Thursday 29 November 2012

28. theme friday: grey

boja za 28. tematski petak je bila siva, i ja sam učestvovala sa catrice captain sparrow's boat. od sutra je tema belo!
the topic for 28. theme friday was grey. i participated with catrice captain sparrow's boat. next topic is white!

Tuesday 27 November 2012

essence be optimistic! (colour&go 64)

64 be optimistic! je jedan od mojih retkih preostalih essence color&go lakova, i to je ovo druga bočica koju koristim.
one of my last remaining essence color & go polishes is 64 be optimistic! this is actually my second bottle of this polish.

ovo je prilično pigmentovana narandžasta koja naginje ka bronzi, sa zlatnim šimerom. formula nije jedna od essence-ovih najboljih, prilično je gusta i iako je jedan sloj sasvim dovoljan za potpunu pokrivenost, drugi je neophodan da bi se umanjili vidljivi potezi četkice. ipak, očigledno da mi to ne smeta preterano pošto završavam i drugu bočicu.
prirodna svetlost:
it is a highly opaque orange leaning on bronze shade with golden shimmer. formula is not their best, it is quite thick, enough coverage to be a one coater, but the second is needed to even out the brushstrokes. nevertheless, i obviously liked it enough to get the second bottle after i finish the first, and even this one is on it's way to be emptied.
natural light:

Sunday 25 November 2012

opi you only live twice (skyfall)

vreme je za još jedan lak iz opi-jeve skyfall kolekcije, i to za you only live twice. opi ga opisuje kao bogatu magentu sa puno šimera.
it's time to present another opi from the skyfall collection, this time it's you only live twice. opi's description: "this rich high-shimmer magenta is a once-in-a-lifetime find."

nisam baš ubeđena da je magenta pravi opis ove boje. za mene je to više malinasta crvena sa magenta-roze podtonom i zlatnim i roze staklastim šimerom.  baza je mešavina kreme i želea, tako da, iako prvi sloj izgleda dosta prozirno, sa drugim se dobije potpuna pokrivenost. formula je standardno dobra. da se ovaj lak pojavio pre ovog leta, verovatno bih ga zaobišla, ali pošto sam baš volela essence glamorous life, na koji me ovaj lak podseća, ušao je na spisak i stvarno sam zadovoljna kako je ispao.

sve slike su napravljene na prirodnom svetlu.
i'm not quite sure that magenta is the accurate color to describe this polish with.  to me, it's more of a raspberry red  base with hint of magenta\pink with pink and gold glass flecks. the base is a creme-jelly combo, so even though it seems sheer after one coat, it gets full opacity with second. the formula is standardly good. i would probably pass on this polish if it appeared before this summer, but since i had great experience with essence glamorous life that this opi reminds me of, i had to get it and i really, really like it.

all pictures are made in natural light.

Friday 23 November 2012

catrice 620 captain sparrow's boat

pošto je siva tematska boja ovog petka, odlučila sam se za catrice 620 captain sparrow's boat.
since this friday's theme is grey, i decided to go with catrice 620 captain sparrow's boat.

ovaj lak je skoro identičan sa chanel black pearl, i uskoro ću da napravim to poređenje. boja je gunmetal siva, sa diskretnim zelenim šimerom koji je očigledniji u bočici nego na noktima. tragovi letkice mogu da budu vidljivi, ali ništa preterano. mislim da je ova boja jedna od onih koje svima dobro stoje, i baš volim da ga nosim.
prirodna svetlost:
this one is pretty close dupe for chanel black pearl, and i am going to make this comparison soon. the color is gunmetal grey, with some green shimmer that is much more visible in the bottle than on the nails. formula is ok, but it can get bit brushsrokey, nothing too much. it is one of those colors that look good on every skin tone and i really love wearing it.
natural light:

Thursday 22 November 2012

27. theme friday: mauve

prošao je još jedan tematski petak, ovaj put je zadata boja bila boja mesa. na žalost, iako su ovakve nijanse počele da me zanimaju, nisam uspela na vreme da nabavim lak kog sam htela. sutrašnja tematska boja je siva.
another theme friday has passed, and this time, theme color was mauve. i didn't participate, because even though i started liking those shades, i still don't have one :( tommorow's theme is grey!

Tuesday 20 November 2012

opi the world is not enough

sledeći lak iz opi skyfall kolekcije koji predstavljam je  the world is not enough. opi ga opisuje kao roze srebrnog.
the next polish from opi's skyfall collection that i'm going to show is the world is not enough. opi's description: this rosy silver is as addictive as it is beautiful.

volela bih da znam kako da opišem ovu boju, pošto je zaista kameleon. za mene je on srebrnkasto-taupe baza sa rozikastim, braon, srebrnim i zlatnim krupnim šimerom. prvi sloj je prilično providan, sa drugim se već dobija dubina ali sam zbog slikanja rešila da stavim i treći. mislim da ću se sledeći put zadovoljiti i sa dva. ako izostavimo pokrivenost, formula je standardno dobra.
prirodna svetlost:
i wish i knew how to explain this color, because it really is a chameleon. i see it as a silvery taupe base with rosy pink, brown, silver and gold shimmer. first coat is somewhat sheer, but it gains depth with the second one. i decided on a third for the purpose of photographing, but i think i will use two in the future. other than being shear, formula is good as usual.

natural light:

Sunday 18 November 2012

comparison: rimmel hot list vs essence 73 princess prunella

pisala sam o rimmel hot list (HL) ovde i o essence princess prunella (PP) ovde. iako mi ne izgledaju kao potpuni duplikati, dovoljno su bliski da uradim poređenje.
PP izgleda kao mlađa sestra od HL. HL je nekako dublji i ima ljubičasti šimer koji mu daje draž. PP je svetliji i glavni ton mu više vuče na ljubičasto. mislim da čak i ako bih dodala još koji sloj PP, možda bi se boja približila boji HL, ali to opet ne bi bilo dovoljno da dostigne njegovu dubinu.
prirodna svetlost:
i wrote about rimmel's hot list (HL) here and about essence's princess prunella (PP) here. they didn't look quite dupey, but similar enough to match them side by side.
PP looks like HL's little sister. HL has much more depth to it, not to mention the purple shimmer. PP is lighter and the color is more purplish, and though with a few more coats it could approach the shade of HL, it probably still wouldn't have HL's richness.

natural light:

veštačka svetlost:
artificial light:

rozetna (prirodna pa veštaška svetlost):
nailwheel (natural + artificial light)

sve u svemu, ipak mi se više sviđa HL, ali nemojte pogrešno da me razumete, i PP je divan lak!
u oba slučaja sam imala  bazu (opi start to finish) + dva sloja + top coat
overall, i prefer HL. PP is also a cutie, don't get me wrong!
i used base (opi start to finish) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS).

Friday 16 November 2012

layering: essence hello holo over essence sparkling silver

bila sam u iskušenju da napravim još jedan post u nizu iz opijeve skyfall kolekcije, ali sam na kraju rešila da ipak malo promenim, tako da predstavljam šljokičavu holo bombu, essence hello holo preko essence sparkling silver.
i was tempted to post another swatch from opi's skyfall collection, but in the end decided to mix things up a little bit, so i present a glitter holo bomb, essence hello holo over essence sparkling silver.

već neko vreme sam se razmišljala kako da uparim hello holo (jednom sam ga čak nosila samostalno), i cajka je predložila srebrnu ili sivu kao bazu, pa sam ja izabrala essence sparkling silver, koji već sam po sebi šljašti. hello holo je prozirna baza prepuna holo šljokica, koje su prilično krupne i koliko god slojeva nadlaka da stavite, površina nikad neće biti potpuno ravna. bila sam u iskušenju da stavim dva sloja, ali sam se ipak zaustavila na prvom. mislila sam da će izgledati prilično trashy, ali sam na kraju bila zadovoljna kako je ispalo.
prirodna svetlost:
i was wondering for a some time how to pair hello holo ( i even wore it on its own once), and cajka suggested that it should look fine over silvers, so i chose already quite blingy essence sparkling silver. hello holo is actualy a clear base full of holo glitter particles, that are quite gritty and no matter how many layers of top coat you add, it will never be really smooth. i was tempted to put two coats of hello holo, but decided to stop after the first. i thought it would look trashier, but in the end, i am happy with the result!

natural light:

Thursday 15 November 2012

26. theme friday: gradient nails

još jedan tematski petak je prošao, ovaj put je tema bio gradijent. nisam bila preterano zadovoljna kako je moja kombinacija ispala, pa nisam ni napravila odvojen post za nju.
sutrašnja tema je boja mesa.
one more theme friday has passed, this one was all about gradient nails. unfortunately, i wasn't to happy about my combo, so i didn't make a separate post about it.
the theme for tomorrow is mauve.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

opi casino royale

danas ću predstaviti još jedan lak iz opi skyfall kolekcije, i ovaj put je to casino royale. opi's description: "this high-rolling plum is fit for royalty."
ii am presenting another one from the opi's bond collection, and this time it's casino royale.

ova boja je pomalo neočekivana za mene, ali mi je izgledao zanimljiv na prvim svočevima koji su se pojavili, i pošto nemam ništa ni približno ovoj boji, rešila sam da ga isprobam.

kao što vidite, uživo ni približno ne liči na promo sliku. u bočici mi je izgledao prelepo, ali kada se osušio, postao je koju nijansu tamniji. na kraju se dobije jedna šljivasta krema. formula je zaista odlična, lako se maže, pokrivenost u dva sloja i sve što uz to ide, ali sam ipak ostala blago razočarana. da je boja ispala kao u bočici, tj da se nije sušenjem potamnio, bila bih mnogo srećnija. naravno, daću mu šansu, moguće da mi nije bio dan za takve boje. čak mi je i dečko rekao da mi nokti izgledaju bla (mada, prethodni dan sam imala cast a spell, i teško je ne izgledati bla posle njega). prikazaću samo slike na prirodnom svetlu.
this color is actually a bit out of my comfort zone, but i thought it looked interesting in the swatches i saw, and since i don't have anything even remotely similar, so i decided to give it a go.

as you can see, the bottle is looks nothing as the promo picture. i actually loved how the color looked in the bottle, but it dried a bit darker into a medium plum creme. the formula was great, there were no visible brush strokes, it was opaque after two coats, but it left me somewhat disappointed. if it dried like the bottle, i would be much happier. of course, i will give it another chance, and hope it would grow on me. even my boyfriend told me it looked a bit blah (but i wore cast a spell on previous day, so it's hard not to look blah after that). i'll show only natural light photos, since only they made sense.

Sunday 11 November 2012

opi moonraker (skyfall)

ne znam da li me je ikada neka kolekcija toliko raspametila kao je to opi-jeva skyfall. obično sačekam kada je kupovina lakova iz novih kolekcija u pitanju, pregledam milion svočeva po blogovima i razmatram šta, kad i kako, ali ovaj put sam uzela 6 lakova (a možda uzmem još kojeg) a da čak nisam ni videla bočice uživo. prvi kog ću da predstavim je moonraker.
i can't remember the last time i was so psyched about a collection, but opi's skyfall really blew me away. i don't usually buy polishes from as-released collections, i wait and reconsider and search for numerous swatches, but this time i got 6 polishes (might get a couple of more) with out even seeing the bottles in real life. the first one i'm going to present is moonraker.

koliko mogu da primetim, devojke ovaj lak ili vole ili mrze, a ja ga definitivno volim! boja je čelično siva začinjena sa malo plave. na početku, izgleda kao da će finiš biti metalik, ali se suši kao prelepi chrome. tregovi četkice su vidiljivi, i ako imate neravnine na noktima (kao ja), i one će biti u nekoj meri vidljive. ipak, možda je čudno, ali čak mi se i to sviđa. mislim da je najbolji dokaz za to priznanje da sam ga nosila dva puta u ovih 10ak dana.

prirodna svetlost:
from what i can see, people either love or hate this polish, and i am definitely on the love team. opi's description: "drive your fastest car to get this exhilarating metallic grey".  the color is steel grey with a hint of blue. when you apply it, the finish looks like it would be metallic, but it dries like a gorgeous chrome. i admit, it is streaky, and if your nails have ridges (like mine), they would be visible, but, weirdly enough, i love the final look. i think that the best evidence of my love for this polish is that i wore it twice in last 10 days.

natural light:

Friday 9 November 2012

china glaze cast a spell

dosta zanimljivih nijansi je bilo u china glaze kolekciji ove jeseni, ali je cast a spell bio taj koji me je odmah zainteresovao, i spada u jedan od lakova koji su me najviše oduševili ove godine.
i know that there were many interesting polishes in china glaze's wicked collection released this autumn, but cast a spell is the one i really really wanted. actually, this polish has to be one of my favorites this entire year!

ne znam da li uopšte rečima može da se opiše koliko je ovaj lak divan, a čak ni slike nisu dovoljne. bazna boja je tamno zelena / crna sa zelenim i zlatnim šimerom, mada, ako se udubite u bočicu, možete videti da ima još raznobojnih mikročestica. po meni, ovaj lak je jednoslojac. na ruci koju sam slikala sam dodala i drugi sloj, ali na kraju mislim da nije bio potreban. formula je zaista odlična. iako je dosta pigmentovan, uopšte nije gust i vrlo lako se maže.

prirodna svetlost:
oh, are there even words to describe how amazing this polish is, and even the pictures don't do it enough justice. it is a dark green going to black base with green and gold shimmer, but if you look really closely in the bottle, you can see that it is also packed with multicolored tiny shimmery particles. if you ask me, it is a one coater. i went with two after all, but i couldn't see the difference. the formula is beyond amazing. even though it is super pigmented, it is not thick and is really easy to work with.

natural light:

Thursday 8 November 2012

24. theme friday: burgundy and 25. theme friday: taupe

pošto sam cele prošle nedelje bila na odmoru, ostala sam dužna i prethodni, bordo kolaž. moj izbor je bio essence hypnotic poison.
since i was away on holiday the entire last week, i am posting the burgundy collage one week late. i wore essence hypnotic poison.

prethodni petak je bio blatnjav. o, kako volim blatnjavce! pošto mi se mnooogo nosio dior trench, koji je delom i braon, nisam mogla da mu odolim.
last friday's color was taupe. i really love those muddy colors! since i was waiting for the opportunity to finally try out dior trench, even though it's part brown, i couldn't resist wearing it.

od sutra nas čeka gradijent!
tomorrow's theme are going to be gradient nails!

Tuesday 6 November 2012

layering nopi a million sparkles over ibd meteorite

a million sparkles je lak kog sam kupila relativno skoro, i koji je bio deo nicole by opi prolećne kolekcije, zajedno sa a lit-teal bit of love, shoot for the maroon (uzela sam i njega) i vio-let's talk about red. zainteresovao me je na prvi pogled.
a million sparkles is a polish i picked up a while ago, that was a part of nicole by opi spring collection together with a lit-teal bit of love, shoot for the maroon (i also got this one) and vio-let's talk about red. it caught my eye from the beggining.

imala sam veoma glupu ideju da probam da ga nosim samostalno (na ovoj slici je jedan sloj), ali sam shvatila da ne bih imala dovoljno dobru pokrivenost ni sa dva, čak ni tri sloja. ipak, dovoljno dobro se vidi da je ovaj lak u stvari kombinacija četiri vrste šljokica: fantastičnih crvenih pravougaonih, tanjih pravougaonih svetloplavih pravougaonika i okruglih šljokica i heksagonalnih zlatnih šljokica u providnoj bazi.
i had a stupid idea to wear it on its own (one coat), but realized there's no way it could be opaque with two or even three layers and gave up. but, this little experiments shows that this is a clear base packed with fantastic rectangular red bar glitter together, thinner bright blue bar and round glitter of the same color and small hexagonal golden glitter.

nakon toga, uzela sam ibd meteorite kao baznu boju, i baš mi se sviđa kako se slažu!
after that, i used ibd meteorite as the base polish. i love how these two get along!

Friday 2 November 2012

dior 223 trench

dior trench je deo dior nude kolekcije za jesen 2012, uz charnelle, grege i dune.
dior trench is part of dior's nude collection for fall 2012, together with charnelle, grege and dune. from dior: "the flagship model on dior runways, revisited in hues of rosewood spiced with a touch of beige: captivating elegance".

kada sam potrošila essence walk of fame pre nekoliko meseci, iz nekog razloga ga nisam zamenila drugim blatnjavkom. imala sam dilemu da li da uzmem chanel particuliere ili trench, pošto su prilično slični. ipak, sam se odlučila za trench, jer mi je dior formula generalno savršena.

boja je prelepa blatnjava braon krema i podseća me na milkšejk od čokolade :D formula i aplikacija su standardno savršeni, potpuna pokrivenst se dobija iz dva sloja sa visokim sjajem.

prirodna svetlost:
somehow, when i finished up my essence walk of fame sometime ago, i didn't get another muddy polish to replace it. i was in a dilemma whether to get chanel particuliere or trench, since they are quite similar if not dead on dupes. since i actually prefer dior to chanel, i made perfect choice.

this is a beautiful taupe brown creme that reminds me of chocolate milkshakes :D i can't even describe how amazing the formula and application are, it is opaque in two coats with glossy finish.

natural light: