Saturday 13 February 2016

a england whispering waves (heavenly quotes)

prelepi whispeing waves je najnoviji lak u a england heavenly quotes kolekciji.
gorgeous whispering waves is the newest addition to a england heavenly quotes collection.

 whispering waves je neobičan lak u a england porodici. vrlo živahna boja koja zaista odudara od standarnih adininih ideja.

potpuno sam poludela za ovim lakom, a i jasno je zašto. nijansa je svetla, živa tirkizna, sa blagim duohrom efektom i finim holo česticama, onaj a negland stil gde izgleda kao da šimer lebdi na površini nokta.

iako je formula tipično a england savršenstvo, na žalost boji nokte, pa preporučujem dva sloja baze.

prirodna svetlost:
whispering waves is the odd polish in a england family. it is a very vibrant color and it really stands out from adina's usual range.

i am completely in love with it though. and what's not to love! the shade is a bright turquoise, with a slight duochrome effect and a fine holo finish, one of those where it seems like the shimmer is floating on the surface.

while the formula is typically awesome, it is a stainer, so i recommend two layers of base coat.

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).


  1. I'm torn on this shade, but I like it on you!

  2. E vala neka boji al ja ga moram imati. :D Savrsen je! :)

    1. slažem se! ali probaj s duplom bazom, ja ću svakako sledeći put!

  3. Volim taj "plutajući" šimer. Ovakve boje ti odlično stoje.

  4. Ovo je definitivno tvoja boja, zbilja je krasotan :)
