Friday 14 August 2015

opi tapestry (designer series 29)

danas pokazujem tapestry, jedan stariji lak iz opi designer series kolekcije.
i am showing one of the older opi designer series polishes, tapestry.

opi designer series mi je dugo bila slaba tačka, jer do ne toliko davno nije bilo lako dokopati se holo laka.

tapestry je nijansa koju mi je teško opisati (crvene boje su mi problematične.) crveni ton preovlađuje, ali ima dosta roze pa čak i narandžastih podtonova. formula je odlična.

prirodna svetlost:
i had a soft spot for opi's designer series, since back in the days there was not that many holos.

tapestry is a soft shade with a colour that is hard to explain (well, for me, reds are problematic). it's mostly a red shade, with a lot of pink and even orangey undertones. formula is really nice.

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).


  1. This really is nice, it's kind of a burnt red/orange...

  2. Sada znam kako izgleda ciglasto-koralna crvena. :D

  3. Zanimljivo izgleda, nesto izmedju narandzaste i crvene. :D

  4. za razliku od velike većine lakova koje vidim kod tebe, ovog ti nikad ne bih ukrala ;)

  5. Looks very nice! :)
