Saturday 24 May 2014

a england order of the garter (the legend)

nesrećni order of the garter nekako ostaje zanemaren u a england the legend kolekciji, pošto je tu jedini lak bez holo efekta.
poor order of the garter, it is the only polish in the a england's the legend collection that's not holo, so it get's overlooked!

order of the garter sam dodavala i skidala sa liste želja toliko često da sam na kraju rešila da ga uzmem, samo da se ne premišljam više. inspirisan je bojom lente engleskog najvišeg viteškog reda.

ovo je prelepa srednje plava nijansa sa sitnim svetlije plavim staklastim flekicama. prvi sloj je bio proziran, ali se pokrivenost sredila posle drugog. ovaj lak poseduje sve što se očekuje od a england laka: odličnu čestkicu i dobru formulu.

moram da dodam njihov opis, pošto je uvek poetskim ali zato, za moj talenat, neprevodiv: "majestically deep and filled with truth's purity & strength of will, this royal blue inspires honour with every scintillating pulse."

prirodna svetlost:
order of the garter was being on and off my wishlist for so long that i decided to take it, just to get over with it. it is inspired by the english highest order of chivalry and the color of it's sash.

it is a beautiful medium blue, with small  lighter blue glass flecks. the first coat was a bit sheer, but the opacity was built up nicely after the second. it has everything you expect from an a england polish: a great brush and good formula.

i have to add their description, because it is always so poetic: "majestically deep and filled with truth's purity & strength of will, this royal blue inspires honour with every scintillating pulse."

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (seche vite).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (seche vite).


  1. odlična boja, meni ne smeta što nije holo, isto je krasan :D

  2. Order of the Garter is such a wonderful and beautiful blue :)

  3. Ipak mi se dopada na tvojim slikama, mada ti reče da ništa ne propuštam? :)

    1. lep je i sve to, ali mi opet nije spektakularan, mislim da imam i lepših plavaca

  4. Čak i boje koje inače ne nosim mi se dopadaju u njihovoj izvedbi. Recimo ova :D

  5. Meni se u poslednje vreme bas dopadaju ovakvi plavi lakovi :)

    A i skroz mi ide uz tebe :)

  6. Nisi uopste pogresila sto si ga na kraju kupila jer je predivan! <3

  7. It's a very gorgeous blue. Looks good in the sun :-)

  8. Wow, this is a stunning, stunning blue. You're so right--it deserves so much more attention! :D

  9. Gorgeous blue!
