Saturday 20 February 2016

bow polish wind of change (conversion)

ovo je prvi bow polish kog prikazujem, i u pitanju je wind of change iz conversion kolekcije.
this is the first bow polish i am showing, and it's wind of change from the conversion collection.

obožavam dobro odrađene termo lakove. doduše, ovaj nije moj. nosila sam dance legend dreams na pikniku na plaži, i dve devojčice su se zaljubile u moje nokte. istog trenutka sam rešila da naručim i za njih, ali je već bio rasprodat, pa sam se odlučila za ovaj lak. one su bile dobre i dozvolile da ga isprobam :D

što se formule tiče, sličan je sa dreams (mada, bow polish i pripada dance legend brendu). menja se iz svetlo plave, preko tamno ljubičaste do tamno plave. nosila sam ga po vrlo vrućem danu, pa sam imala probleme da ga potpuno prebacim u najtamniju boju. služila sam se trikom potapanja noktiju u hladnu vodu. takođe, boja se menja na mestu gde voda didrne nokat.

kao dodatak, sadrži i holo čestice da ga napravi još zanimljivijm! suši se mat, i pošto uz dreams nisam koristila nadlak, odlučila sam se da to sad uradim. moram da priznam, lepši mi je bez. wind of change je zaista, zaista odličan i sigurno ću nabaviti njihov thermo top coat.

prirodna svetlost:
i love well-made thermal polishes. this one is actually not mine. i wore dance legend dreams on a beach picnic, and had two little girls obsessing about my nails. i decided to get them dreams as a gift, but it was already sold out. i got them this one instead, and they borrowed it to me for a review.

formula wise, it's similar to dreams (well, bow is actually dance legend spin off) . it switches from light blue to dark purple to dark blue. i wore it recently on a really hot day, so i had difficulties to make it switch to the darkest shade, so i used tricks like putting my nails in cold water. it also instantly changes colour when the water touches the nail.

in addition, it has holo particles, to make it more awesome! it dries matte, and, since i didn't use the top coat with dreams, i decided to do it here. i have to say, i prefer it without. it is really, really awesome, and i will surely be getting their thermo top coat.

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).