Tuesday 2 December 2014

new in: october & november 2014

moja jedina kupovina je bila u oktobru, kada sam nabavila po tri dance legend i picture polish laka, unicorn i fool's gold ste već imali prilike da vidite.

i had just one purchase in october, when my collection became richer for 3 dance legend and picture polish beauties. you can check out my swatches of unicorn and fool's gold.

dance legend: inhale - chumash- tetraodon; picture polish: fool's gold-unicorn-freya's cats 


  1. Jedna, ali vredna nabavka :D

  2. It might not be many - but they sure are gorgeous!!

  3. jedna, ali vrijedna :D
    ukrala bih ti svaki od ovih lakova, to ti valjda dovoljno govori ;)
