Friday 31 July 2015

rimmel cutie colada (coctail colour)

cutie colada je deo rimmel kolecije coctail colour, a već sam pokazala apple berry smoothie.
cutie colada is a part of the coctail colour collection of rimmel, and i already showed apple berry smoothie.

ne bih baš da nazovem cutie colada-u promašajem, ali je postao lak kog sam često mazala samo da bih ga što pre potrošila.

kao i apple berry smoothie, u pitanju je prozračni lak sa ljuspicama. boja je jarka, svetla zelena i mislim da ne bi imao potpunu pokrivenost ni sa 10 slojeva. ovde ga vidite sa tri sloja, a malo ispod, kao nadlak preko alessandro black.

prirodna svetlost:
i wouldn't necessarily call cutie colada a disappointment, but it became a polish that i was wearing a lot just in order to finish it as soon as possible.

like apple berry smoothie, it is a sheer glass fleck kind of polish. the color is vivid, bright green and i think it would not be fully opaque even after 10 coats. here you can see it in three layers, and a bit more down, one coat over alessandro black.

natural light;

Saturday 25 July 2015

ysl bleu cyclades (bleus lumiere 2014)

bleu cyclades je deo prošlogodišnjeg letnjeg ysl dua, bleus lumiere.
bleu cyclades was a part of ysl's last year's summer collection bleus lumiere.

jedna od najboljih karakteristika bleu cyclades, koja je drugačija od dior tuxedo, ysl bleu cobalt i sličnih, je da nije pretaman. nijansa plave je negde između kraljevske i mornarske, ali nikad crna. šimer je bogat i prelep.

formula je ponovo fantastična i ne ostavlja fleke, tako da ga potpuno preporučujem!

prirodna svetlost:

one of the best things about bleu cyclades, that is different than dior tuxedo, ysl bleu cobalt and similar, is that it's not too dark. the shade of blue is somewhere between royal blue and navy, but never black. the shimmer is rich and gorgeous.

again, formula is amazing and there is no staining, so, total recommendation.

natural light:

Tuesday 21 July 2015

dance legend grey britain (smoky)

danas pokazujem grey britain is dance legend smoky kolekcije.
today i'm showing grey britain, from dance legend smoky collection.

iskoristila sam jednu od llarowe rasprodaja da uzmem grey britain, ali mi se toliko svideo da sam dodala još dva na listu. kolekcija se zove smoky i zaista je zadimljena. grey britain je zanimljiva nijansa sive, i donje slike su dosta verne. sitne, crne šljokice (u nedostatku boljeg izraza), daju laku spomenuti zadimljeni izgled.

formula je nešto tečnija, tako da nosim tri sloja,

direktno sunce:
i took advantage of a llarowe sale to get grey britain, but got so in love that i already put two more on the list. the name of collection is smoky, and it sure is! grey britain is an interesting shade of grey, and bottom pictures are more accurate. the tiny black glitter, in lack of a better word, is running through it, creating the said smoky effect.

formula is a bit runny, so i had to go with three coats.

direct sunlight:

Saturday 18 July 2015

a england beauty never fails (heavenly quotes)

danas prikazujem još jedan a england lak, beauty never fails iz heavenly quotes kolekcije.
today i am showing another a england polish, beauty never fails from the heavenly quotes collection.

nošenje a england lakova za mene je nekako kao specijalna prilika, i sa ovim je bilo isto. uvek sam fan zacrnjene bazne boje (ove, tamno, tamno zelena) ispunjene sitnim bronzano/zlatnim ljuspicama.

formula je, kao i uvek, neverovatna, jedna stvar na koju ovek možete da računate sa a england brendom.

prirodna svetlost:
having an a england polish on always feel like a special treat, and this one is no different. i am always a fan of a blackened base colour (here, it's dark, dark green) filled with fine bronze/gold glass flecks.

formula is as impeccable as always, one thing you can count on with a england brand.

natural light:

Tuesday 14 July 2015

essie sexy divide (winter 2008)

sexy divide je stari essie lak, još iz kolekcije za zimu 2008.
sexy divide is a really old essie polish, back from the winter collection of 2008.

ovaj lak i ja imamo komplikovan odnos. dobila sam ga na poklon kada sam kupovala neke druge lakove, i prvo mislila da je odličan poklon, jer šta može biti bolje od šimerastog, ljubičastog lepotana.

na žalost, ima vodenu, tešku formulu uz staru tanku četkicu. skoro pa je mučenje mazati ga. iz nekog razloga verujem da je nova formula sa novom širokom četkicom bolja, ali nemam iskustva s njim. ipak, i ovu moju verziju nosim s vremena na vreme jer je ipak lep.

prirodna svetlost:
this polish and me have a complicated relationship. i got it as a present when i was buying polishes on one blog sale. initially i thought it's great i got it, because what can be better than a shimmery, purple gorgeousness.

but, it has a runny, difficult formula, combined with the old thin brush. it is almost a torture applying it. for some reason i think that the new formula with the wide brush is much better, but i have no evidence. nevertheless, i still wear it from time to time because it is pretty.

natural light:

Friday 3 July 2015

picture polish sizzle (collaboration with cosmetic sanctuary)

sizzle is yet another picture polish collaboration shade, this time with cosmetic sanctuary.

if there was one thing  to be sure of, is that i would not wear a pink polish. least of all, an almost neon one. but yet, i found myself looking at the swatches of this one so often, completely shocked that i like it so much. so, i decided to cut my out of my misery and finally get it.

i believe i made the right decision! it is bright, really sizzling crelly, with tiny silver holo paricles that gives it even more depth. it is absolutely gorgeous!

natural light: