Tuesday 13 October 2015

dance legend velvet 651

danas pokazujem još jedan lak iz raznovrsne dance legend kolekcije velvet, i ovaj put je to broj 651.
today i am showing another polish from the versatile dance legend velvet collection, and this time it's number 651.

jedina sličnost 651 sa lakom kog sam već pokazala, 648, je mat finiš. nijansa 651 je prelepa mešavina plave i ljubičaste, tzv. periwinkle.

rešila sam da koristim vodenu bazu jer ona uvek bolje sarađuje sa mat lakovima. formula je krečasta, ali ne i nemoguća i nisam imala problema s aplikacijom i suši se prilično brzo.

prirodna svetlost:

the only thing 651 has in common with 648 that i already showed, is the matte finish. the colour on this one is periwinkle, a beautiful interplay of blue and purple.

i decided to use aqua base, since it is supposed to work better with complicated formulas. it is a bit chalky, but i had no serious issues and it dried pretty quickly.

natural light:


koristila sam bazu (nfu oh aqua base) + dva sloja laka  
i used base (nfu oh aqua base) + two layers of polish