Saturday 19 December 2015

dance legend high voltage (new prism)

pošto imam sreću da živim u mestu gde je skoro stalno sunčano, tako da mogu da nosim holo lakove stalno. a neki od najlepših holo lakova, poput high voltage, dolaze iz dance legend new prism kolekcije.
since i'm, at least for now, in a place that is almost always sunny, i can wear holos all the time. and the best ones, such as high voltage, tend to come from dance legend's new prism collection.

high voltage je fantastičan, srednje plavi linearni holo lak. veliki sam ljubitelj holo lakova, bilo da su rasejani, linearni ili samo kao šljokice, ali linearni plavi su mi ipak najdraži (još jedan favorit, china glaze 2nite).

formula je fina, nema potrebe za posebnim bazama. zaista poseban lak.

prirodna svetlost;

high voltage is an awesome, light blue linear holo. i am a big fan of the holo finish, no matter if it's scattered, linear or just as a glitter, but nice, linear blues are so special to me. (another fav, china glaze 2nite).

the formula is nice, it applies without problems over a regular base. it is really, really gorgeous!

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).