Tuesday 29 September 2015

dance legend through the glass (wow prism)

ako je ikada postojala kolekcija koja se može nazvati savršenom (za mene), onda je to wow prism od dance legend. posle danger danger i learning to fly, prikazujem i through the glass.
if there ever was a collection that could be called perfect (for me), it's dance legend's wow prism. after danger danger and learning to fly, i am showing through the glass.

isto kao i u slušaju danger danger, u pitanju je dobro pigmentovana jelly baza sa krupnim holo šimerom, koji ostavlja šljokičast utisak iako se lak suši potpuno glatko.

through the glass je plava koja blago ide ka tirkiznoj, sa savršenom formulom. genijalan lak!

prirodna svetlost:

like it the case of danger danger, this is a well pigmented jelly base with chunky holo shimmer that leaves a glittery impression, while being actually really smooth.

through the glass is a turquoise leaning blue, with awesome formula. it is just so awesome!

natural light:


koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).