Saturday 16 November 2013

a england dragon (the legend)

this is dragon, from a england the legend collection, and it may just  be the most amazing polish ever!

my love for a england polishes is well known. dragon was probably the first swatch of a england i saw, and it blew me away. i thought that there can't be a polish that would be soo much like everything i ever wanted. once i had an opportunity to get it, it was out of stock and opted for saint george.

they like to describe the polishes in a bit poetic fashion, and this is the idea of dragon: "like sunlight glinting off his iridescent mossy green scales, the fearsome Dragon lays basking arrogantly, awaiting his due!"

it is such a beautiful, medium green scattered holo with duochrome gold - copper shimmer. formula is standardly amazing, i can't get enough of these polishes, they are so well made!

natural light:

i used base (nfu oh aqua base) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).


  1. Vilica mi je u stanu ispod. :) Prelep je i fantastično ti stoji. Moram ga pod hitno nabaviti. :)

    1. genijalno! uzimaj ga, ne razmišljaj previše!

  2. Otkad sam prebacila brojku od 100, malo koji lak me odusevi. Sad mi je na par trenutaka stalo srce :treptrep:

  3. Moram da priznam da mi je Saint George ipak lepsa zelena, ali je i ovo lep lak. England su stvarno posebni.. :)

  4. Bože kako je samo lep, aaaaa, oduševljena <3

  5. Ja sam se zaljubila u england lakove samo preko svoceva, prelepi su i jako posebni.

  6. Predivnoća prelepa. Još si uspela da ga slikaš na suncu, što mi ovih dana nemamo. Savršeno.

  7. Ovo nije nijansa kakve inače preferiram ali moram priznati da izgleda moćno! Prava divotica!

  8. Dragon is such a beautiful polish, lovely swatches :)

  9. lepota nad lepotama! koliko je savrsen to se ne moze opisati recima!

  10. Ovakvu zelenu bih sigurno nosila :)
    Savršen je!

  11. Savršenstvo bez mane!
