Wednesday 30 March 2016

picture polish mallard (collaboration shade)

pomalo mi je smešno da tek sada predstavljam moj prvi picture polish lak, mallard.
it is so funny that  i am only now posting about my first picture polish shade, mallard.

kada sam prvi put primetila picture polish lakove, bilo je to zbog njihovih kolaboracijskih lakova sa poznatim blogerkama, i od svih njih, mallard i pshiit su me najviše oborili s nogu.

mallard je napravljen u saradnji s the polishaholic blogom. ona je napisala da je mallard sve šta je želela u laku, i ja se u potpunosti slažem. ovaj lak je sve: tamno zelena baza sa zlatnim šimerom i narandžastim i zelenim ljuspicama.

ovo je jedan od onih lakova koji uvek izgleda mnogo bolje uživo nego na slikama, što je razlog zbog čega mi je trebalo toliko dugo da ga pokažem. potpuni lepotan!

prirodna svetlost:
when i first took notice of picture polish, it was mostly because of the collaboration shades with bloggers, and out of all of these gorgeousness-es, mallard and pshiiit caught my eyes instantly.

mallard was made in collaboration with the polishaholic. she wrote that this shade has everything she wants in a polish, and i completely agree. it is everything: a deep green base, with gold shimmer and orange and green flakies.

this is one of those polishes that always looks better in real life than in pictures, which is why it took me so long to show it off. it is a true stunner!

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).


  1. Mallard is a beauty - even if i doesn't match the mallards striking grfeen.
    I'm going to re-swatch min e soon...

  2. Divan <3 Uopšte ne znam zašto ga još nemam...
