Friday 31 July 2015

rimmel cutie colada (coctail colour)

cutie colada je deo rimmel kolecije coctail colour, a već sam pokazala apple berry smoothie.
cutie colada is a part of the coctail colour collection of rimmel, and i already showed apple berry smoothie.

ne bih baš da nazovem cutie colada-u promašajem, ali je postao lak kog sam često mazala samo da bih ga što pre potrošila.

kao i apple berry smoothie, u pitanju je prozračni lak sa ljuspicama. boja je jarka, svetla zelena i mislim da ne bi imao potpunu pokrivenost ni sa 10 slojeva. ovde ga vidite sa tri sloja, a malo ispod, kao nadlak preko alessandro black.

prirodna svetlost:
i wouldn't necessarily call cutie colada a disappointment, but it became a polish that i was wearing a lot just in order to finish it as soon as possible.

like apple berry smoothie, it is a sheer glass fleck kind of polish. the color is vivid, bright green and i think it would not be fully opaque even after 10 coats. here you can see it in three layers, and a bit more down, one coat over alessandro black.

natural light;

jedan sloj preko alessandro black/one coat over alessandro black

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + tri sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + three layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).


  1. Nije loš. Sviđa mi se kako potpuno drugačije izgleda sam i preko crnog.

    1. aha. na kraju sam ga uglavnom i nosila kao topper

  2. It sure has that apple shade to it - very sparkly and pretty!
