Friday 27 June 2014

dance legend danger danger (wow prism)

današnji izbor je prelepi danger danger iz fantastične dance legend kolekcije wow prism koju možete videti na slici ispod.
today's choice is the gorgeous danger danger from dance legend's amazing collection wow prism that you can see on the photo below.

u nekom tenutku sam shvatila da mi fali jaki, dobro pigmentovani malinasti holo lak i odmah sam znala da treba da ga tražim u dance legend ponudi. nije mi trebalo dugo da shvatim da je danger danger upravo ono što sam želela!

moram da pohvalim dance legend holo lakove, bilo da su rasejani poput ovog ili linearni kao android, i verujem da će i sledeći put biti moj izbor.

prirodna svetlost:
at some point i realized i'm missing a bright, but saturated raspberry red holo, and i immediately knew that i should search for it among the dance legend collections. it didn't take me long to realize that danger danger is exactly what i was looking for!

i'm really impressed with dance legend holos, whether they are scattered as this one, ore linear like android, and i guess i'll always turn to them for this types of polishes.

natural light:

Wednesday 18 June 2014

catrice dirty berry (420)

svetsko prvenstvo je počelo, tako da nemam ni trunku slobodnog vremena. čak i lak za nokte menjam na tri dana. ipak, sad sam ulovila malo vremena pa prikazujem catrice dirty berry.
the world cup started, so my free time is completely taken. i am changing polishes every three days, that's how busy i am. today i managed to get some time to show off catrice dirty berry.

dirty berry je nekada bio deo osnovne catrice kolekcije, i i dalje mi je među favoritima. nijansa je prašnjava, prigušena ljubičasta, s dosta plavog podtona i vrlo suptilnim rasejanim holo šimerom. iako holo efekat nije izražen, ipak ovaj lak čini posebnim i elegantnim.

prirodna svetlost:
dirty berry was part of their core collection back in the days, and it's still among my favourites. it is a dusty, muted purple with a lot of blue, and with a really subtle scattered holo shimmer. even though the holo effect is not in your face, it makes it really special and elegant.

natural light:

Thursday 5 June 2014

picture polish kryptonite (collaboration shade by more nail polish)

danas je došao red na picture polish kryptonite, koji je definitivno uskočio na moju listu omiljenih.
today, i am showing you picture polish kryptonite, that skyrocketed into my favorites list.

kryptonite je jedan od prvih lakova koje je australijski brend picture polish naparavio u kolaboraciji sa blogerkama (još u 2012), i kreirala ga je devojka iza bloga more nail polish, i njen razlog za što je izabrala zeleni holo lak možete pročitati ovde.

oduvek sam ga želela, ali baš dugo nije bio dostupan i kada se to konačno desilo, nisam ni sekundu razmišljala da li da ga naručim. sastoji se iz visoko pigmentovane jelly tamnozelene baze sa nepravilnim holo česticama koje pp pravi savršeno. takođe, suši se glatko, nema neravnina i samim tim ne jede nadlak. prelep je i stvarno mi je novi favorit.

prirodna svetlost:
kryptonite was in one among the first polishes that australian brand picture polish made in collaboration with nail bloggers (back in 2012), and it was the choice of the girl behind more nail polish blog, and her reasons for creating it can be read here.

i always wanted it, but it was out of stock for a long time so when i saw that it's available, i didn' t think for a second. it is consisted of a highly pigmented dark green base, with chunky holo particles, that pp makes beautifully. it also dries glossy, no gritty finish here, and it's not a top coat eater. it is gorgeous, i simply adore it.

natural light:

Monday 2 June 2014

new in: april and may 2014

možda izgleda da sam preterala u ova dva meseca, sli je sve bilo s razlogom :D

bila sam kući za uskrs, pa sam morala da se napunim ysl i opi lakovima, jer mi ovde nisu dostupni. takođe sam imala i malu picture polish i a england porudžbinu.
it may seem like i really overdid it in these two months, but it was with a reason :D

i went home for easter, so i had to stock up on ysl and opi, since they are not available to me here. i also had a small picture polish and a england order.
ysl: rouge pop art - parme grafitti - premiere neige - rose scabiosa - rouge pablo; dior porcelaine

opi: baby please come home - warm me up - - 4 in the morning - what wizardry is this

opi: i just can't copacabana - did it on 'em - fly - amazOn amazOFF

picture polish darcy - a england avalon - a england ascalon

maj je trebalo da bude skromniji, sa par picture polish lakova, ali par dana kasnije je bila dopuna nekih lakova koje sam želela, pa sam morala da sebi učinim. za kaznu ću da se smirim u junu :D
may was supposed to be much simpler, just with a couple of picture polish, but a few days after my order, there was a restock of polishes i really wanted so i had to splurge. i guess i'll tone it down for june :D
picture polish: lizzie - ocean - kryptonite - jealousy

dance legend: rio #1 - danger danger - high voltage - lebedushka - koschei besmertni - tsarevna lyagushka