Friday 21 September 2012

depend 045

uzela sam ovaj depend zlatni lak kao šalu. generalno, ne volim zlato, mada je počelo da mi se sviđa na noktima i početna ideja mi je bila da ga koristim kao nadlak preko tamnih boja.
i got this gold polish from depend as a joke. i don't actually like gold (but i started to enjoy it on nails), and my initial plan was to use it for layering over blacks.

nažalost, za mene je previše gust da bi se koristio kao nadlak. a i od kad imam huntsman iz essence snow white kolekcije, jedan je definitivno previše. kada sam ga namazala prvi put, izgledao mi je presmešno, ali sam ga nosila par puta vikendom za izlaske, i odmah ujutru skidala :D sva sreća pa se ovi depend lakovi brzo troše, verovatno će sledeće mazanje biti i poslednje!

prirodna svetlost:
unfortunately, it is a bit thickish for layering. now that i have the huntsman from essence's snow white le, one of them is definitely not needed. when i had it on for the first time, it looked so silly on me, but i ended up wearing it a couple of times on weekends, when i go out, and i remove it as soon as i open my eyes in the morning :D good thing is that depend polishes can be used up pretty quickly, i guess the next time i wear it would be the last!
natural light:

veštačka svetlost:
artificial light:

pre par nedelja, na domalom prstu sam ga namazala preko i wear my sunglasses at night od catrice. nokti su mi bili duži, i mazala sam nešto tanje slojeve pa su ćelava mesta upadljivija.
couple of weeks ago, i layered it over one coat of catrice's i wear sunglasses at night. my nails were longer then, and i applied two thinner coats so the bold spots are more visible.

i, kako vam se čini? previše ili ne?! :D

koristila sam bazu (opi start to finish) + dva sloja laka + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS).
so, what do you think? is it too much or i can pull it off? :D
i used base (opi start to finish) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS)


  1. Meni too much :) Mozda u nekoj drugoj boji..

  2. Ja bih rekla da izgleda odlično preko tamnog.

  3. Gorgeous naildesign! I love gold and I think it is such an eyecatcher!! Match perfectly to a lot of outfits! Thums up!

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