicker coats to make it work. the color is greyish with a hint of purple (i read somewhere that they called it a purplish "greige", which is a pretty good description). it is packed with beautiful golden shimmer that doesn't need direct light to be visible.
base coat (opi start to finish) + two coats of polish, no top coat:

eksperimentisala sam sa  standardnim BTGNTS (srednji i mali prst), da vidim koji finiš mi najviše odgovara. BTGNTS  daje visoki sjaj i malo pojačava efekat šimera. moram priznati da mi se najviše sviđa bez ikakvog nadlaka, kako su ga u catrice i zamislili.

i experimented a bit with BTGNTS (middle and little finger) to see what type of finish i prefer. the top coat evens out the surface and gives the high shine, and also the shimmer is more distinct. i must admit, a prefer it the way catrice planned it. i like the gritty structure.

na kraju, sve sam premazala BTGNTS da bih ih izjednačila:
in the end, i applied BTGNTS to all the nails, just to even them out.


  1. Zanimljiva boja. Najviše mi se dopada zamatiran.

  2. I think I like it both ways! This new Catrice was really popular!

  3. Divan je. Koliko je slican sa LB Kraljicom?

    1. kraljica nema ni mrvu ljubičaste u sebi, i lepša je, to ne treba ni sumnjati :D

  4. Stvarno je neobicna nijansa.. Meni se vise svidja ona tamnija verzija, ali mi je i ovaj jako lep. Sto je najvaznije, odlicno ti stoji! :)

  5. Interesantan lakic a pogotovo taj njihov finis, inace takve boje obozavam
