Sunday 30 August 2015

picture polish autumn (collaboration shade)

danas pokazujem još jedan lak iz picture polish kolaboracije sa blogerima, autumn.
today i am showing another picture polish collaboration shade, autumn.

autumn je osislila alena sa the polishing life bloga, i to je lak kakvog sam uvek želela u kolekciji: narandžasta boja srednjeg tona sa rasejanim holo česticama.

iako je generalno žele, formula je bogata i odlično pokriva. lak je živ, ali ne i drečav, tako da je za mene definitivno idealan.

prirodna svetlost:

autumn was created with alena behind the polishing life blog. the shade is something i wished for a long time: a medium orange with scattered holo particles.

even though it is jelly, the formula is rich and consistent. it is vibrant, but not crazy. definitely a perfect polish for me!

natural light:

Friday 28 August 2015

dance legend velvet 648

danas pokazujem lak iz dance legend velvet kolekcije (ili  Бархат na ruskom), broj 648.
today, i am showing a polish from dance legend's velvet collection (or Бархат in russian), number 648.

u poslednje vreme mi se vratila opsesija mat završnicom. znam znam, uz mat nadlak možemo sve da matiramo, ali opet volim kad lak inicijalno izgleda mat.

648 (volela bih da ima ime) je zaista prelep. boja je vrlo bogata, mešavina tamno sive i plave, sa dubokim šimerom i prelepim somotskin izgledom. formula je odlična, bez brazdi i problema. prosto prelep.

prirodna svetlost:
lately, my love for matte finishes reemerged. i know i know, you can mattify anything, but i still like polishes that have the effect to begin with.

648 (i wish it had a name) is really gorgeous. colour is very rich, a mix of dark grey and blue, with rich shimmer and amazing velvet finish. the formula is good, no streaking and difficulties. just gorgeous.

natural light:

Monday 24 August 2015

chanel quartz (illusions d'ombres fall 2011)

danas pokazujem moj prvi chanel lak, quartz iz llusions d'ombres kolekcije za jesen 2011.
today i am showing the first chanel polish i bought, quartz from the fall 2011 collection illusions d'ombres.

često se zapitam kako je moguće da mi je ovo prvi chanel, pogotovo kad se uzme u obzir da je quartz izašao uz peridot i graphite.

boja je vrlo interesantna, negde između bež i blatnjave, ali sa dosta raznobojnog šimera. formula je solidna. verovatno je ovo najnosiviji lak iz jeseni 2011 ali sam ja trenutno previše u zeleno/plavom raspoloženju da bi uživala u njemu.

prirodna svetlost:
i often wonder how it got to be that this is my first chanel, especially when you take into account that quartz came out with peridot and graphite.

colour is complex, somewhere between beige and taupe, but really rich in multicolored shimmer. formula is decent. it is the most wearable from fall 2011 trio and a nice shade, but i am currently in a blue and green mood so i will wear it again later in the year.

natural light:

Thursday 20 August 2015

ysl eau de rose (spicy)

danas pokazujem još jedan lak iz ysl kolekcije spicy koja je izašla prošlog proleća, eau de rose.
today, i am showing another polish from ysl's collection spicy from last spring, eau de rose.

u ovoj kolekciji su se našli neki prelepi lakovi. dok sam imala neke jasne (još neobjavljene) favorite, i neočekivano oduševljenje lepim ali klasičnim piment d'ailleurs, moram a priznam da mi je eau de rose ukrao srce.

obično ne padam na ovakve breskvaso rozikaste nijanse, ali mi ovaj nekako odgovara. formula je savršena i i dalje ne mogu da verujem koliko mi se sviđa ovaj lak.

prirodna svetlost:
this collection gave us some gorgeous polishes. while i had some clear (not yet posted) favourites, and an unexpected crush on a pretty classical piment d'ailleurs, i have to say that eau de rose stole my heart.

i don't usually fall for these peachy rose shades, this one somehow suits me well. formula is impeccable, and i still can't get over how much i like this polish.

natural light:

Friday 14 August 2015

opi tapestry (designer series 29)

danas pokazujem tapestry, jedan stariji lak iz opi designer series kolekcije.
i am showing one of the older opi designer series polishes, tapestry.

opi designer series mi je dugo bila slaba tačka, jer do ne toliko davno nije bilo lako dokopati se holo laka.

tapestry je nijansa koju mi je teško opisati (crvene boje su mi problematične.) crveni ton preovlađuje, ali ima dosta roze pa čak i narandžastih podtonova. formula je odlična.

prirodna svetlost:
i had a soft spot for opi's designer series, since back in the days there was not that many holos.

tapestry is a soft shade with a colour that is hard to explain (well, for me, reds are problematic). it's mostly a red shade, with a lot of pink and even orangey undertones. formula is really nice.

natural light:

Tuesday 11 August 2015

china glaze agro (capitol colours)

danas pokazujem jednog starog favorita, agro iz china glaze kolekcije capitol colours iz 2012te.
today i am showing an oldie, agro from china glaze's capitol colours collection back in 2012.

maslinasto zelene nijanse su mi slaba tačka, i to ne samo kad su u pitanju nokti. agro je predivna, duboka maslinasta nijansa sa bogatim šimerom koji izgleda gotovo ljuspičasto.

formula nije najsjajnija. lak je prilično gust i nije ga lako kontrolisati. ipal, boja je toliko fenomenalna da mu opraštam nesavršenu formulu.

prirodna svetlost:
i have a weak spot in my heart for olive green shades, not only when it comes to nails. agro is simply stunning, deep olive green shade with abundant shimmer that almost looks flaky.

the formula is not great though. a bit on the thick side and not easy to control, but i forgive it all because the colour is simply stunning.

natural light:

Saturday 8 August 2015

a england proserpine (rossetti’s goddess)

proserpine je jedan od mojih najnovijih lakova, i još jedan u listi a england lepotana, ovaj put iz rossetti's goddess kolekcije.
proserpine is one of the newest additions to my collection, and it's another a england masterpiece from rossetti’s goddess collection.

moj strah da će proserpine biti previše sličan drugoj a england lepoti, saint george, na sreću nije bio opravdan. iako su oba duboke, bogate petrolej nijanse, proserpine je dosta plavlji.

stvarno je prelep lak, sa fantastičnim holo efektom i formulom. svakako moja nijansa!

prirodna svetlost;
my fear that proserpine would be too close to another a england beauty, saint george, was luckily not correct. while they are both rich, deep teals, proserpine is much more blue.

it really is a stunning polish, with amazing holo effect and formula. my type of shade for sure!

natural light:

Monday 3 August 2015

new in: june and july 2015

ova dva meseca su bila skromna (što neće biti slučaj u sledećem dvomesečju). opet sam iskoristila sniženja na i uzela po dva komada a england (incense burner i proserpine) i picture polish (sizzle i  nemesis).

the last two months were modest (which will note be the case in the next two). i took advantage (again) of a sale, and bought two a englands (incense burner and proserpine) and two picture polish (sizzle and nemesis)
