Saturday 30 January 2016

ysl sepia 7e art (fall 2013)

danas pokazujem ysl sepia 7e art, lak iz njihove kolekcije za jesen 2013. ovo je jedna od nijansi koje su savršene za jesen i zimu.
today i'm showing you ysl sepia 7e art polish from their collection for fall 2013, one of those shades i find perfect for autumn and winter.

uvek me oduševi kako ysl pravi ovakve nijanse. sepia 7e art je tamna nijansa koja podseća na crveno vino. uživo nije toliko tamna kao na slikama.

ovo je zaista duboka, vamp nijansa sa odličnom formulo. volim da nosim tamne lakove, ipak su oni bili početak mog lakoholizma.

prirodna svetlost:
i really love how ysl does these sorts of shades. it's a really dark shade that resembles red wine, slightly less dark than as it look in my pictures.

it is deep, vampy with an excellent formula. i love wearing dark polishes, they were the begging of my nailpolish wearing anyway.

natural light:

Wednesday 27 January 2016

dance legend herbalist (tравник) (anna gorelova summer)

тoday i am showing you another dance legend polish made in collaboration with anna gorelova, this time it's herbalist from her summer collection in 2015.

herbalist is a really interesting polish. a bright, grass green with both holographic shimmer and golden flakies.

it is a really good mood inducing polish. formula is great and i'm happy i have it since i find it to be very unique.

natural light:

Saturday 23 January 2016

dior gris trianon (cherie bow)

gris trianon je jedini lak koji nije roze u dior-ovoj cherry bow kolekciji za proleće 2012.

gris trianon is the only non-pink polish in dior's cherie bow collection for spring 2012.

obožavam dior-ove sive lakove i izgleda da ne mogu da im odolim. ovaj je doduše više "greige", odnosno, negde između sive i bež, i zaista izgleda lepo na noktima.

formula je besprekorna i zaista ne mogu da mu nađem manu. lakovi ovog tipa su mi uvek izbor kad hoću da se osećam malo ozbiljnijom ;)

prirodna svetlost:
i love dior's grey polishes and it seems like i can't resist them. this one is more of a greige, a combination of grey and beige, and it looks really pretty on nails.

the formula is flawless and there is nothing to complain about. i love wearing polishes like this when i feel like i want to be a bit more serious.

natural light:

Wednesday 20 January 2016

picture polish escapades (collaboration shade)

vreme je za još jednu picture polish kolaboraciju i izabrala sam escapades kog je osmislila malene sa nail escapades bloga.
it's time for  another picture polish collaboration shade, and i chose escapades created with the idea of malene from nail escapdes blog.

znala sam da ovom laku neću odoleti, jer obožavam petrolej boju na noktima. escapades je veoma tamna petrolej nijansa, ali definitivno ne izgleda crno.

iako je jelly, odlično je pigmentovan uz dodatak holo čestica koje zaista dobro izgledaju uz baznu boju. formula je odlična i sjajno se maže. definitivno preporuka za ovaj lak.

prirodna svetlost:
i knew  that i can't miss this one, because i love having teal on my nails. escapades is a really dark teal, but still far from black.

it is a highly saturated jelly, with amazing holo particles that really fit well with the dark teal. formula is great, it really flows nicely. i highly recommend this polish.

natural light:

Sunday 17 January 2016

illamasqua kink (theatre of the nameless)

ovaj snežni dan je savren za zimzelene boje, pa sam se odlučila da predstavim kink iz illamasqua kolekcije theatre of the nameless iz davne 2011.
this snowy day is perfect for a winter green polish, and i decided on kink from illamasqua's theatre of the nameless collection back in 2011.

kink i taint iz ove kolekcije sam nabavila na jednoj blogoraspodaji, i ne znam da li mi drugačije zapali za oko. svi lakovi u ovoj kolekciji imaju zaniljiv gumenast izgled.

kink je tamna, zimzelena nijansa sa plavim podtonovima. formula je interesantna, ne ostavlja brazde ali se za moj ukus sporo suši (a možda sam samo previše naviknuta na brzosušeće nadlakove).  sviđa mi se kako se suši, izgleda čak i pomalo kao koža.

prirodna svetlost:
i got kink and taint on a blog sale, otherwise, i'm not sure that they would catch my eye. this collection features polishes with an interesting, rubbery finish.

kink's colour is dark, winter green with some blue undertones. the formula is interesting, it's not streaky but the drying time could be better (or maybe i'm just too used to using fast drying top coats). i find this finish to be really interesting, somehow leather looking.

natural light;

Monday 11 January 2016

a england spirit of the moors (to emily bronte)

to emily bronte je najnovija a england kolekcija, i započinjem njeno prestavljanje prelepim lakom spirit of the moors.
to emily bronte is the latest a england collection, and i'm starting with the gorgeous spirit of the moors.

potpuno sam oduševljena ovim lakom. u pitanju je dobro pigmentovana kobaltno placa sa vrlo sitnim holo česticama. uživo je nešto svetliji nego na mojim slikama, poslednja je najrealnija.

uvek sam zamišljala britanski krajolik nazvan "moor" sumornim (pogotovo u orkanskim visovima od emili bronte), a ovaj lak je potpuno suprotan. formula je fantastična, baš kako nas je a england navikao.

prirodna svetlost;
i am simply in love with this polish. it's a well pigmented cobalt blue, with super fine holo particles. it is a bit brighter than in my photos, more like in the last pic.

i always imagined british moors as gloomy (especially in emily bronte's wuthering heights), and i assure you that this polish is everything but. formula is, as a england has accustomed us to, impeccable.

natural light:

Thursday 7 January 2016

opi ink suede (suede)

trenutno sam u mat raspoloženju, i baš volim opi suede kolekciju, pa sam rešila da pokažem ink u suede verziji.
i am currently in a matte mood, and i love opi's suede collection, so i decided to show ink in suede version.

volim ink u obe verzije, iako su potpuno drugačije. ink suede je prelepa patlidžan boja. suede zarvršnica je divna, mat ali puna srebrnog šimera koji mu daje satenski izgled.

formula je dobra i suši se brzo, tako da probajte da budete brzi inače će se videti potezi četkicom.

prirodna svetlost:

i love ink in both versions, but they are quite different. ink suede is beautiful, eggplant type of colour. suede finish is beautiful, matte but filled with silvery shimmer that gives it a sort of a satin look.

the formula is  nice and it dries quickly, so try to be precise, otherwise you will get brushstrokes.

natural light:

Saturday 2 January 2016

dance legend dreams (Греза) (hallowleen 2015 by anna gorelova)

htela sam da završim 2015tu sa posebnim lakom, tako da počinjem i 2016tu sa istom idejom. čast je dobio dance legend dreams (ili Греза) iz ovogodičnje specijalne kolekcije u saradnji sa anna-om gorelova-om, hallOWLeen.
i wanted to end 2015 with a special polish, and i want to start 2016 with the same idea, so here it is, dance legend dreams (or Греза) from this year's special edition collection with anna gorelova called hallOWLeen.

dreams je istovremeno holo i termalni lak, tako da je automatski fantastičan. čekala sam da mi nokti malo porastu, pošto time osiguravate automatski termalni efekat jer vrh nokta hladniji od ostatka jer nije u kontaktu s mesom.

bazna boja se menja iz tamne, prelepe ljubičaste do svetlije nijanse kad je toplo. suši se mat, i nadlak mu ne utiče na efekat, ali sam ja bila oduševljena i ovako i rešila da preskočim nadlak.

ovaj lak me je potpuno oduševio. nosila sam ga na izlet na plažu (u sred zime), i promena boje je prelepo pratila promene temperature. ljudi (uključujući i mene) su mi konstantno uzimali šake da mi gledaju u nokte.

na poslednjoj slici možete videti kolaž promene boje iz hladne u toplu.

prirodna svetlost:
dreams is both holo and thermal, so awesome by default. i waited for my nails to be a bit longer to wear it, since this enhances the thermal effect with the tip of the nail being colder as it's not touching the flesh.

the base color shifts from darker, gorgeous purple in colder weather to bright purple in the warm. it dries matte, and the top coat apparently doesn't interfere with the thermal effect, but i just loved it like this and decided not to put it.

this polish blew me away! i wore it on a day at the beach (it is winter, mind you), and the color shift was beautifully mimicking the weather change. people (including me) were constantly taking my hands to look at my nails.

in the last image, you have a collage of the colour shift from cold to warm.

natural light: