Friday 27 June 2014

dance legend danger danger (wow prism)

današnji izbor je prelepi danger danger iz fantastične dance legend kolekcije wow prism koju možete videti na slici ispod.
today's choice is the gorgeous danger danger from dance legend's amazing collection wow prism that you can see on the photo below.

u nekom tenutku sam shvatila da mi fali jaki, dobro pigmentovani malinasti holo lak i odmah sam znala da treba da ga tražim u dance legend ponudi. nije mi trebalo dugo da shvatim da je danger danger upravo ono što sam želela!

moram da pohvalim dance legend holo lakove, bilo da su rasejani poput ovog ili linearni kao android, i verujem da će i sledeći put biti moj izbor.

prirodna svetlost:
at some point i realized i'm missing a bright, but saturated raspberry red holo, and i immediately knew that i should search for it among the dance legend collections. it didn't take me long to realize that danger danger is exactly what i was looking for!

i'm really impressed with dance legend holos, whether they are scattered as this one, ore linear like android, and i guess i'll always turn to them for this types of polishes.

natural light:


veštačka bela svetlost/artificial white ligh

koristila sam bazu (nfu oh aqua base) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (seche vite).
i used base (nfu oh aqua base) + two layers of polish + top coat (seche vite).


  1. Oh I like this one, it's very pretty! :-)

    I used to obsessively read Mirma's site I love it - I have no idea what happened to her :-|

    1. thank you.. i don't know what happened, maybe she'll come back!

  2. I love the OW Prism polishes and have quite a few myself - and you are right, this is absolutely perfect!!

  3. Dance Legend ima tako savršene lakove *.*

  4. Dopada mi se pod veštačkim svetlom. Imam utisak da ga direktno sunce malo ispere.

    1. čini ti se, ne ispere ga, bar ne značajno

  5. Odličan je. Kao i cela kolekcija :)
    Je li mu baš potrebna vodena baza, ili se samo tako zadesilo?

    1. ja nekako iz navike čim je holo mažem aqua bazu, ali pošto nije linearac, mislim da nije potrebna

  6. Divno izgleda. :) Volim te holo džemove u svim varijantama.

  7. The collection is stunning. I'd like to try... let's count... 12 of them. Gorgeous!

  8. ajme kolekcije, za prosliniti *.*
    krasan je i ovaj crvendać <3

  9. Skroz ga vidim ispod jelke :D
