Wednesday 30 April 2014

opi 4 in the morning (gwen stefani)

when i saw the gwen stefani collection for opi, i knew i had to have 4 in the morning. so, the time has finally come to show it off.

the moment i put it on, i got that powerful feeling that i have when i wear black polishes (maybe this is the reason my nails were exclusively black during my bachelor's and master degree).

 this one is something special. i love this satin-like finish, combined with tiny silver shimmer. it is not the deepest of blacks, but it's gorgeous. the formula is easy to work with, and i think it can get away with one coat.

natural light, no top coat

Sunday 27 April 2014

picture polish gravity (limited edition)

posle solar flare, aurora, altered state i ilusionist, završavam sa lakovima iz picture polish limited edition kolekcije, sa lakom gravity.
after solar flare, aurora, altered state and ilusionist, i'm finishing with my last polish from the picture polish limited edition shades, gravity.

kao i u slučaju ostalih lakova, imam jedan sloj preko jednog sloja crnog alessandro laka iz seta crystal punk

svaki put kad nosim jedan od ovih lakova, ubeđena sam da mi je on omiljeni u ovoj grupi jer, moram priznati, svih 5 je magično. multihrom efekat ovog laka se kreće od plave preko ljubičaste do roze, sa retkim momentima bakarne. nažalost, moje slike pokazuju uglavnom plavu. na ovo dodajte holo čestice, i dobijate savršenstvo!

veštačka bela svetlost:
as in the case of other polishes, i am wearing one coat over one coat of alessandro black out of crystal punk set
every time i'm wearing one of these polishes, i think it's my favourite one from the bunch because, let's face it, they are all magical. gravity's multichrome effect ranges from blue over purple to pink, with rare glimpses of copper. unfortunately, my pictures show mostly the blue part. add to this the holographic glitter, and you get perfection!

arificial white light:

Friday 25 April 2014

chanel peridot (illusions d'ombres fall 2011)

konačno je došao trenutak da pokažem predivni chanel peridot, iz jesenje kolekcije za 2011, illusions d'ombres.
i think it's about time to show the gorgeous chanel peridot, from the 2011 fall collection illusions d'ombres.

imam pričicu vezanu za peridot, priznajem da sam se kasno upoznala sa high end lakovima, ali je peridot bio prvi lak ove vrste za koji sam čula. pročitala sam članak u blicu, koji je predstavljao ovu novu kolekciju sa naglaskom kako je u većini zemalja već lista čekanja za peridot. meni je to bio šok, pa me je zanimalo kako lak zaista izgleda, i još se više iznenadila kad sam zaključila da je toliko lep da je vredan čekanja!

svakako je ovo jedna od nijansa sa kojima se osećam najprirodnije, iako mogu da razumem da je za neke ovakav lak previše. takođe razumem da prva asocijacija na njega obično nije istoimeni kamen, već muva zunzara. ipak, ova duohrom zeleno zlatna kombinacija (zelena je dominantnija u senci, dok je zlatna primarna na više svetlosti), uz moju ljubav prema metalik lakovima, mi je logična da bude jedna od nijansi koje su mnoge kompanije probale da imitiraju. iako posedujem catrice verziju, genius in the bottle, peridot mi je miljnik iz razloga koje ću detaljnije objasniti kad napravim post poređenja.

pošto je metalik, ima vidljivih poteza četkicom, ali je formula ipak neverovatno dobra.

prirodna svetlost:
when it comes to peridot, i have a story. i admit i am a latecomer when it comes to high end polishes, but peridot was the first polish of this kind that i heard of. there was an article in one serbian newspaper, that was about this collection and mentioned that in many countries, there's a waiting list for peridot. this honestly shocked me, so i was interested to see how this polish looked like, and was surprised that i immediately fell in love with it!

and it sure is one of the shades i feel most comfortable with, although i can understand that it can be too much for some people. i also understand that the first association to it is not the stone of the same name, but the common fly. nevertheless, this combination of greenish gold duochrome (green more dominant in the shade, while gold wins in direct light), with my love for metallic finishes, makes it obvious to me why so many companies tried to make the dupe for it. i own catrice's version, genius in the bottle, and although i love it, i prefer peridot for the reasons i'll explain more thoroughly once i make a comparison post.

it is metallic, therefore brushstrokey, but the formula is impeccable.

natural light: 

Wednesday 16 April 2014

ysl gris underground (autumn 2013)

ne volim da su mi dva posta uzastopno o istom brendu, ali pošto sam kući na odomoru i ne slikam nokte, moram da koristim ono što imam. tako da, opet je na redu ysl, ovaj put prelepi gris underground iz ovogodišnje jesenje kolekcije.
i don't like to post the same brand twice in a row, but since i'm home on holidays and i'm not making swatches, i have to work with what i have, and this time it's ysl again, with the gorgeous gris underground from the last autumn collection.

u poslednje vreme sam zavolela ovakve lakove. nijansa je neobična siva, sa dosta plavih i lavanda tonova. nekako mi je istovremeno i ušuškana i oblačna- u pitanju je krema koja je na ivici da postane pastelna.

formula je, kao i uvek, fantastična. ne nosim nadlak, zato što sam u ovoj situaciji već lagano ostajala bez essence top sealera, i pokušavala da ga uštedim, tako da mogu da kažem da je sušenje bilo brzo.

prirodna svetlost:
lately, i really started to like these type of shades. it's a really strange grey shade, with lavander and blue tones. i find it to be soft and cloudy at the same time. it is a creme that is strongly leaning to the pastel kind of polishes.

the formula is, as usual, flawless and smooth. i'm not wearing a top coat, because at this point i was on my last drops of essence's top sealer and trying to save it, so i can say that the drying time was rather fast.

natural light:

Monday 7 April 2014

ysl vert d' orient (summer 2013)

jedan od lakova koje sam baš iščekivala prošle godine je vert d'orient is ysl letnje kolekcije.
one of the polishes i was really trying to put my hands on last year is vert d'orient from ysl summer collection.

verovatno je dovoljno da kažem samo ysl i petrolej i da bude jasno koliko volim ovaj lak. šalu na stranu, stvarno je prelep. boja sama po sebi možda i nije jedinstvena, ali iz nekog razloga imate osećaj kao da jeste. volim petrolej kreme, a ova uz to ima i savršenu formulu i četkicu. ova petrolej nijansa malo više povlači na zeleno nego što moje slike pokazuju.

zaljubila sam se u vert čim sam videla promo slile, ali, na žalost, ova kolekcija nikad nije stigla u srbiju niti u zemlju u kojoj sam tad živela. samo zbog truda dragih lakoholičarki sam ga se dokopala. poprilično me nervira činjenica da sada, pošto živim u zemlji bez ysl štanda, a i neću toliko putovati ove godine, moraću da ulažem mnogo truda da zadovoljim svoju ysl zavisnost.

prirodna svetlost:

 i guess i could just write ysl and teal and it would be obvious how much i love this polish. jokes aside, it is gorgeous. the colour itself may not be the most unique in the world, but for some reason it feels like it is. i love teal cremes, and this one has an amazing formula and brush, so it is perfect. the teal is leaning a bit more to the green than what my photos show.

i fell in love with it the second i saw the promo pictures, but, unfortunately, the collection never arrived to serbia or to the country i lived at the time. it was only because of the efforts from my fellow nailpolish addict that it is mine. i feel really frustrated now that the country i live in now doesn't even have ysl counter, and since i'm not going to travel so much this year, i will have to put a lot of effort in taking care of my ysl fix :(

natural light:

Friday 4 April 2014

picture polish solar flare (limited edition)

posle male pauze, nastavljam sa nijansama iz picture polish limited edition kolekcije, i zvezda dana je solar flare, i posle ovog ostaje još gravity.
after a little break, i'm continuing with the picture polish limited edition shades, and today's star is solar flare, leaving gravity for the end.

pošto sam luda za plavim i petrolej nijansama, ovaj lak bi trebalo da mi bude najmanje zanimljiv u kolekciji, ali ga volim u istoj meri!

rekla bih da je multihrom efekat najači u ovom laku. kada svetlost pada paralelno na nokat, dominantna boja je bordo, kao što možete videti na slikama na suncu, ali pod drugim uglovima, narandžasto-zlatna počinje da dominira, uz čak pomalo zelene. kao dodatak, ovaj lak ima čestice neravnomernog oblika koje u hladu izgledaju kao predivne bele krpice, a na suncu laku daju rasejani holo efekat.

nosila sam ga na isti način kao i ostale, jedan sloj preko jednog sloja crnog alessandro laka iz seta crystal punk, i bio mi je na noktima neverovatna tri dana.

prirodna svelost:
since i am a blue and teal girl, this one was supposed to be the least appealing to me from the bunch, but it turns out i love it equally!

i feel like the colour shift is the strongest in this one. when the light comes parallel to the nail, the dominant colour is burgundy, as you can se from the photos in the sun, but at other angles, a sort of orange-gold starts to dominate, with even a hints of green. in addition, it has irregularly shaped particles that look like gorgeous white flakes in the shade, but add the scattered holo effect to the mix when you're in the sun.

i wore it in the same way as other shades,one coat over one coat of alessandro black out of crystal punk set, and had it on my nails for almost impossible 3 days!

natural light: 

Tuesday 1 April 2014

new in: february and march 2014

evo ga ulov iz predhodna dva meseca.

februar je počeo normalno, sa malom kupovinom sa izbor je pao na picture polish ultra violence i a england lady of the lake i dancing with nureyev.
so, here is my catch from the last two months.

february started normally, with a little purchase from my choice was picture polish ultra violence and a england lady of the lake and dancing with nureyev.
a england lady of the lake - picture polish ultra violence - a england dancing with nureyev

i onda je život postao ružan. februar i mart su bili dva najgora meseca u mom životu. zanimljivo je kako nekad samo jedan događaj, samo jedna stvar, može da vam uništi život toliko da svaka druga lepa stvar koja vam se desi, nebitno koliko velika ili mala, postaje ukaljana, a svaka loša stvar još gora. i još znaš da će april biti isti, i svaki drugi mesec, zauvek.

ovo je razlog zašto sam morala da se dokopam svih pet picture polish limited edition lakova. na neki način, to mi je postala misija. kada sam stigla na red i videla da su svi rasprodati, spopao me očaj. ali, bila sam uporna, i uspela da ulovim tri. i dalje, ne pet, ali bila je to mala pobeda.
then, the life became shit. february and march are the worst months of my life. it's so funny, sometimes a single event, just one thing, can destroy your life in such a way that every other good thing that happens, no matter how big or small, becomes stained from this, and every bad thing becomes inflated. and there can be no change to come in april, or ever.

so, this was the reason i wanted to get my paws on all five picture polish limited edition shades. in a way, i made a mission out of it. when i got the place in line and saw they were all out of stock, i felt miserable. but then, as i waited, i managed to snatch three. still, not five, but it was a small victory.
picture polish altered state - illusionist - aurora

onda, stigle su nove zalihe i uspela sam da ulovim i preostala dva, uz honey dew.

na kraju, iako je sve i dalje sivo, ovi lakovi su mi bar malo skrenuli pažnju, i uživala sam u svakoj sekundi dok sam ih nosila, tako da su bili vredni jurnjave!
then, the restock happened, and i managed to get remaining two, and also honey dew.

bottom line, even though i am still miserable, these polishes at least distracted me for a bit, and i enjoyed every second of wearing them, so, it was worth chasing them!
picture polish honey dew - solar flare - gravity

petorka zajedno/the five, together