Wednesday 31 December 2014

nails of the year: 2014 favourites

ovo je prvi put da pravim neku vrstu retrospektive, pa sam se ograničila na 10 lakova, objavljenih u 2014. lista je bez reda.

na dnu ću dati i "dodatnu" listu, sa lakovima koje sam nosila ali čije svočeve nisam stigla da objavim u ovoj godini.
it is the first time i'm doing a retrospective of sorts, so i limited myself to 10 polishes, released in 2014. list is without a particular order.

at the bottom, i will give you an honourable mention: polishes that i wore but didn't got around to publish them.

Monday 29 December 2014

zoya jem (mirrors 2011)

prošlo je već previše vremena od kad sam prikazala neki zoya lak, pa sam se odlučila za prelepu jem iz mirrors kolekcije za 2011.
it's been a while since i showed one of the zoya beauties, so i decided to go with the gorgeous jem from the mirrors collection for 2011.

kao što sam više puta napisala, ljudi u zoyi savršeno opisuju njihove nijanse: "tamna ljubičasta baza s crvenim podtonom i metali tamno roze i zlatnim duohrom šimerom".

sve u svemu, prelep, pomalo vamp i pomalo misteriozan, savršen za sunčane jesenje dane, pošto je malo pretežak za leto ali mu treba sunce da prikaže svu svoju lepotu.

prirodna svetlost:

as i wrote a lot of times, zoya guys really describe their shades perfectly: "dark red-toned purple base with metallic dark pink highlights and subtle gold duochrome flecks".

bottom line, gorgeous. a bit vampy, a bit mysterious. perfect for sunny autumn days, because it is just a bit too heavy for summer, but needs sun to show it's full beauty.

natural light:

Saturday 27 December 2014

dance legend koschei bessmertni (anna gorelova)

današnji prelepotan je koschei bessmertni iz anna gorelova kolekcije za dance legend
today's gorgeousness is koschei bessmertni from the anna gorelova collection for dance legend.

mislim da su do sad sve ozbiljne lakoholičarke upoznate sa ruskom blogerkom anom gorelovom. njeni svočevi su više nego savršeni pa nije iznenađenje da je fantastični ruski brend dance legend napravio kolekciju s njom (tj, bar tri do sada). koschei bessmertni se pojavio u prvoj, inspirisanoj ruskim bajkama (neke su i nama poznate).

pripremite se na mnogo slika, jer je ovaj lak prelep. u neutralnom stanju je maslinasto zelen, ali se boja preliva u svetlije i tamnije nijanse zelene, pa čak i u zlatnu i bakarnu. dodajte i rasejane holo čestice u kombinaciju, i dobijate savršenstvo.

prirodna svetlost:
i think that, at this point, every nail polish aficionado has heard of the russian blogger anna gorelova. her swatches are beyond gorgeous, so it's not a surprise that the amazing russian brand made (now at least three) collaboration collections with her. koschei bessmertni appeared in the first one, inspired by russian fairy tales.

brace yourself, there will be a lot of pictures because this polish is incredibly beautiful. being olive kind of green in the neutral state, the colour shifts to darker and lighter green shades, but also gold and copper. add some scattered holo particles to the mix, and here comes perfection.

natural light:

Tuesday 23 December 2014

dior or tsarine (czarina gold) (holiday 2010)

danas pokazujem moj prvi high end lak, dior or tsarine (alternativno ime je czarina gold). bio je deo trija holiday 2010 kolekcije uz timeless gold i rouge garconne.
today i'm showing my first high end polish, dior's or tsarine (also known as czarina gold). it was a part of the holiday 2010 collection, together with timeless gold and rouge garconne.

kao što rekoh, ovo je moj prvi he lak tako da je baš čudno da ga tek sad pokazujem. našla sam neke stare slike i stvarno su bile loše :) iako je izašao pred kraj 2010, kupila sam ga u junu 2012. obigravala sam oko njega mesecima, pomalo uplašena od toga šta će se dogoditi kada pređem na mračnu starnu. nakon jednog padanja vozačkog ispita, trebalo mi je malo dobrog raspoloženja i prestala sam da se opirem!

iz ove perspektive mi je drago da sam počela sa njim, jer je zaista moj tip laka. u pitanju je bogata tamno braon baza puna krupnog, gotovo staklastog zlatnog šimera i dobre formule.

prirodna svetlost:
as i said, it was my first he polish so it's funny i waited so long to show it. i found some old swatches, they were really horrible :)  even though it was from the end of 2010, i bought it in june 2012. i was circling around it for so long, a bit scared of what would happen when i cross to the dark side. one failed driving test later, in a need of a pick-me-up, i stopped resisting!

in the hindsight, i am happy i stared with this one, because it really is my type of polish. a dark brown, rich base with large, almost glass flaky golden shimmer and good formula..

natural light:

Saturday 20 December 2014

china glaze hanging in the balance (cirque du soleil worlds away)

cirque du soleil worlds away je bila poslednja china glaze kolekcija kojom sam se stvarno oduševila i kupila više od jednog laka. danas pokazujem hanging in the balance.
cirque du soleil worlds away was the last china glaze collection that i really loved and bought more than one polish. today i' showing hanging in the balance.

hanging in the balance je zaista lepa, živa srednje plava krema. jedna od onih nijansi kojih meni nikad nije dosta i koje baš često nosim. iako je sve po pitanju ovog laka u redu, ipak moram priznati da malo boji nokte, tako da je baza obavezna.

prirodna svetlost:
hanging in the balance is a really beautiful, vibrant medium blue creme. one of these shades that i really can't get enough of and wear them quite often. while everything about it is nice, it is a bit of a stainer so be sure you wear  a base coat.

natural light:

Wednesday 17 December 2014

opi did it on 'em (nicky minaj)

danas pokazujem did it on 'em iz opi nicky minaj kolekcije za 2012.
today i am showing you did it on 'em from opi's nicky minaj collection for 2012.

obožavam ovakve limetaste zelene lakove. baš sam skoro dokrajčila catrice acid dc, tako da će sada did it on 'em biti mnogo češće mazan. znam da ove nijanse nisu za svakoga i da ih većina devojaka ne bi ni pogledala, ali meni nekako svaki put ulepšaju dan.

ovaj kiseli, toksični zeleni lak ima odličnu formulu i plikaciju. iako je iz starije kolekcije, kvalitet mu je postojan.

prirodna svetlost:
i love wearing lime greens. in fact, i've just recently finished the bottle of catrice acid dc, so now i guess did it on'em will get more spotlight. i know these shades are not for everyone and that a lot of girls wouldn't even think of wearing them, but for me, they really bright up my day somehow.

this acidy, toxic green polish has a good formula and application.even though it's from an older collection, it didn't change the quality.

natural light:

Wednesday 10 December 2014

a england fonteyn (ballerina)

postoji nešto u a england lakovima što ih, bar meni, čini neodoljivim. lepotan dana je fonteyn is ballerina kolekcije.
there is something so beautiful about a england polishes, i just can't get enough of them. the beauty of the day is fonteyn from the ballerina collection.

već je dosta vremena prošlo od kad sam prikazala dancing with nureyev i encore margot iz ove kolekcije, pa je pravo vreme za ovog lepotana!

fonteyn je srebrnkasti holo lak sa lavandastim podtonom, sa standardno fantastičnom a england formulom. stvarno je savršen i elegantan, a neobičan.

prirodna svetlost:
it's been a while since i showed dancing with nureyev and encore margot from this collection, so it was about time to show this beauty. and that it really is!

it is a silvery holo with a hint of lavender, with a england signature amazing formula. it truly is amazingly lovely with being unusual!

natural light:

Sunday 7 December 2014

ysl piment d'ailleurs (spicy)

vreme je za još jedno ysl savršenstvo, ovaj put je to piment d'ailleurs iz spicy kolekcije za proleće 2014.
it's time for yet another ysl perfection, this time it is piment d'ailleurs from the spicy collection from spring 2014.

moguće je da konačno odrastam (ili, ako pitate moju majku, počinjem da se ponašam u skladu sa svojim godinama), ne tako davno, verovatno se ne bih ni okrenula za ovakvom nijansom, a sad sam zaljubljena.

mislim da izgleda stvarno elegantno. nisam neki ekspert za crvene lakove, ali ovaj je tamno, višnjasto crven. savršena, buterasta krema, baš onakva kakvom me je ysl razmazio.

prirodna svetlost:
i might be growing up (or, if you ask my mother, starting to behave my own age). not that long ago, i might not even consider wearing a colour like this, and now i'm in love.

i think it really looks classy. i'm not much of an expert in red polishes, but i would call this a crimson red. perfect, buttery creme, just the type ysl spoiled me on.

natural light:

Friday 5 December 2014

catrice blues brother vol II (580)

vreme je za jednog od najstarijih lakova u mojoj kolekciji, catrice blues brother vol II,
it's time for one of the oldies in my collection, catrice's blues brother vol 2.

imam osećaj da posedujem ovaj lak čitavu večnost, pa mi je čudno da ga pokazujem posle toliko vremena.

on zaista jeste jedan od mojih prvih lakova od pre par godina kad sam otkrila boje, i mislim da sa dubokim, ponoćno plavim lakovima bogatih šimerom ne može da se pogreši. znam da nije najjedinstveniji lak na svetu, ali je definitivno moj prvi ovog tipa.

iako je star, očigledno je da je došao iz, kako jga ja zovem, zlatnog catrice perioda kada se nije moglo ni na šta požaliti.

prirodna svetlost:
i have a feeling that own this polish forever now, and it's strange that it's getting it's place in the spotlight so late.

i really is one of my first polishes, a few years back when i discovered colours. and i guess you can't go wrong with the deep,  midnight blue with gorgeous shimmer. i know it's not the most unique polish out there,  but it was definitely my first of this kind.

even though it's old, it is still obvious that it comes from what i call catrice's golden age, so everything is good.

natural light:

Tuesday 2 December 2014

new in: october & november 2014

moja jedina kupovina je bila u oktobru, kada sam nabavila po tri dance legend i picture polish laka, unicorn i fool's gold ste već imali prilike da vidite.

i had just one purchase in october, when my collection became richer for 3 dance legend and picture polish beauties. you can check out my swatches of unicorn and fool's gold.

dance legend: inhale - chumash- tetraodon; picture polish: fool's gold-unicorn-freya's cats