Tuesday 29 September 2015

dance legend through the glass (wow prism)

ako je ikada postojala kolekcija koja se može nazvati savršenom (za mene), onda je to wow prism od dance legend. posle danger danger i learning to fly, prikazujem i through the glass.
if there ever was a collection that could be called perfect (for me), it's dance legend's wow prism. after danger danger and learning to fly, i am showing through the glass.

isto kao i u slušaju danger danger, u pitanju je dobro pigmentovana jelly baza sa krupnim holo šimerom, koji ostavlja šljokičast utisak iako se lak suši potpuno glatko.

through the glass je plava koja blago ide ka tirkiznoj, sa savršenom formulom. genijalan lak!

prirodna svetlost:

like it the case of danger danger, this is a well pigmented jelly base with chunky holo shimmer that leaves a glittery impression, while being actually really smooth.

through the glass is a turquoise leaning blue, with awesome formula. it is just so awesome!

natural light:

Thursday 24 September 2015

opi my dogsled is a hybrid (nordic)

moj favorit iz opi-jeve nordic kolekcije je svakako my dogsled is a hybrid.
my favourite from opi's nordic collection is definitely my dogsled is a hybrid.

my dogsled is a hybrid je prelepa morsko-zelena nijansa. skoro je boja žada, ali opet dovoljno živa.

brinula sam se oko formule, ali se ispostavilo da je baš dobra, tako da je ovaj lak svakako moja preporuka.

prirodna svetlost:
my dogsled is a hybrid is a really gorgeous sea green shade. it is almost a jade, but still lively.

i was worried about the formula a bit, but it turned out to be really easy to work with so i can definitely recommend this polish..

natural light:

Sunday 20 September 2015

picture polish nemesis (vampy chameleons)

nemesis je moj jedini izbor iz zaista prelepe picture polish kolekcije, vampy chameleons.
nemesis was my only pick from a truly gorgeous picture polish collection, vampy chameleons.

pošto nisam neki veliki ljubitelk crvenih lakova, odlučila sam se samo za jedan lak iz ove kolekcije, i nekako mi je nemesis zapao za oko.

bazna boja je bordo, sa blagim duohrom efektom gde ivice povuku na zlatkasto. lak uz to poseduje i rasejani holo efekat, uz blagi šimer, tako da je zaista poseban. formula je bez greške.

prirodna svetlost:
since i am not a huge red fan, i decided to pick only one polish from this collection, and nemesis somehow caught my eye.

the base colour is burgundy, with a slight duochrome effect as it gets goldish in the edges. add to that scattered holo and some shimmer, and you get a true gem. application is flawless.

natural light:

Friday 18 September 2015

china glaze atlantis (specialty glitters)

china glaze atlantis je lak iz specialty glitter kolekcije iz 2009te.
china glaze atlantis goes back to 2009 and the specialty glitter collection.

atlantis je prvo bio limitirano izdanje, ali se probio kao lak u osnovnoj kolekciji. u tom međuperiodu, bio mi je tiha patnja. i onda, dobijem sms od marry koja ga je ulovila i za mene na sajmu kozmetike u beogradu! bukvalno sam skakala po kući od uzbuđenja!

pokazujem ga tek sad jer nikad nisam bila zadovoljna slikama. kada su u pitanju lakovi poput ovog, nije lako prikazati ih u svoj njihovoj lepoti.

atlantis je tirkizni žele sa holo šljokicama. prilično je transparentan, pa nije loše imati bazu u boji ispod njega, mada se meni najviše sviđa ovako, sa tri sloja. suši se pomalo grupo, pa je nadlak obavezan.

prirodna svetlost:
starting as a limited edition polish, it made its way into the core collection. in this in between period, it was a huge lemming of mine. then, i got an sms from marry that spotted it at the cosmetics' fair in belgrade and got one for me! i was jumping around the room from excitement.

i am showing it only now, because i was never happy with the photos. when it comes to polishes like this one, it is hard to present them in their true beauty.

atlantis is an turquoise jell base filled with holo glitter. it is quite see trough and it benefits from a coloured base, but i prefer it like this, with three coats. it dries a bit gritty, so a top coat is a must.

natural light:

Thursday 3 September 2015

ysl safran sultan (spicy)

danas pokazujem još jedan lak iz zsl spicy kolekcije, ovaj put safran sultan.
today i am showing another polish from ysl spicy collection, and the choice was safran sultan.

safran sultan je definitivno jedna od onih nijansi koju ili volite ili mrzite. zbog toga mi je bilo čudno da je baš on bio rasprodan kada sam uzela ovu kolekciju na jednom od putovanja. na sreću, kolega je uspeo da mi ulovi jednu bočicu.

nijansa je senfasta i definitivno neobična. meni se baš sviđa, ali mogu da razumem da sam tu u manjini. formula je standardno odlična.

prirodna svetlost:
safran sultan is definitely one of these love or hate shades, so i was shocked that this was the only one that was sold out when i picked this collection up on a trip. luckily, a coworker managed to find me a bottle at an airport.

the shade is mustardy and definitely unusual. i honestly love it, but i can understand if it's not everyone's cup of tea. formula is typically amazing.

natural light: