
Thursday, 17 July 2014

picture polish ocean (collaboration shade by kelly's kolors)

vratila sam se sa moje druge pauze (čak nisam uspela da proslavim drugu blogogodišnjicu) i nadam se da ću se sad vratiti na staro.

pravi lak za povratak je ocean od picture polish.
i'm back after my second break (i even failed to acknowledge my 2nd blogging anniversary) but i hope i will be back to regular now.

and my perfect comeback polish is ocean from picture polish.

ovo je još jedan pp lak iz njihove kolekcije u kojoj sarađuju sa blogerkama iz celog sveta. razlog zašto je kelly s bloga kelly's kolors izabrala ovakav lak, vidite ovde.

obožavam ovaj lak. bazna boja je jarko plavi/tirkizni jelly sa velikim holo šljokicama. pošto ima jelly završnicu, dva sloja nisu dovoljna za potpunu pokrivenost. ipak, meni se svideo  providnjikav pa sam ga tako i nosila. poslednja slika u postu je s dva sloja. sledeći dan sam bila u žurbi i nisam mogla da promenim lak, pa sam dodala treći sloj, i sve ostale slike su sa tri sloja,

prirodna svetlost:
this is another one from their collaboration shades with bloggers from all over the world. the reason why kelly from kelly's kolors chose this one can be read here!

i simply love it. it is a bright blue/turquoise jelly with large holographic glitter. since it is jelly, two coats are not sufficient for the full coverage, but i kind of liked it that way. the picture at the very bottom is with just two layers. i was in a rush the next day, so instead of taking this one off, i added another coat, so all the pictures are with three coats.

natural light:

dva sloja/two coats

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + tri sloja laka + nadlak (seche vite.
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + three layers of polish + top coat (seche vite).


  1. Upotrebiću tuđu reč koju koristi kad vidi nešto lepo.

    Lepotinja! Prekrasan je! Ova marka lakova je sve oduvala! Divne nijanse i šljokice!

  2. Ime mu savršeno odgovara.

  3. Ocean is such a gorgeous blue, but the glitters/flakies really makes the difference :)

  4. Fantastican je! I ja bih mogla da ga nosim u dva sloja. ;)

  5. What a stunning colour and how it sparkles :-D

  6. Divota jedna, Lepši je od Dream-a :)

  7. prekrasan, oduševljena sam <3

  8. Goregeous one! <3


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