Tuesday 28 October 2014

essence chilled orange (soul sista)

chilled orange je deo moje omiljene essence kolekcije, soul sista, još iz proleća 2012.
chilled orange was a part of my favourite essence limited edition collection, soul sista, back in the spring of 2012.

mislim da mi je ova kolekcija toliko draga zato što je izgledala baš sveže (mojito green mi je i dalje jedan od omiljenih lakova). i chilled orange je baš takav, živ i topao.

volim ove narandžasto/žute crelly lakove koje volim da zovem mango nijansama. jedini razlog što ga tek sad pokazujem je taj što takvi lakovi obično imaju nezgodnu formulu. u stvari, ovo je jedini razlog za ovoliku zadršku, svaki put kad sam ga nosila, nadala sam se da ću ga sledeči put bolje namazati. tri sloja su zaista neophodana da bi se sve lepo izjednačilo, ali je krajnji rezultat divan.

prirodna svetlost:
i really loved soul sista collection (mojito green is one of my fav shades) because it looked really fresh. chilled orange is just like that, warm and lively.

i like this orange/yellow crelly polishes that i like to call mango shades. the only reason i am showing it right now is because they are usually the ones with a complicated formula. actually, this is the only reason i am showing it with such a delay, every time i've worn it, i hoped that i'll apply it better next time. three coats are really necessary in order to even it out. nevertheless, the end result looks good.

natural light:

Friday 24 October 2014

picture polish fool's gold (collaboration shade by the nailasaurus)

oduševljena sam što mogu da vam pokažem fool's gold, još jednu nijansu koju picture polish pravi u saradnji s blogerkama.
i am so excited that today i'm showing you fool's gold, another picture polish collaboration shade.

kada sam videla nove nijanse, iako sam odmah želela sva 4, fool's gols je bio ljubav na prvi pogled, nastao je u kolaboraciji sa sam sa bloga the nailasaurus. njena inspiracija je bila "komadići zlata, kada ih gledate kroz duboku, tropsku vodu" i mislim da izgleda baš tako!

bazna boja je tirkizna (moj aparat ima problem sa takvim nijansama, uvek ispadnu plavlje), sa zlatnim šljokicama i šimerom. pravi lapotan! formula je fantastična, suši se glatko tako da mu ne trebaju dodatni slojevi nadlaka za lepu uglačanost. još jedan plus je i što nisu potrebne specijalne tehnike za skidanje, jer šljokice spadaju gotovo bez problema.

prirodna svetlost:
when i saw the new collaboration shades, although i immediately wanted all 4, fool's gold was a instant love. it was made in collaboration with sam from the nailasaurus. her inspiration was "flecks of gold as seen through deep, tropical waters", and i think it turned out exactly as that!

the base colour is turquoise (my camera has a problem with these shades, they always look more blue), with gold glitter and shimmer. it is a stunner! formula is amazing, it dries smoothly so it doesn't need extra layers of top coat to look nice, and another plus side is that you don't need the special techniques to remove it, the glitter goes off almost effortlessly.

natural light:

Sunday 19 October 2014

zoya zuza (surf)

uz svu pixie dust pomamu, mislim da je vreme da prikažem zoya lak iz neke druge kolekcije. ovaj put je izbor pao na lak zuza iz njihove surf kolekcije za leto 2012.
after all the pixie dust craze, it's about time to show one of the zoyas from different collections. this time i'm presenting zuza from their surf collection for summer 2012.

u zoya-i imaju stvarno dobro oko kad opisuju svoje lakove, pa ću da to sikoristim. zuza je "duboka, bogata morsko tirkizna boja sa zlatnim i srebrnim metalik šimerom i folijastom završnicom. odlična nijansa za plažu sa savršenim balansom između plave i zelene".

na mojim slikama ispada za nijansu plavlje nego uživo. definitivno nemam ništa slično, stvarno je interesantan lak sa fantastičnom formulom.

prirodna svetlost;
well, guys at zoya are doing a great job about describing their polishes, so i'm just going to quote them. zuza is a "deep, saturated, oceanic turquoise with gold and silver metallic shimmer and a foil-like finish. a beachy, colorful, foil-like shade with the perfect balance between blue and green".

in my pictures, it is a tad more blue that in real life. it is like nothing i own, it is really interesting polish with a fantastic formula.

natural light:

Wednesday 15 October 2014

chanel april (harmonie de printemps)

pošto sam u "ozbiljnijoj fazi", danas predstavljam chanel april iz njihove harmonie de printemps kolekcije za proleće 2012, gde su mu društvo pravili may i june.
since i'm in the more "serious phase", i will show you chanel april, from their harmonie de printemps collection for spring 2012, paired with may and june.

april je definitivno jedan od mojih omiljenih lakova "za odrasle". iako se oduševljavam svime što je zeleno, plavo, holo i šljokičavo, čak i ja ponekad rešim da nosim prikladnije boje ako poslovne situacije to zahtevaju. april sam i uzela prevashodno za takve situacije, i uz još jedan chanel, rose confidentiel, mi je uvek prvi izbor.

ovog lepotana nije tako lako opisati. ne znam da li bih rekla da je malinasto crven, zagasito crven ili šljivasto crven, pa ću se odlučiti za sve nabrojano. uz to, ima i odličnu formulu i rekla bih da svakom stoji. definitivno nijansa kakvu svaka žena/devojka mora da ima.

prirodna svetlost.
i have to say that april is among my favourite "grown up" polishes. i am a fan of everything green, blue, holo and glitter, but even i have it in me to go for more appropriate colours for some special work related situations. i got april solely for these occasions, and it became my go to polish together with another chanel, rose confidentiel.

it is one of those hard to describe beauties. i'm not sure whether to call it a berry red, muted red, reddish plum, so i will go with all of the above. it has amazing formula, i'm sure it suits every skintone and it is one of those polishes every girl has to have.

natural light.

Saturday 11 October 2014

ysl rose romantique (core 26)

posle mnogo živahnih bojica, vreme je za nešto neutralnije, pa pokazujem ysl rose romantique iz njihove osnovne linije.
after many vibrant colors, it's a time for something more on the neutral side, so i'm showing ysl rose romanitque from their core line.

bilo je krajnje vreme da nabavim nude lak. ali stvarno nude, koji ostavlja utisak da u stvari ni ne nosite lak. možda je malo preterano da se okrenem ysl za nešto ovog tipa, ali pošto ih obožavam i pokušavam da uđem u sistem minimizovanja brendova, ipak mi je bilo logično.

smešno je da sam ovaj lak planirala za situacije kad moram ali nemam vremena da promenim lak, i mislila sam da ću morati da se načekam za ovakvu situaciju. ipak, to se desilo u prvoj nedelji od kad sam ga uzela. spremala sam se za rođendansku večeru, i odjednom promenila plan šta ću obući, a nova kombinacija se nikako nije slagala s bronzanim lakom kog sam nosila. imala sam samo nekoliko minuta, pa sam skinula stari, na brzinu namazala rose romantique, bez baze, ali sa nadlakom (jer mi je on još više važan kad sam u žurbi), i to je bilo to.

interesantno, ali krajnji rezultat me je oduševio. možda zato što nisam toliko dugo gledala svoje gole nokte, postala sam opsednuta i nosila ga dva dana, uz stalno zagledanje. slike ne pokazuju koliko dobro je izgledao. boja je samo nijansu više roze nego bezbojan, ali daje noktima zdrav, svež izgled. nanošenje je bilo super jednostavno.

prirodna svetlost:
i thought it was about time for me to get a nude polish. a real nude, you're-barely-wearing-anything kind of a shade. maybe it is overindulging to go to ysl for this, but since i am in love with them and trying to do the whole minimizing the brands thing, it was only logical.

it's funny, i planned  this polish for situations when i don't have the time but need to change my polish, and i seriously thought i will have to wait a while for this to happen, but it was in the same week as i got it. i went for a birthday dinner, completely changed my what to wear plan, and the new outfit was completely off for the bronze polish i was wearing, and i had just a couple of minutes. so, i took off the old one, splashed easy two coats of rose romantique, base coat free, added a topcoat (it is even more important to add it if you're in a hurry), and that was it.

strangely, i loved the end result. maybe because i didn't look at my bare nails for so long, but i was obsessed with them and wore this for two days. the images don't show how amazing it looked. the color is just a tad pink over being completely colourless, but it gives the nails the healthy, fresh look. and the application was super easy.

natural light:

Tuesday 7 October 2014

illamasqua facet (sacred hour)

nemam puno illamasqua lakova, ali su mi svi koje imam odlični. među njima se izdvaja facet, iz kolekcije sacred hour za jesen 2013.
i don't have a lot of illamasqua's, but the ones i have are amazing. and facet, from the sacred hour collection for autumn 2013,  may be my star.

facet je savršeni blatnjavko, koji naginje više ka braon na svetlu a ka sivoj u senci. ono što ga čini posebnim je fantastična kombinacija sa gustim bronzanim i zlatnim krupnim šimerom. rekla bih da je prilično jedinstven.

jedina mana, iako su formula i aplikacija u redu, mu je pokrivenost. malo je providniji, pa su potrebna ili dva deblja ili tri normalna sloja da sve bude odlično.

prirodna svetlost:

facet is a perfect taupe, leaning more towards brown in sunlight and grey in the shade. it's real beauty lies in the amazing maching with the dense coppery and golden fleckish type of shimmer. i would say its really unique.

one down side, although the formula and application are good, is the opacity. it is on the sheer side, and it takes either two really thick or three thin coats for perfect coverage.

natural light:

Sunday 5 October 2014

opi i vant to be a-lone star (texas)

i vant to be a-lone star is a completely unusual polish from opi's texas collection for spring/summer 2011.

this polish is completely strange, and i love it. the color is a muted, dusted light blue that has this pastely feel to it, even though it has silver shimmer. i find it to be absolutely stunning and i love it.

even though it needs three coats for complete coverage and decrease of the brush strokes, i would still say that the formula is surprisingly good.

natrual light, with some overcast

Friday 3 October 2014

new in: august & september 2014

avgust je bio još jedan mesec bez kupovine. zato je došao septembar i moj put, koji se završio sa nekoliko ysl noviteta i par dodatnih lakova.

ysl sliku je napravila jelena, koja je zaslužna i za moj opi green on the runway.

once again, i had a buy-free month, which was august. then, september came and my travels, which ended in some ysl splurges and some long awaited polishes.

ysl picture was kindly provided by jelena, that also got my opi green on the runway.

opi you're so outta lime! - green on the runway - essence black dress and white tie