Thursday 8 May 2014

nyx mermaid green (core)

baš je dugo vremena prošlo od kad sam prikazala svoj prvi nyx lak (sea of cortez) od tri koja sam uzela u holandiji pre godinu dana, tako da je vreme za mermaid green.
it's been ages since i swatched first (sea of cortez) out of three nyx polishes that i got in the netherlands a year ago, so it's finally time for mermaid green.

pošto ne mogu da nađem nikakvu informaciju u kolekciji, verovatno je deo stalne postavke.

dok mi je boja zaista prelepa, i mislim da joj mermaid green ime odlično pristaje jer je skoro podjednako plava koliko i zelena, formula je baš loša. prilično je redak i ostavlja dosta ćelavih mesta, tako da mora da se maže u tri sloja, pa čak i tad ponekad da izgleda vodenasto. ipak sam ga dosta nosila, ali prvenstveno na nogama.

prirodna svetlost:
since i can't get any other info, i have to guess it is in the core collection.

while i really like the colour, and i think the name mermaid green fits it perfectly, since it is almost as much as green as it is blue, i really dislike the formula. it is thin and leaves a lot of bald spots, so it has to go with three coats, and even then can sometimes look watery. i did wear it quite a few times, but mainly on my toes.

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + tri sloja laka + nadlak (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + three layers of polish + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS).


  1. Sviđa mi se boja, podsetio me je malo na AE Galahad koji vučem mesecima na WL. Vidim da utisci za Nyx lakove nisu baš wow, pa onda i nije neka šteta što ih nema.

    1. i ja sam ista s galahadom! ne znam, možda i jesu wow a ja izabrala loše

  2. ljeto na noktima, prekrasan je.

  3. The name is very fitting. What a nice shade of green :-)

  4. I think you are right, mix it with a silver sheen, and there is your mermaid :D
    Lovely swatches as always!

  5. Lepa boja, a formula... Eh.

  6. Amazing shade, to bad about the formula though. I have some NYX nail polish and is either hit or miss.

    1. yeah, i guess one should do more research before buying their polishes

  7. Bas steta za formulu, boja je tako lepa!

  8. ma tri sloja i nisu tako strašna ako se pristojno suše :D
