Thursday 30 April 2015

alessandro brazillian nights over opi do you have this color in stock-holm

obično, kada ponovo slikam neki lak, samo zamenim fotografije na blogu a da ne pravim novi post. za alessandro brazillian nights moram da napravim izuzetak! pošto ću izbrisati stari post, koristim isti tekst.
usually, when i reswatch a polish, i just replace the images in the blog without making a new post. with alessandro brazillian nights i had to make an exception. since i will delete the old one, i am using the same text.

kad sam videla brazillian nights iz alessandro-ve enjoy me kolekcije, zaljubila sam se istog trenutka. probala sam da nađem neke slike na netu pre nego što ga kupim, ali u tom trenutku nije bilo nikakve informacije o njemu, što me nije sprečilo da ga uzmem. rešila sam da ga pokažem kao nadlak preko opi do you have this color in stock-holm.

ovo je lak kog istovremeno i mrzim i volim. mrzim ga zbog bočice, u kojoj je samo 5ml laka, a to je ništa za šljokičavi lak. čak sam ga prvi put nosila samostalno, i iako je izgledao savršeno, sad se kajem jer sam time potrošila dva sloja. pretpostavljam da je jasno odakle dolazi ljubav. providna baza je puna sitnih gustih ljubičastih šljokica i većih malinastih šestougaonih šljokica. pokrivenost sa samo jednim slojem preko nekog laka u boji je fantastična . nekad imam želju da ga nosim stalno, a nekad da ga nikad više ne namažem i čuvam zauvek!

prirodna svetlost:
when i saw brazilian nights from alessandro's enjoy me kolekcije, i fell in love instantly. i tried to find some some swatches online, but at that time, there was none, which didn't stop me from getting it. i decided to layer it over opi do you have this color in stock-holm.

this is a polish i have a love-hate relationship with. the hate comes from the bottle, it is only 5ml and that is nothing for a glitter polish. and i also wore it once on its own, which was great except that with that i used two coats of this perfection. 

the love part is quite obvious i think! it is a clear base filled with tiny dense purple particles and larger magenta hexagonal glitter. the coverage with only one coat over another polish is amazing. i sometimes want to wear it all the time, and sometimes i want to keep it and treasure forever.

natural light:

Monday 27 April 2015

layla emerelad divine (holographic effect)

iskoristila sam skorašnji put u italiju da kupim svoj prvi layla lak. naravno, izabrala sam jedan iz njihove lude holographic effect kolekcije, emerald divine.
i took advantage of my recent trip to italy to get the first layla polish. of course, i opted for one from the crazy holographic effect collection, emerald divine.

u pitanju je zaista ludi holo, baš kao što vilim. nijansa je srednje zelena, sa impresivnim lineranim holo efektom.

bila sam u inostranstvu kad sam ga prvi put probala, tako da sam se pomučila sa regularnom bazom tako da sam ga drugi put mazala na gole nokte, bez problema.

direktno sunce:
it is a really crazy holo, just the way i like it. the shade is medium green, with the really stunning linear holo effect.

i was abroad when i tried it the first time, so i was struggling a bit with the regular base coat, so the second time, i wore it on bare nails with no problems at all.

direct sunlight:

opi first class desires (gwen stefani holiday 2014)

first class desires je bio moj jedini izbor iz opi  gwen stefani holiday kolekcije za 2014.

first class desires is my only pick from opi's gwen stefani holiday collection for 2014.

bazna boja je zaista kompleksna, braonkasto-patlidžan ljubičasta, puna zlatkasto-bronzanog šimera koji oživi na suncu.

nanošenje i formula su odlični, i ovo je jedan od onih lakova koji izgledaju mnogo bolje uživo nego na slikama. izgleda da je ova nijansa bila popularna zimus, jer je zoya sansa gotovo identična,

prirodna svetlost:
the base color is really complex, a brown-leaning eggplant purple, filled with goldish/bronze shimmer that really comes alive in the sun.

application and formula are great, and this is one of the polishes that looks much better in real life than in pictures. it seems to be winter's it color, since zoya's sansa is a pretty close dupe.

natural light:

Tuesday 14 April 2015

chanel intemporel (l'intemporel de chanel)

intemporel je jedini lak u chanel-ovoj prolećnoj kolekciji, l'intemporel de chanel.
intemporel is the only polish in chanel's spring collection, l'intemporel de chanel.

vrlo lako sam mogla i da ga preskočim, jer nije da mi u kolekciji fale srebrni metalik lakovi. ipak nisam odolela, jer mi je prethodna chanel kupovina bila eastern light  u july 2014.

ja zaista obožavam metalik srebrne lakove! za mene, oni su savršeni party lakovi (pogotovo što najčešće nosim crno i ne bi mi škodilo malo sjaja). ovaj nije ništa teži (ali ni lakši) za upotrebu od njemu sličnih. sa dovoljno tankim slojevima i uz malo brzine, možete izbeći vidljive poteze četkicom.

prirodna svetlost:
i could've easily skipped this one. it's not like my collection is lacking metallic silvers, but i couldn't resist since my last chanel purchase was eastern light back in july 2014.

but i really do like metallic silvers. for me, they are perfect party polishes (especially since i wear black most of the time, and need some extra sparkle). this one is no more difficult (nor easier) to use than the most of them, but with thin enough coats and quick hands, you can avoid a lot of brushstrokes.

natural light:

Wednesday 8 April 2015

ysl nuit noire (désir de jour)

današnja zvezda je nuit noire, iz ysl prolećne kolekcije za 2015, désir de jour.
today's star is nuit noire, from ysl's spring collection for 2015, désir de jour.

aktivirala sam svu maštu koju imam da shvatim kako se ova dva laka mogu smatrati prolećnim, ali sve što ja vidim su zimski praznici. (sećate se prošlogodišnje prolećne kombinacije, koja je bila savršena za jesen? :)) u svakom slučaju, nisam mogla da preskočim ovaj duo.

nuit noire se sastoji iz crne, pomalo providne baze sa srebrnim okruglim šljokicama. potrebna su dva deblja sloja za potpunu pokrivenost. suši se bez sjaja (ali ne teksturno), tako da je potreban nadlak. sve u svemu, fin, sladak lak ali ne za padanje u nesevest (takav postaje kad mu se doda nuit blanche, ali to je prila za neki drugi dan).

prirodna svetlost:
i tried to summon all the imagination i have to see how these two polishes could be considered spring-y, but all i see is winter holidays. (remember last year's spring collection, soooo perfect for autumn? :)). nevertheless, there was no way i would miss this duo.

nuit noire  consists of a black, rather sheer base with silvery round glitter. it takes two thicker coats to make it fully opaque. it dries rather dull (but not in a texture way) so it needs a top coat. overall, it is a nice, cute polish, but not superawesome. (adding nuit blanche makes it that way, but that's a story for another day).

natural light:

Wednesday 1 April 2015

new in: february & march 2015

februar je bio zabavan, jer sam se "raspomamila" na zbog nove a nglend kolekcije, čemu sam dodala i par dance legend, uz konačno ulovljeni picture polish chillax.
my february was fun, because i had an splurge, due to the new a england collection, plus a couple of dance legends and picture polish chillax finally being restocked.
dance legend: sirin - wood goblin - arovana - learning to fly - no 278 - picture polish: chillax - a england: gloriana - queen of scots - virgin queen - fotheringhay castle - crown of thistles

skoro dva meseca sam već po raznim inostranstvima, odatle i novi ysl noviteti, plus i prvi chanel posle ihaha, i put u italiju iskorišćen da uzmem dva kiko i layla lokalca.
i spent almost two  months abroad, hence a mini ysl new in, plus my first chanel in a while, and using a trip to italy to get two locals: kiko and layla.
ysl; nuit noire - nuit blanche - beige leger - rose abstrait - chanel intemporel - kiko lattementa - layla emerald divine