Saturday 11 October 2014

ysl rose romantique (core 26)

posle mnogo živahnih bojica, vreme je za nešto neutralnije, pa pokazujem ysl rose romantique iz njihove osnovne linije.
after many vibrant colors, it's a time for something more on the neutral side, so i'm showing ysl rose romanitque from their core line.

bilo je krajnje vreme da nabavim nude lak. ali stvarno nude, koji ostavlja utisak da u stvari ni ne nosite lak. možda je malo preterano da se okrenem ysl za nešto ovog tipa, ali pošto ih obožavam i pokušavam da uđem u sistem minimizovanja brendova, ipak mi je bilo logično.

smešno je da sam ovaj lak planirala za situacije kad moram ali nemam vremena da promenim lak, i mislila sam da ću morati da se načekam za ovakvu situaciju. ipak, to se desilo u prvoj nedelji od kad sam ga uzela. spremala sam se za rođendansku večeru, i odjednom promenila plan šta ću obući, a nova kombinacija se nikako nije slagala s bronzanim lakom kog sam nosila. imala sam samo nekoliko minuta, pa sam skinula stari, na brzinu namazala rose romantique, bez baze, ali sa nadlakom (jer mi je on još više važan kad sam u žurbi), i to je bilo to.

interesantno, ali krajnji rezultat me je oduševio. možda zato što nisam toliko dugo gledala svoje gole nokte, postala sam opsednuta i nosila ga dva dana, uz stalno zagledanje. slike ne pokazuju koliko dobro je izgledao. boja je samo nijansu više roze nego bezbojan, ali daje noktima zdrav, svež izgled. nanošenje je bilo super jednostavno.

prirodna svetlost:
i thought it was about time for me to get a nude polish. a real nude, you're-barely-wearing-anything kind of a shade. maybe it is overindulging to go to ysl for this, but since i am in love with them and trying to do the whole minimizing the brands thing, it was only logical.

it's funny, i planned  this polish for situations when i don't have the time but need to change my polish, and i seriously thought i will have to wait a while for this to happen, but it was in the same week as i got it. i went for a birthday dinner, completely changed my what to wear plan, and the new outfit was completely off for the bronze polish i was wearing, and i had just a couple of minutes. so, i took off the old one, splashed easy two coats of rose romantique, base coat free, added a topcoat (it is even more important to add it if you're in a hurry), and that was it.

strangely, i loved the end result. maybe because i didn't look at my bare nails for so long, but i was obsessed with them and wore this for two days. the images don't show how amazing it looked. the color is just a tad pink over being completely colourless, but it gives the nails the healthy, fresh look. and the application was super easy.

natural light:

koristila sam dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts)
i used base  two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).


  1. So delicate <3 But my nails are way to stained to pull something lke this off :(

  2. You are lucky not to have ridges - and it does look both fresh and delicate...

    1. i seriously love it. yup, i don't have many problems with ridges

  3. Bas neobicno izgleda nude na tebi, jos ta providnija verzija, ali definitivno treba imati takav lak u kolekciji. :)

  4. It is nice but I doubt I'd get away with this due to staining as well!

  5. Neobično mi je da te vidim sa ovakvim lakom. :) Sad si me navela da shvatim da nemam nijedan pravi nude zapravo. :)

  6. Hahha, još jedna koja te nije navikla sa nude noktima ali stvarno ti lepo stoji, baš je nežan!
