Monday 27 April 2015

layla emerelad divine (holographic effect)

iskoristila sam skorašnji put u italiju da kupim svoj prvi layla lak. naravno, izabrala sam jedan iz njihove lude holographic effect kolekcije, emerald divine.
i took advantage of my recent trip to italy to get the first layla polish. of course, i opted for one from the crazy holographic effect collection, emerald divine.

u pitanju je zaista ludi holo, baš kao što vilim. nijansa je srednje zelena, sa impresivnim lineranim holo efektom.

bila sam u inostranstvu kad sam ga prvi put probala, tako da sam se pomučila sa regularnom bazom tako da sam ga drugi put mazala na gole nokte, bez problema.

direktno sunce:
it is a really crazy holo, just the way i like it. the shade is medium green, with the really stunning linear holo effect.

i was abroad when i tried it the first time, so i was struggling a bit with the regular base coat, so the second time, i wore it on bare nails with no problems at all.

direct sunlight:

koristila sam  dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used  two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).