Tuesday 30 July 2013

ilamasqua - mottle (I'mperfection)

pošto je illamasqua skoro stigla u moj grad ("moj" još koju nedelju), i i'mperfection kolekcija je bila među standardnom ponudom, morala sam da uzmem nešto. favoriti su mi bili mottle i fragile, i jedva sam se odlučila za ovog drugog, ali je već bio rasprodat pa sam uzela poslednju bočicu mottle!
since illamasqua recently arrived in my city (well, mine for a few more weeks), and the i'mperfection collection was available, i had to get one. my favourites were mottle and fragile, i finally decided on latter but it was sold out so i took the last mottle!

ova kolekcija je inspirisana šarama na ptičjim jajima. mnogo volim ovaj lak i postao je mi je jedan od dražih u kolekciji. bazna boja je pastelna, skoro pa mint zelena, sa crnim šljokicama različitih oblika (okrugli i šestougaoni) i veličina. sviđa mi se ovaj pegavi efekat, posebno zbog dubine bazne boje.

iako je šljokičav, formula mu je fantastična, bez ikakvih problema u nanošenju. pošto nemam ni na šta da se požalim, prelazim na slike!

prirodna svetlost:
this collection was inspired by birds' eggs. i love this polish, it really holds a special place in my collection. the base is pastel, almost mint green creme, with black glitter in various shapes (round and hex) and sizes. i love this speckled effect, but also the depth of the base colour.

even though it's glittery polish, the formula was superb, no problems with applications, i really have nothing to complain about, so on to the pictures!
natural light:

Sunday 28 July 2013

zoya - liberty (pixie dust)

vreme je za još jedan zoya pixie dust lak, ovaj put je to predivna liberty iz letnje kolekcije.!
it's time for another zoya pixie dust polish, this time, gorgeous liberty from the summer collection.

malo je falilo da propustim ovaj lak. mislila sam da mi je opi get your number dovoljan plavi teksturac, ali sam videla liberty na noktima jedne lakoholičarke (hvala, t.), i pošto je bila subota i nisam imala vremena da se vratim u ultrasun, a ona i a. su ionako išle tamo, zadužila sam ih da mi je ipak uzmu i konačno je dobila prošle nedelje.

zoya je opisuje kao plavi šećerni sjajni lak, što i jeste! nijansa je predivna srednje plava, sa srebrnkastim šimerom i predivnom teksturnom završnicom.  bilo bi mi žao da sam je propustila, jer stvarno izgleda fantastično, kao prava vilinska prašina. nisam bila kući kad sam ga slikala, tako da ovaj put nema slika s nadlakom ali ću ih dodati kad ga budem sledeći put nosila.

prirodna svetlost:
i almost missed this one. i thought that opi's get your number is enough for me in the blue texture range, but i saw it on the nails of a fellow nail polish addict (tnx, t.) and since it was saturday and i had no time to return to ultrasun, i gave her and a. money to buy it for me, and it finally came to my hands last week.

zoya describes it as a blue sugary sparkle, which it really is! the shade is medium blue, just perfect, with silvery shimmer and the gorgeous textured finish. i would be really sorry if i missed it, because it really looks amazing. true pixie dust, if you ask me! i wasn't at home when i took the photos, so no pics with a top coat this time, but i'll add them next time i wear it.

natural light:

Friday 26 July 2013

chanel - bel-argus (l’eté papillon de chanel)

današnji tematski petak je posvećen chanel lakovima, i stvarno sam htela da izaberem neki lak koji nisam skoro nosila, ali srce je želelo bel argus, kog sam mazala čim sam ga ulovila u nemačkoj.

pretpostavljam da je svima već poznato da je dobio ime po leptiru lysandra bellargus, ali mi je zanimljivo da je samo mužjak ovako plav, dok su ženkina krila pretežno braon.
this theme friday is about chanels. i really tried to choose a polish that i haven't worn that recently, but my heart wanted bel-argus, although i wore immediately after i bought it in germany.

i guess it's a known fact that it's named after lysandra bellargus butterfly, but it's only the male that is entirely blue; the top part of the female's wing is brown.

kada mi je na noktima bel argus, mislim da je lepši od azure, i obrnuto. ovo je još jedno plavo savršenstvo, ali ovog puta nijansa je skoro električno plava, kao duboko more. duohrom efekat je nešto blaži u poređenju sa azure, ali su isto tako slabiji i vidljivi potezi četkicom.

ne mogu da dočekam da ga nosim pored vode, danas sam zbog njega na poslu ceo dan sanjarila o moru!

prirodna svetlost:
when i wear bel argus, i prefer it to azure, and vice versa. it is another blue gorgeousness, this time, almost electric, deep sea blue metallic. it's duochrome effect is a bit toned down comparing to azure; also, the brushstrokes are less visible!

i can't wait to wear it near the water, it made me daydream of sea today at work!

natural light:

Tuesday 23 July 2013

essence - caribbean sea (show your feet 01)

ovo je još jedan oproštajni post, ovaj put predstavljam essence - caribbean sea iz show your feet kolekcije.
this is another good bye post, this time, it's essence - caribbean sea from show your feet collection.

ovaj lak sam kupila prošlog leta, priznajem, najviše zbog imena. volela bih da mogu ovo da potvrdim iz iskustva, ali meni stvarno izgleda kao karipsko more. nijansa je orava morska plava sa zelenim podtonom, dok je završnica istovremeno i šimerasta, frosty i blago duohrom, nažalost, sa dosta vidljivih poteza četkice.

essence je već imao lak istog imena, moj je druga verzija. on je slabije pigmentovan i definitivno su mu potrebna tri sloja, što i čini poteze četkicom dosta izražajnijim, ali sam baš uživala noseći ovu bojicu da mu nisam previše zamerila dodatni trud.

prirodna svetlost:
i bought this polish last summer, and i have to admit, i did it mainly because of the name! i wish i can say it from experience, but i think it does look caribbean-y. the shade is sea blue with strong green undertone, and the finish is shimmery, frosty and a bit duochrome-y, unfortunately with quite visible brushstrokes.

essence had a polish with the same name before, so i have version no 2. this one is less pigmented, it really needs three coats, and this is what makes the brushstrokes more prominent, but i enjoyed this colour and didn't mind the extra effort that much.

natural light:

Sunday 21 July 2013

chanel - azure (l’eté papillon de chanel)

mislim da se može reći da su plavci iz chanel-ove letnje kolekcije l’eté papillon de chanel, bel argus i azure, lakovi o kojima se najviše pričalo ove godine. zvezda današnjeg posta je azure.
i guess it can be said that blues from chanel's summer collection l’eté papillon de chanel, bel argus and azure, are THE most talked about polishes this year. the star of today's post is azure.

do sada smo svi shvatili da obožavam plavce u svim varijantama nijansi i završnica. u ovaj duo sam se zaljubila u trenutku kad sam videla prve slike bočica i znala sam da mogu da ih kupim i na slepo, ali sam nekako mislila da me neće ostaviti bez daha, nakon što sam kolekciji dodavala plavac za plavcem. o, kako sam pogrešila!

azure je tirkizno duohrom savršenstvo, prava nijansa paunovog pera. prosto doziva leto, plažu i talase. duohrom efekat nije preintenzivan, ali sasvim dovoljan da me mami da gledam u nokte pod različitim uglovima, pošto je metalik, ima poneka vidljiva linija četkicem ali ništa preterano.

verujem da je svima dosta čitanja o azure, tako da prelazim na slike, i biće ih gomila. prirodna svetlost:
we all know by now that i'm a huge fan of blues in all the shades and finishes possible. i loved this duo ever since i saw the promo pictures and knew i could buy them blindly, but somehow thought that, after piling up one blue polish after another, they will not leave me breathless. boy, how was i wrong!

azure is a turquoise duochrome perfection, a true peacock shade. it screams summer, beach and waves. duochrome effect isn't insanely strong, but just enough for me to keep glancing at my nails at different angles. since it is metallic, there are some brushstrokes, but nothing too bad.

i'm sure everyone is fed up by azure post, so here are the pictures, and lots of them. natural light:

Tuesday 16 July 2013

opi - solitaire (bond girls collection)

prošlo je već dosta vremena od kad sam predstavila jinx iz opi bond girls liquid sand kolekcije, tako da je vreme za solitaire!
it's been a while since showed jinx from opi's bond girls liquid sand collection, so i guess it's time for solitaire!
opi's description: "this diamond-sparkling white is totally engaging."

stvarno sam želela beli lak sa teksturnom završnicom koji ipak ima malo "blinga" i solitaire je savršen!

bazna boja je nežna biserno-bela sa dobro odmerenom količnom srebrnih šljokica. formula i trajnost su istovetni kao kod drugih opi teksturaca (što znači-odlični). lak je potpuno suv posle 15ak minuta.

prirodna svetlost:

i really wanted a white textured polishes that had just a little bit of bling to it, and solitaire is perfect!

the base is soft, pearly white with just the right amount of silver flecks. it is as good as any other opi liquid sand in terms of application and wear (which means excellent). the polish is completely dry after about 15 min.

natural light:

Sunday 14 July 2013

essence - miss universe (colour & go 147)

pisanje o essence miss universe je bilo moja noćna mora! ovaj lak je toliko neverovatan, i spadao je, uz essence promberry, u grupicu koju sam nosila na putovanja, ali nikad nisam bila zadovoljna slikama jer mi se činilo da ne prikazuju njegovu pravu lepotu. pre nekoliko dana san iskapila bočicu, tako da sam morala da konačno izaberem slike.
making a post about essence's miss universe has been a nightmare for me! this polish is so gorgeous, it was one of my go to polishes, with essence promberry, but i was never ever satisfied with the pictures since i thought they couldn't show it's true beauty. couple of days ago, i finished the entire bottle, so i guess i had to pick some of the pics.

bazna boja je duboka plava, puna plavih i petrolej staklastih šljokica. moj jedini problem s ovim lakom je neočekivana prozirnost: tri sloja su neophodna da bi se postigla dubina s kojom izgleda fantastično. ipak, toliko volim ovaj lak da sam mu oprostila taj dodatni sloj jer je konačni rezultat magičan i svemirski.

razmatrala sam kupovinu essie dive bar, jer ih smatraju sličnim, ali kad god gledam njegove svočeve, nekako mi je razočaravajući posle miss universe. šta vi mislite? jedini razlog zašto, za sada, neću opet kupiti mu je jer želim da dam i nekim drugim lakovima šansu, a ne da mažem mu jednom nedeljno!

prirodna svetlost:
the base colour is deep blue full of blue and teal glass flecks. my only problem was the unexpected sheerness-it really needs three coats to reach the amazing level of depth. but, i was so in love with it that i didn't really mind adding another coat, since the end result was magical and space-y.

i considered buying essie dive bar, since they should be similar, but whenever i look at it's swatches, it's somewhat underwhelming comparing to miss universe. what do you think? the only reason i'm not re-buying mu for the time being is because i want to give some other polishes a chance instead of wearing this one once a week!

natural light:

Friday 12 July 2013

60th theme friday-coral + results of the giveaway

konačno kačim kolaž na vreme! prošla nedelja je bila posvećena koralcima. nosila sam dior diablotine skoro tri dana, slikala ga, prebacila slike, zaključila da su one prve sa bloga bile bolje i odmah ih izbrisala, toliko sam pogubljena, i zato sam uzela sliku od ranije.

ove nedelje se mažu kiko lakovi!
i'm finally on time with my collage making! last week was all about the corals. i wore dior diablotine for almost three days, took pics, transferred them on my computer, saw that the one i originally made for blog were better, and erased them, i'm so lost nowadays. that's why i used and old photo.

this is the week of kiko's!

danas je prvi dan mog bloga u njegovoj drugoj godini, i mali giveaway se završio. draga aleksandra će imati prednost izabrati koji paketić hoće, a mislim da je pomalo poetično da je drugu nagradu dobila ina iz slovenije, zemlje koju s tugom uskoro napuštam posle skoro 5 godina u njoj!  
today is the first day in my blog's second year of existence, and my little giveaway has come to the end. dear aleksandra will choose the package she prefers, and i find it kind of poetic that the second prize will go to ina from slovenia, the country that i'll be soon leaving after almost 5 amazing years.

catrice - king of greens

mislim da ovde ime sve govori, ovaj catrice lak zaslužuje da nosi ime king of greens.
yup, the name says it all, this catrice polish rightfully has the name king of greens.

ljudi iz catrice su u stara, dobra vremena stvarno znali da naprave savršene zelene lakove.king of greens, run forest run i san francisco su i dalje među mojim najnošenijim nijansama.

king of greens je srednje zelena nijansa sa gustim zelenim šimerom. mislim da se on može svideti i devojkama koje ne nose često zelembaće. formula i četkica su odlični, pošto on spada u starije lakove iz vremena pre nego što su u catrice zeznuli stvar. iako je živ i zelen, ne asociram ga samo za proleće i leto već ga nosim tokom cele godine.

prirodna svetlost, oblačno:
people at catrice, at least back in the days, really knew how to make a perfect green polish. king of greens, run forest run and san francisco are still amongst my most frequently worn polishes.

king of green is a medium green shade with dense green shimmer. i think that this polish can be appealing even to those who don't often wear greens. the formula and brush are great, since this is an oldie, before they managed to screw everything up. even though its vibrant and green, i don't wear it only in spring or summer but throughout the whole year.

natural light, cloudy:

Tuesday 9 July 2013

comparison: zoya storm vs deborah shine tech 18

moja prva pomisao kad samo počela da razmatram kupovinu zoya storm je da je verovatno suviše slična deborah shine tech 18, ali sam bila ubeđena da ga uzmem pošto je 18 povučen a dosta ga nosim.
my first thought when i started considering buying zoya storm is that it's probably too similar to deborah shine tech 18, but got convinced to get it since 18 is discontinued and i do wear it a lot.
 prirodna svetlost-natural light


Sunday 7 July 2013

ysl - orange afrique

moja zaljubljenost u ysl lakove se nastavlja, a ovaj put opsednuta lakom orange afrique!
my complete love for ysl nailpolishes continues! this time, i'm obsessing about orange afrique!

ovaj lak sam dugo tražila, pošto mi je falila prava i intenzivna narandžasta nijansa i orange afrique je ispunio sve moje želje. intenzivan je, ali ne na neonski način, i iako je jelly, formula je i više nego neverovatna i maže se kao puter! i završnica me je oborila sa nogu, izgleda baš sjajno iako nemam nadlak.

rešila sam da namažem tri sloja. pošto je jelly, možete da vidite moj čudni prirodni oblik noktiju: na sredini ivice nokta su isturpijani na par mm, a sa strane izgleda kao da imam po dva ogromna bela trougla, da bih mogla da održavam četvrtast oblik. na početku moje opsesije lakovima sam imala ovaj smešni, prirodni oblik ali mi se više sviđa sada.

nešto se čudno dogodilo sa prikazom boja na ovim slikama. nijansa u bočici je identična tome kako lak izgleda uživo, a ta boja je takođe identična boji na noktima. nekakvo čudno prelamanje svetlosti je učinilo da na slikama, nijansa na noktima izgleda crvenije.
i've been searching for this polish for a while now, since i really wanted a bright, vibrant orange shade and this one fulfilled all of my wishes. it is intense but not in a neon-y kind of way, and even though it's jelly, the formula is beyond amazing and it applies like butter! and shine, look at that shine, and i'm not wearing a top coat!

i decided to do three layers this time. since it is a jelly, you can see how weirdly shaped my nails are: at the middle of the nailline,  i filed at to just a mm or two, but on sides i't like i have two giant triangles in order to keep the shape rectangular. at the beginning of my nail polish obsession, i had this funny natural shape, but now i prefer it this way.

there's something weird going on with the color in the photos. the shade in the bottle is pretty much how it looks like in real life, and it is identical to the color on the nails, but some weird light refraction makes the nails look redder.
prirodna svetlost, senka - natural light, shade

Friday 5 July 2013

57th, 58th and 59th theme fridays

u poslednjih par nedelja, ako ne i meseci, ne samo da sam dosta zauzeta nego sam i potpuno dezorijentisana i neorganizovana, tako da kasnim sa pravljenjem tri kolaža.

prvi je posvećen golden rose lakovima. učestvovala sam sa jolly jewels 106 kog ste mogli da vidite ovde, a u kolažu je slika ispod.
last couple of weeks, or even months, i've been not even that busy as i was disorientated and completely unorganized, so, i'm late on three theme friday collages.

the first of those was dedicated to golden rose polishes. i wore jolly jewels 106 that you can check out here, and i submitted image below:

sledi kolaž posvećen mint nijansama. možda zvuči ludno, ali nemam ni jedan pravi mint lak, pa sam ovaj petak preskočila.
the next collage is dedicated to mint shades. i know it's a bit strange, but i don't have any truly mint polishes, so i skipped this one.

prethodna nedelja je bila posvećena essie lakovima. za ovu priliku sam čak 2 puta mazala go overboard, ali mi ni jednom nije ispao veran pa ga nisam predstavljala na blogu, ali je u kolažu.

ovde nedelje nosimo koralce!
last week's theme were essie polishes. i wore go overboard twice, but never managed to correctly capture the color, so i didn't make a blog post about it, but i did participate!

this week we're wearing corals!

Thursday 4 July 2013

zoya vespa (pixie dust)

imala sam sreću da sam došla u beograd baš kad su pixie dust i ornate kolekcije stigle u ultrasun, ali sam imala samo par sati fore u subotu da ih uzmem, iako sam u bg-u na drugoj strani ulice od us! tako da, probudila sam se u 8 ujutro (iako se vikendom retko kad dižem pre 11), obukla na brzinu i rekla md-u "ok, vraćam se za par minuta, moram da  uzmem neke lakove" dok je on mrmljao da se normalne devojke bude rano da odu po hleb i mleko :D

krajnji rezultat ste videli ovde. imala sam wl mesecima, par sam znala da sigurno uzimam, dok su neki bili na možda. vespa je bila jedna od tih drugih, ali čim sam je videla, znala sam da je uzimam!
i was lucky enough that i came home just as pixie dust and ornate collections arrived to ultrasun in belgrade, but had only a couple of hours to get them, even though the shop is on the other side of the street! so, i woke up at 8 am (on weekends, i rarely get out of bed before 11), got dressed quickly and told my bf "ok, i'll be back in a minute, i have to go get some polishes"  while he murmured that normal girls get up that early for bread and milk :D

the end result was shown in this post. i had a wl for months, with a few of them being sure deal and a few "maybe". vespa was on a maybe, but as soon as i saw the bottle, i knew i will have to buy her!
izvor-source www.zoya.com

od svih tipova teksturnih lakova, zoyina pisxie dust mi je omiljena! vespa je prvi koji sam probala, a oni je opisuju kao mint šećerka. nijansa je pastelna svetla zelena, poput žalfije, sa finim srebrnim šećerastim šljokicama. finiš je tako poseban a boja nekako vintage, sve u svemu, ljubav!

vespa je malo ređa, pa sam nakon normalnog prvog sloja stavila deblji drugi. na jednom noktu desne ruke sam dodala i treći, ali pošto nije bilo značajne razlike, odustala sam. iako u zoyi ne preporučuju korišćenje baze uz ove lakove, ja ipak imam moj dragi opi start to finish.
from all types of textured polishes, zoya's pixie dust is my favorite. vespa is the first one i tried, and they describe it as "mint kiss with a sugared sparkle". the shade is pastel, light sage green, with fine silver sugary glitter. the finish is so refined and the color looks vintage and, bottom line, i'm in love!

it is a bit shear, so after a normal first layer, i added a thicker second. i tried a third one on one nail on my right hand, but it looked pretty much the same so i decided to finish with two. even though they recommend skipping the base coat, i have my dear opi start to finish.

Monday 1 July 2013

one year blogoversary giveaway

tačnije, moj mali blog će imati prvi rođendan 11tog jula, ali pošte se (ne još određen) datum moje selidbe iz evrope na godinu dana bliži, rešila sam da sad organizujem malo darivanje, da budem sigurna da neću biti izgubljena u prostorno-vremenskom kontinuumu da ga dovršim!

ukrala sam ideju od drage cajke (nadam se da se ne ljuti!) i biće dve nagrade, jedna za čitateljku iz srbije, koja će i izabrati nagradu koju želi, i jednu za čitateljku iz inostranstva. igrica će se završiti u petak, 12tog jula, jer za sad mislim da ću tad biti u beogradu..
well, to be exact, my little blog will have its first birthday on 11th of july, but since the (still not exact) date of my moving from europe for a year is approaching, i have to host this little giveaway now, to be sure i'm not completely confused and lost in time-space continuum to see it through!

i stole the idea from dear cayca (hope she'll not be angry for that :D), and there will be two prizes, one for a reader from serbia (and she'll be privileged to chose) and one for an international reader! the giveaway will last until friday, 12th of june, since at this moment i believe to be in belgrade at that point.
prize 1: revlon colada fizz (scented collection), catrice orange (geometrix le), essence sunset paradise (sun kissed le) , opi minis: nevermore (go goth) & did it on em (nicky minaj) and essence nail effect powder:mission flower (guerilla gardening le)

prize 2: revlon grape fizz (scented collection), catrice blue (geometrix le), essence hello summer (sun kissed le), opi minis: pink friday & fly (nicky minaj) and essence nail effect powder: i'm the moss (guerilla gardening le)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

new in: june 2013

da sumiram ovaj mesec: potpala sam pod kolektivno zoya ludilo koje je nastalo po stizanju ornate i pixie dust kolekcija u beograd, opiji bi trebalo da budu deo prošlomesečnog posta ali sam ih dobila sa zakašnjenjem, našla sam dva ysl koja dugo želim a kod mene ih nema, nisam odolela spring ball-u i konačno nađoh jedan chanel raritet i dva letnja savršenstva!
to sum this month up, i succumbed to the collective zoya madness that occurred upon arrival of ornate and pixie dust collections to belgrade, opis should've been in the last month post, but i got them couple of weeks ago, i managed to find two ysl that are missing from the shelves in my town, didn't resist getting spring ball and finally got one chanel rarity and two summer collection beauties!
 ysl: orange afrique, prune minimale; dior: spring ball; chanel: bel argus, azure, intermezzo

 opi: jinx, solitaire, honey rider, pamplona purple

ornate: storm, aurora, blaze; pixie dust: beatrix, vespa; irresistible: hazel