Saturday 2 January 2016

dance legend dreams (Греза) (hallowleen 2015 by anna gorelova)

htela sam da završim 2015tu sa posebnim lakom, tako da počinjem i 2016tu sa istom idejom. čast je dobio dance legend dreams (ili Греза) iz ovogodičnje specijalne kolekcije u saradnji sa anna-om gorelova-om, hallOWLeen.
i wanted to end 2015 with a special polish, and i want to start 2016 with the same idea, so here it is, dance legend dreams (or Греза) from this year's special edition collection with anna gorelova called hallOWLeen.

dreams je istovremeno holo i termalni lak, tako da je automatski fantastičan. čekala sam da mi nokti malo porastu, pošto time osiguravate automatski termalni efekat jer vrh nokta hladniji od ostatka jer nije u kontaktu s mesom.

bazna boja se menja iz tamne, prelepe ljubičaste do svetlije nijanse kad je toplo. suši se mat, i nadlak mu ne utiče na efekat, ali sam ja bila oduševljena i ovako i rešila da preskočim nadlak.

ovaj lak me je potpuno oduševio. nosila sam ga na izlet na plažu (u sred zime), i promena boje je prelepo pratila promene temperature. ljudi (uključujući i mene) su mi konstantno uzimali šake da mi gledaju u nokte.

na poslednjoj slici možete videti kolaž promene boje iz hladne u toplu.

prirodna svetlost:
dreams is both holo and thermal, so awesome by default. i waited for my nails to be a bit longer to wear it, since this enhances the thermal effect with the tip of the nail being colder as it's not touching the flesh.

the base color shifts from darker, gorgeous purple in colder weather to bright purple in the warm. it dries matte, and the top coat apparently doesn't interfere with the thermal effect, but i just loved it like this and decided not to put it.

this polish blew me away! i wore it on a day at the beach (it is winter, mind you), and the color shift was beautifully mimicking the weather change. people (including me) were constantly taking my hands to look at my nails.

in the last image, you have a collage of the colour shift from cold to warm.

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka 
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish