Monday 1 February 2016

new in: december 2015 & january 2016

izgleda kao da imam šemu kupovine; dva meseca u kojima ne kupim skoro ništa i onda dva meseca u kojima podivljam. da vidimo kako je ovaj period prošao.

u decembru sam imala prvu hypnotic polish narudžbinu, u kojoj je mesto dobila cela a england to emily bronte kolekcija (wuthering heights, spirit of the moors, let me in, heathcliff i cathy). takođe sam uzela neke dance legend lepotane (dreams, i tri laka iz velvet mini kolekcije 6, 7 and 10). takođe, moj prvi  f.u.n. lacquer, green foliage, je izabran.
it looks like i have a pattern emerging here, two months with almost no purchases, followed by two months of overbuying. so, let's reveal how this period went.

in december i had my first hypnotic polish order, where i got  all the polishes from a england to emily bronte collection (wuthering heights, spirit of the moors, let me in, heathcliff and cathy). i also picked up some dance legend beauties (dreams, and three polishes from the velvet mini collection, 6, 7 and 10). also, my first f.u.n. lacquer, green foliage, found its way to me.

posle odličnog prvog hypnotic polish iskustva. rešila sam da se častim novogodišnjim paketićem. u njemu je mesto dobo novi a england, whispering waves, i malo sam poludela sa f.u.n. lacquers, i kupila desires (h), moonlight nocturne, cheers to the holidays, seductive marmalade, glitzy glam i  fashion show.
since my hypnotic polish experience was good, i decided to treat myself with a new year order. i picked up new a england, whispering waves, and got crazy over f.u.n. lacquers, buying desires (h), moonlight nocturne, cheers to the holidays, seductive marmalade, glitzy glam and  fashion show.