Tuesday 22 July 2014

a england fated prince (burne-jones dream)

posle briarwood, koristim sunčane dane da pokažem a england fated prince iz burne-jones dream kolekcije.
after briarwood, i'm taking advantage of the perfect weather to show a england fated prince from burne-jones dream collection.

obožavam a england holo lakove, stvarno su mala remek dela. po meni, tamno siva je odlična podloga za holo lakove, baš predstavlja dobar zaokret tamnim nijansama.

ideja a england je bila da lak predstavlja boju čelika herojevog mača. holografski efekat je očigledan i u senci ali, naravno, na suncu potpuno oživi. formula je fantastična, kao što se i očekuje od ovih lakova.

prirodna svetlost:
i do love a england's holos, they are really a thing of beauty. in my opinion, charcoal grey is a great option for a holographic polish, it really gives a twist to dark shades.

a england's idea was for it to resemble "the tempered steel of a hero's blade". the holographic effect is not muted even in shade, but at sunlight it really becomes alive. formula is great, as usual for their polishes.

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (seche vite.
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (seche vite).


  1. Be still my heart :D
    Znaš kako sam slaba na ovakve lakove. Podseća me malo na moju ljubav Revvvolution.

  2. I agree with Vedrana - and think: why don't I have this in my collection??
    It's gorgeous!

  3. It's stunning and looks great in the sun :-)

  4. I like it, I like a-england brand.

  5. Ah koliko mi nedostaju moji A-Englandici. <3 Princ je savrsen.

  6. It looks so amazing! <3

  7. jep, i mene je podsjetio na revvvolution, prekrasan je *.*
