Tuesday 1 December 2015

new in: october and november 2015

ova dva meseca su bila skromna.

oktobar je bio mesec bez kupovine, ali sam iskoristila moj put u evropu u novembru da nabavim neke sezonske novitete, chanel rose fusion i dior be dior. takođe sam našla i dva ysl koja nemam u kolekciji, coral divin i rose renaissance.

u decembru me čeka ogromna pošiljka, ali o tome za dva meseca!
these two months have been modest.

october was a no buy month, but i used my trip to europe in november to get some newbies, chanel rose fusion and dior be dior. i also found two ysl polishes i didn't have, coral divin and rose renaissance.

i am waiting for a huge delivery in december, but more about that in two months!