Thursday 17 January 2013

35. theme friday: on the edge

završio se i 35. tematski petak, sa aura on the edge kao centralnim lakom, uz varijante poput catrice after eight, opi cuckoo for this color, deborah emerald bijoux i china glaze emerald fitzgerald. ja sam počela sa after eight, ali sam morala da mažem i on the edge.

od sutra nas čeka pečatiranje, i nadam se da ću uspeti da ideju koju imam sprovedem u delo!
 the theme of 35th theme friday was aura on the edge, and variations such as catrice after eight, opi cuckoo for this color, deborah emerald bijoux and china glaze emerald fitzgerald. i started with after eight, but had to participate with on the edge also.

tomorrow's theme is stamping, and i'm only hoping that i'll manage to pull off my idea.


  1. This is such a lovely shade!! so classy yet edgy.
    Shine eye, I wanted to let you know I'm having my first giveaway, and be most honoured if you took part at it! (that is if you're interested)
    Take care,

  2. Divan nam je kolaz!! :)

    1. biće još bolji kad ga zamenim sa kompletnim i dodam slike koje fale :D
