Friday 31 August 2012

zoya holly (gem)

holly je iz zoya kolecije gems and jewels iz 2011, i to je definitivno moj omiljeni zeleni lak. cela kolekcija je fantastična.
holly is from the zoya's 2011 holiday gems and jewels collection, and it is my favorite green polish, hands down! isn't this picture yummy?

zoya opisuje holly kao "zelenu sa suptilnim žutim tonovima i svetlim metalnim finišem". moram da priznam da ne vidim te suptilne žute tonove :)

 formula je odlična, potpuna pokrivenost se dobija skoro iz prvog sloja ali je drugi potreban da se sve  malo ujednači. boja je moja omiljena smaragdno zelena, i obožavam da imam ovaj lak na noktima!

prirodna svetlost:
zoya describes holly as " rich holly green with subtle yellow tones in a luminous metallic finish. great for giving the nails a flash of rich gem-toned color." i must admit, i don't see the subtle yellow tone.

the formula is dreamy, it is almost opaque after the first coat but the second one is needed the even the surface out. the color is my favorite emerald green, and it really makes your nails stand out.

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).