Wednesday 30 March 2016

picture polish mallard (collaboration shade)

pomalo mi je smešno da tek sada predstavljam moj prvi picture polish lak, mallard.
it is so funny that  i am only now posting about my first picture polish shade, mallard.

kada sam prvi put primetila picture polish lakove, bilo je to zbog njihovih kolaboracijskih lakova sa poznatim blogerkama, i od svih njih, mallard i pshiit su me najviše oborili s nogu.

mallard je napravljen u saradnji s the polishaholic blogom. ona je napisala da je mallard sve šta je želela u laku, i ja se u potpunosti slažem. ovaj lak je sve: tamno zelena baza sa zlatnim šimerom i narandžastim i zelenim ljuspicama.

ovo je jedan od onih lakova koji uvek izgleda mnogo bolje uživo nego na slikama, što je razlog zbog čega mi je trebalo toliko dugo da ga pokažem. potpuni lepotan!

prirodna svetlost:
when i first took notice of picture polish, it was mostly because of the collaboration shades with bloggers, and out of all of these gorgeousness-es, mallard and pshiiit caught my eyes instantly.

mallard was made in collaboration with the polishaholic. she wrote that this shade has everything she wants in a polish, and i completely agree. it is everything: a deep green base, with gold shimmer and orange and green flakies.

this is one of those polishes that always looks better in real life than in pictures, which is why it took me so long to show it off. it is a true stunner!

natural light:

Monday 21 March 2016

china glaze awaken (romantique)

u još jednom postu u kom vadim lak iz naftalina, predstavljam jedan od moja prva dva china glaze laka, awaken iz romantique kolekcije iz davne 2008me.
in another blast from the past post, i am showing one of two first china glaze polishes i ever bought, awaken from romantique collection back in 2008.

awaken je zaista fantastičan lak, i čak ovako retroaktivno mogu da vidim zašto sam ga izabrala već na samom početku mog lakoholizma.

boja je prelepa gunmetal siva, sam metalik završnicom. formula je savršena, bez imalo brazdi. yaista prelep i moderan.

prirodna svetlost:
awaken is a really stunning polish and even in retrospective, i can see why i picked it at the very beginning of my nailpolish addiction,

the color is just amazing gunmetal grey with a metallic finish. the formula is great, no streaking at all. it is just so pretty and edgy.

natural light:

Saturday 19 March 2016

opi every month is oktoberfest (germany)

zaista ne znam kako je moguće da još nisam napravila post o every month is oktoberfest iz opi-jeve germany kolekcije, ali to konačno menjam.
wow, i have no idea how is it possible i still haven't swatched every month is oktoberfest from opi's germany collection, but here it goes.

every month is oktoberfest (emio) je već legendaran lak i o njemu su napisani postovi i postovi tako da mi je baš teško da pišem o njemu.

lak je zaista pravo sevršestvo. prelepa tamna ljubičasto/crvena baza sa bogatim zlatnim i crvenim šimerom. tako je vamp i lep i stvarno obavezan lak u svačijoj kolekciji, kakve god nijanse da uobičajeno nosite.

priroda svetlost:
every month is oktoberfest (emio) is already a legendary polish and there are so many posts written about it that i am really stuck now.

it is stunningly gorgeous. a dark, purplish/red base with rich red and gold shimmer. it is so rich and vampy and pretty and a definitive must have in any girl's collection, whatever her colour preferences.

natural light:

Tuesday 15 March 2016

a england cathy (to emily bronte)

čini mi se da sam zanemarila a england lakove, tako da sam rešila da to promenim uz cathy iz to emily bronte kolekcije.
it's been a while since i wrote about a england polishes, so i'm going for cathy from to emily bronte collection.

ozbiljno sam zaljubljena u cathy. nijansa je tako lepa, tako jedinstvena. cathy je bleda, neobična siva s lila tonom, uz diskretan holo šimer i iridiscentni plavi šimer kao šlag na tortu. konačni utisak je više nego savršen.

formula je malo gušća nego što bi se očekivalo, ali i dalje fina i kremasta.

prirodna svetlost:

i am seriously in love with cathy. the shade is so pretty, so unique. it is a pale, unusual grey with a hint of lillac, combined with subtle holo effect with some iridescent blue shimmer that makes it stand out even more.

formula is slightly thicker than you would expect, but nice and creamy nevertheless.

natural light:

Sunday 13 March 2016

fun lacquer desires (h) (christmas 2015)

postajem baš opsednuta f. u. n. lacquer lakovima, tako da vam danas pokazujem prelepi desires (h) iz christmas 2015 kolekcije.
i am really getting obessed with f. u. n. lacquer, so i am showing you the gorgeous desires (h) from christmas 2015 collection.

lakovi u ovoj kolekciji dolaze u holo verziji, obeleženoj s (h), i ne-holo. desires je prelepi duohrom, sa srednje zelenom kao dominantnom nijansom koja se preliva u zlatkasto/brontanu braon, štoje bolje vidljivo na slikama u senci.

u holo verziji, dodate su i stine i mikro zlatne šljokice i šimer, i kao krajnji rezultat imamo zaista divan lak. vidim zašto se nalazi u božićnoj kolekciji, ali ga ne vidim ograničenog samo na taj period godine. što se tiče formule, nemam ni na šta da se požalim.

prirodna svetlost:
polishes in this collection come in a holo, marked with (h) and non holo version. desires is really gorgeous duochrome, with medium green being the most dominant shade, that shifts to goldish/bronze brown, as you can see in the images in shade.

in the holo version,  fine and micro holographic gold glitter and shimmer are added to the mix. the end result is a really awesome shade. i see it perfect for christmas period, but not limited to it. formula wise, there is really nothing to complain about it.

natural light:

Sunday 6 March 2016

dior metropolis (cosmopolite)

moj jedini izbor iz dior-ove jesenje kolekcije, cosmopolite, je metropolis.
my only pick from dior's fall collection, cosmopolite, is metropolis.

moj prvi instinkt je bio da preskočim celu kolekciju, ali metropolis je stvarno lak po mom ukusu.

na mojim slikama je blago tamniji nego kako izgleda uživo. nikad nisam verovala da će postojati lak koji je istovremeno i zelen i siv, ali na moju sreću, dior ga je napravio!

formula je besprekorna i lak zaista savršen. možda izgleda kao jednostavna nijansa, ali je tako dubok i lep. definitivno ima moju preporuku.

prirodna svetlost:
my first instinct was to ignore the entire collection, but metropolis was really screaming my name.

my pictures are slightly darker than what it looks like in real life. i never knew that there will ever be a polish that's at the same time green and grey, but, to my joy, dior made it!

the formula is flawless and the polish just so gorgeous.  it might look like a simple shade, but it is so deep and pretty.  it definitely has my recommendation.

natural light:

Thursday 3 March 2016

dance legend nickel (sahara crystal)

vreme je za još jednog dance legend lepotana. nickel je moj jedini izbor iz sahara crystal kolekcije.

it's time for another dance legend beauty. nickel was my choice from the sahara crystal collection.

sahara crystal kolekcija se sastoji iz vrlo šljokičavih teksturaca. od svih njih, nickel mi je izgledao najzanimljivije.

zaista je čudna nijansa, recimo hladna baby plava uz belo zlato/srebrni šljokičavi odsjaj. izgleda kao da je izašao iz crtaća frozen!

iako je zaista teksturac, nije toliko grub kao većina koju sam probala. baš je jedinstven i zanimljiv.

prirodna svetlost:
sahara crystal is a collection of highly sparkly textured polishes. i found nickel to be the most interesting shade.

it really is strange. the shade is kind of a cold baby blue, with white gold/silvery sparkle. it looks like it just jumped out of frozen!

even though it truly is a textured one, it is not as rough as you would expect. it truly is an unique polish and i love it.

natural light: