Monday 7 April 2014

ysl vert d' orient (summer 2013)

jedan od lakova koje sam baš iščekivala prošle godine je vert d'orient is ysl letnje kolekcije.
one of the polishes i was really trying to put my hands on last year is vert d'orient from ysl summer collection.

verovatno je dovoljno da kažem samo ysl i petrolej i da bude jasno koliko volim ovaj lak. šalu na stranu, stvarno je prelep. boja sama po sebi možda i nije jedinstvena, ali iz nekog razloga imate osećaj kao da jeste. volim petrolej kreme, a ova uz to ima i savršenu formulu i četkicu. ova petrolej nijansa malo više povlači na zeleno nego što moje slike pokazuju.

zaljubila sam se u vert čim sam videla promo slile, ali, na žalost, ova kolekcija nikad nije stigla u srbiju niti u zemlju u kojoj sam tad živela. samo zbog truda dragih lakoholičarki sam ga se dokopala. poprilično me nervira činjenica da sada, pošto živim u zemlji bez ysl štanda, a i neću toliko putovati ove godine, moraću da ulažem mnogo truda da zadovoljim svoju ysl zavisnost.

prirodna svetlost:

 i guess i could just write ysl and teal and it would be obvious how much i love this polish. jokes aside, it is gorgeous. the colour itself may not be the most unique in the world, but for some reason it feels like it is. i love teal cremes, and this one has an amazing formula and brush, so it is perfect. the teal is leaning a bit more to the green than what my photos show.

i fell in love with it the second i saw the promo pictures, but, unfortunately, the collection never arrived to serbia or to the country i lived at the time. it was only because of the efforts from my fellow nailpolish addict that it is mine. i feel really frustrated now that the country i live in now doesn't even have ysl counter, and since i'm not going to travel so much this year, i will have to put a lot of effort in taking care of my ysl fix :(

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS).


  1. Žensan + petrolej = Ufi :D
    Možda boja nije preterano originalna, ali je veoma lepa.

  2. Prelep je :o savrseno stoji tvojoj duzini noktiju =^.^=

  3. It's too teal for me - but it looks amazing on you!!

  4. Jednom recju divan. Jako mi je krivo sto ga nema kod nas, i sto ga nisam nasla jesenas kad sam bila u Rimu. Skoro necu putovati negde gde ima YSL, te cu morati da ga i dalje oplakujem. Prelepo ti stoji i bas je tvoja nijansa.

  5. baš je krasan :D
    nadam se da ćeš se ipak snaći kad bude trebalo nabaviti koju novu bočicu :D

  6. Ovo je definitivno Ufi boja.

  7. Divan je, stvarno šteta što nikad nije stizao kod nas.

  8. I like this color! :)
